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Ever since Thando and I moved to Durban things have been so hectic.  Settiling in and setting up my nail salon has definitely not been easy  because I decided to add a coffee to it and it looks amazing.  Bandile has been great too.  He is an amazing guy and I really do love him.  I hope he is the one because I’m really tired of kissing frogs now, I hope he is my prince charming.  Khanyi and Qhawe have also been very supportive.  I can safely say life in Durban has been amazing so far.  Today was a very long day at the salon and it was very busy all I want to take a long bath, relax and watch a movie until I fall asleep.
Bandile:  Ncesh
Me:  Yes babe
Bandile:  come, your bath water is ready and after that we are having dinner, then a watch a movie until we fall asleep.
Me:  you read my mind, that is exactly what I was thinking right now.  (I walk up to him, put my arms around his neck and stand on my toes to kiss him and he lowers his face to mine and kisses me.)
Are you going to join me for a bath?
Bandile:  Nope, I’ve showered already, enjoy your bath and relax.  I’ll check on the food in the mean time. (he kisses my forhead and walks out of the room.  I take my bath and soak myself in it.  I can’t stop thinking about Sindiswa, there’s something very familiar about her.  She actually looks like someone I’ve seen before and I just can’t put my finger on it. The picture of her that I saw on facebook reminded me of that.  Khanyi also told me that she hasn’t bothered them now in a while and I hope it stays like that. Khanyi and Qhawe really have a lot on their plates lately.  They don’t need the likes of Sindy to be interfering with their lives. That was a nice long bath, as I walk downstairs, Bandile is walking up.)
ME:  I was just coming to you.
Bandile:  and I was going up to check on you. 
ME:  let’s go to the kitchen.  This habit of Khanyi and the family eating in the kitchen is rubbing off on me.  I actually like it.
BAndile:  I fell in love with it the first time I went to her house.  Lwazi and I ate there a lot and she made us buy groceries.  Apparantly everyone pitches in when it comes to groceries.
Me:  I don’t blame her, you guys eat a lot.
Bandile:  “mxm” let us be.  (I just laugh at him.)  there something I want to say
Me:  what is that?
BAndile:  the first day I saw you; you took my breath away.  I couldn’t stop looking at you and I told myself that I am going to make you mine and I did.  Ncebakazi Nzolo I love you.  You have become my life line, I can’t breathe without, I can’t live without you, I need you to be a part of my life for an eternity.  You are it for me, in you I found what I have been looking for.  (he moves his chair closer to mine and turns me, making me face him and he puts his forehead on mine.) Will you do me the honor of being my wife, be a mother to my kids. (right now , I am speechless, I just have tears streaming down my face and he keeps wiping them. )  I don’t want  anyone else but you Ncesh, please be my wife
Me:  I love you too so, so much and yes I will marry you.


Anelisa and the baby are doing well she is five months pregnant. A lot has changed between us.  We are getting closer with each visit.  The baby kicks every time I’m visiting them.  I don’t know what to make of the closeness.  i know for sure that I care about her and I still want more, I still want us to be more but after everything that I did to her, I don’t think it will ever be possible.  I know I have an option to get her out especially now that she is doing well.  She really is doing well.
Andile:  It seems like you are in deep thoughts
Sizwe:  I was thinking about Anelisa
Eddie:  What about her
ME:  we are getting closer with each visit and I believe that she has moved past Qhawe, she is really focusing on herself and the baby.  I found myself kissing the last time I was visiting her.  after everything that I’ve done to her, I don’t think she would want to be with me and I understand that fully. I know it sounds crazy.
Andile:  it doesn’t sound crazy at all.
Eddie:  it sounds to me like you care about her, you might even love her.
Andile:  Eddie is right, I think you may love her and her love may just be what you need and your love may just be what she needs.
Eddie:  we meet the ones we love in the most unexpected ways and unexpected places look at Khanyi and Qhawe.  Look at me and Elza.  Your story with Anelisa is the same as mine, you know that and look at us now.  we’ve never looked back at what happened.  We spoke about it and understood why it happened and today we love each other like there’s no tomorrow. We find love with the most unlikely person as well.
Andile:  Look at me and Ibanathi, our story may not be hectic as yours but it shows that where there is love any thing is possible and you can see that around the family that we have.  When Khanyi met us, it was just work but as time went on we became the family that we are, the family you recently joined and that is all because of her love.  Zwelibanzi may have been a monster to her but he never destroyed the love she has in her, she didn’t allow him to.
Me:  I here you guys.  I just have to be sure of what I feel for her.
Eddie:  You know exactly what you feel for her, just go and talk to her and clear the air.
Me:  I think you are right.  I should just go talk to her, it won’t hurt talking to her right.
Andile:  You sound like you are scared of talking to her about this.
Me:  the problem is that before everything that happened I wanted her to give me a chance but she was so obsessed about Qhawe she ended up braking up with me.  I think she is over him though, she is over the obsession.  I think she has realised that she can’t have him.
Eddie:  She knows she can’t have him and she knows deep down in her that she loves you and I’m sure she is as afraid as you are.  Just go talk to her and take it from them
Me:  Thank you for listening.  I’ll talk to her.


Khanyi wanted to go to the beach.  It’s funny how she always wants me next to her.  I really don’t know how I am going to manage work and her needs for the next 8 months.  Andile offered to take her to the beach while I was at work and she didn’t want to hear it.  She told him she would wait for  me to come back and here we are on our way to the beach.  I didn’t even change my clothes.

Khanyi:  why didn’t you change your clothes my King, I would have waited.
Me:  I didn’t want to keep  my Queen waiting any longer, she’s been waiting the whole day for this.  (she looks at me and smiles.  Seeing her smile like that warms my heart.  I never thought I would love again, I never thought I would want to get married again but right now when I look at her, I don’t see anyone else in my life, she is all I want.  The mother of my unborn babies.)
Khanyi:  I appreciate that you are here.  I just wanted to spend time with you.
Me:  and I’m glad that I am here. (my phone beeps and it’s a message. {You were promised to another and you will be hers.  Enjoy your little fling while it lasts.}  Ok what the hell is this, what’s going on here, I just froze looking at my phone and I just don’t know what to say to her)
Khanyi:  Babe what’s wrong?
Me:  Honestly I don’t know.  I am confused right now.  (I just take my phone and hand it to her to read the message.
Khanyi:  why can’t we just be left alone.  I’m pregnant for crying out loud, I don’t need this shit.  We should have the guys trace the number.  What do they mean you were promised to another?
Me:  You know what lets deal with this tomorrow, right now I want my Queen to enjoy her walk on the beach.  Race you to the ice cream shop.
Khanyi:  No way, you are going to cheat.  You can carry me on your back.
Me:  I can do that.  (I crouch for her)  come climb on (she does as she is told and gets on my back and I walk towards the ice cream shop and she whisper an “I love you” in my ear.)  I love you too baby. 
The guys need to find who sent me this message.  I can’t have Khanyi going through difficulties with this pregnancy.  I’ll never understand why out happiness is so shortlived.

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