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Me: Lina please check on the babies for me and please bring me one of the baby monitors. 
Lina:  ok ma.  Are the caterers here?
Me:  yes they are.  This is going to be a long day.  Thando, Ncesh, Lwandle and Anelisa should have been here already.  Sindy will be here later on.
Lina:  they are probably on their way mom.  What's this dinner about mama? You seem nervous about it.
Me:  you'll find out soon enough. 
Lina:  you and dad are up to something.  (She smiles and walks away)

I really don't know how this night is going to go but I am hoping for the best.  I need to check on the caterers, I just hope they don't burn down my kitchen.
Lwazi:  the caterers won't burn down your kitchen relax. 
Me:  how did you know I was thinking that?
Lwazi:  you forget that we know you.  There's no need for you to go to the kitchen, everything is fine.  Your man just checked on them.  I came here to ask you for the champagne.
Me:  It's in the cellar.
Lwazi:  Khanyi you have been a great addition in our lives.  I'm glad that Qhawe met you.  Thank you for being you and being so supportive and being there for us.  (He walks over to me and hugs me tight.)
Qhawe:  You have your own woman to hug and leave mine alone. (As he walks into the lounge)
Lwazi:  you seem to forget that she is ours too.  She said it herself.
Qhawe:  khanyi you need to rectify that.
Me:  relax baby you know I am all yours.  No one can ever take your place in my heart. (I walk over to him and kiss him)
Qhawe:  I know my love and I am all yours.
Lwazi:  enough with all the mooshy staff.  We need to start getting ready. 
Sizwe:  Lwazi you came in here to fetch the champagne, where is it.  Please don't tell me you were busy being cosy with Khanyi and you and Qhawe were fighting over her.
Lwazi:  when you say “fighting” you make it sound really bad.  We don't fight we just share pleasantries (he gives Sizwe a naughty smile.  Lwanele walks walks in calling out for me
Lwanele:  uncle Lwazi you are here.  (She runs to him and hugs him)  I need your help with something.
Me:  why were you calling me baby?
Lwanele:  It's ok mom uncle Lwazi can help me.
Lwazi: what do you need Princess?
Qhawe: why him?
Lwanele:  just dad.
Lwazi:  I told you I was the favourite uncle.  (He takes Lwanele’s hand, looks at us, sticks his tounge  at us and they walk towards the stairs. )
Sizwe:  now I have to get the champagne.
Qhawe: that's Lwazi for you.

My girls eventually arrived.  The deco is done dinner is almost ready and now it's time for us to get ready.  The babies have been behaving so far. 

Anelisa: Olu is so well behaved when she is here.
Khanyi:  It's funny because I always say the same thing when the Quins are at your house.  Suprisingly they are well behaved today.  The grandparents have been spoiling them.
Khanyi's mom:  ladies you need to hurry and finish up.  Khanyi your inlaws are here.
Me: ok mama we are almost done.  We'll be down in a minute.

This family is big.  Everyone is busy getting ready.  I haven't seen my wife the whole day.  I last saw her this morning.
Khaya:  I haven't seen my wife since this morning.  Mom just kidnapped her.
Me:  even my wife was kidnapped this morning.
Lonwabo:  you will see them in a few.  It's not like you are never going to see them.
Me:  you don't get it Wabo.  I can't not see her the whole day. Not seeing her is like not eating.
Lonwabo:  why am I not surprised that you compare this to food.
Khaya:  you would swear he was born with food in his hand.
Bandile:  we should ask his mom what happened
Me:  nothing happened I just love food. (Oyama walks in looking dazzling in her long Olive green dress with lace sleeve beautifully decorated with sequence low round  neck.  Lonwabo couldn't take his eyes off her. I just noticed that his outfit matches hers. He gets up and walks over to her and holds her hand.  I don't care what this kid says, he is smitten over this girl. )
Lonwabo:  you look  absolutely look amazing
Oyama:  thank you, you don't look too bad yourself.
Ntando:  he looks dashing. You are allowed to say it.. We all know you like him.
Lonwabo:  Ntando!!!
Me:  just admit it man and make it happen.
Oyama:  your dad is looking for you Lonwabo.
Lonwabo:  thanks.  I'll bbe right there, let me just finish here quickly.
Oyama:  ok.  (Lonwabo pulls her to him, whispers in her ear and kisses her forehead.  These two are so cute.  They should just tell each other how they feel.)) I'll see you later then. (She says as she walks out of the room.)
Me: you should tell each other how you feel and stop this hide and seek you are playing.
Khaya:  let them be man.  They are taking things slow. 
Ntando:  don't  take them too slow someone else might just snatch her. (Lonwabo just looked at us, smiled, gave us the finger and ran off.)
Me:  did he just show us the finger?
Banele:  I believe he did.  (I got up immediately ran after him with the other guys following behind me.)
Lwazi:  what's with the running in the house, behaving like kids.
Me:  but we are kids.
Lwazi:  you are grown man
Me:  relax bhut Lwazi otherwise you’ll find yourself with grey hair and wrinkles.
Lwazi:  I’d still be good looking even then.
Me:  Uyazitshela (you are full of yourself, we all laugh. )
Lwazi:  I can see you are all dressed up. Let’s go and join the others in the tent.
The ladies were already there when the guys walked in.  Everyone was looking amazing in their dresses and suits.  The setting was warm and the deco amazing.  Khanyi kept things simple the way she likes them.  She was also wearing a long maroon dress, no sleeves.  It had a cowl nec.  Tight fitting to the waist,  from the waist down it was flowy.  She looked amazing and she accessorised with nude coloured accessories.  Her man was wearing a nude suit with a maroon shirt and a nude tie.  They all looked amazing.  The family was sitted on the big table having their dinner, soft music  playing in the background.  Everyone was just caught up in their own conversation.  After desert was served, everyone was just relaxed around the table having fun.. Sibahle has been contemplating to get up and make her special announcement before her parents say what this dinner is all about.

Sibahle:  May I have everyone’s attention please (everyone turned and looked at her)  I know that mom and dad planned this dinner to tell us something but I have something I want to share with before they share their news.  I’ve been wanting to tell you all about this but there was never a right time.  I won’t get another chance like tonight when we are all under one roof like this.
Khanyi:  what is it baby?
Sibahle:  Mom, dad, family, I am seeing someone.  I have a boyfriend.  Dad please don’t freak out and please let me finish.  I really like this guy and he makes me happy.  He makes me laugh all the time, when I cry he is there to wipe my tears, he catches me when I fall, surprises me with my favourite flowers every now and then.  He even surprised me with the dress I’m wearing today.. (she pauses)
Qhawe:  You know baby, at some point in your lives I have to accept that you are growing, that I am not the only man that will want to kill for you, including your brothers and your uncles.  I am glad he is good to you and I hope he knows that the day you come home crying because of him, he’ll be a dead man walking.  Sibahle you know what’s right, you know what’s wrong.  Your mom and I we have taught you how a man should treat you and how you should treat a man.  You should never allow him to treat any other way except the way you deserve to be treated and that is to be treated like royalty.
Sibahle:  I know dad and that is why it feels right to tell you all about him.
Bandile Snr:  who is this guy Princess, I want to know his intentions for you  (Sibahle looks at her uncle Bandile and looks at the man sitting next to him and looks at her dad and back to the other guy and he nods for her to go ahead.
Sibahle:  it’s Ayanda.

The room goes quiet, you can even hear a needle drop to the floor, that’s how silent it was.  Ayanda got up and stood next to Sibahle, holding her hand.  She was shaking because she was so nervous.  He brought her closer to his chest and held her until she stopped shaking.

Bandile Snr:  She is the girl you were telling me about?
Ayanda:  Yes dad, she is.
Khanyi:  How long have you been seeing each other?
Sibahle:  a few months
Khanyi:  Do you care about her Ayanda?
Ayanda:  very much so.  She means the world to me.  The love I have for her grows stronger everyday.  Dad you know my intentions for her.  I want to marry her at some point in our lives, I want to spend my life with her. 
Qhawe:  I’m not going to say you cannot date her.  we are going to talk about this later on though.  I’m just glad you told us.
Sibahle:  Dad please be gentle with him.
Qhawe:  I’m not going to do anything to him.
Mcebisi:  You said the same thing to Lina when you found out about us
Lwazi:  he almost ate you alive.  He might just eat this one alive.
Sizwe:  maybe he’ll just torture him a little before he lets him date her
Qhawe:  You guys are making me sound like a father from hell.
Bandile:  I still don’t know what to say.

The new couple sits down as everyone was aking a lot of questions about their relationship.  It was a grilling session until Qhawe decided to stand up and make his announcement.

Qhawe:  Guys let’s leave the kids alone. As long as they are happy, that’s good enough.  Ayanda you know the rules of this house.
Ayanda:  Yes sir I do.
Qhawe:  good.   Now the reason we are all here tonight.  Our parents know why we are all here.  Khanyi please stand. (she stands up and stands next to her man all smile.)  we would like to share some news with you.  A lot has happened in our lives.  We have had good times and bad times and we are all still here together as a family,stronger than ever and growing.  Guys we love you, you know that and we do apologise for doing what we did without talking to you or involving you.
Lwazi:  I hope you have not killed anyone
Sizwe:  Lwazi be quiet.
Qhawe:  thank you Sizwe.  Guys we have come a long a way to be where we are and I pray that we  stay as strong as we are and grow stronger.  Before the Quins were born we decided to get married.
Lonwabo:  what are you saying?
Khanyi:  what your dad is trying to say is that we stand before you tonight as Mr and Mrs Mtimkhulu.  We are married. That’s not all, before you say anything, Qhawe would also like to officially adopt my babies and make them officially his and he would like you guys to have his surname.
Lina:  I’m still stuck on the “we are married” statement.
Ntando:  Holy mother of all gods!!!!

The room just went quiet again.  Everyone is shocked.  No one is saying anything.

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