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The look on her face, the way she whispered my name says it all.  I’m the last person she expected to see on her door step and in a minute she is going to be angry with me.  Today is the day I have to tell  them everything.  Her and Qhawe have been in the dark for far too long.  I walk in and walk up to them and she is still looking at me.  She has many questions.  The last time I saw was when she was in hospital, when I told her a qauter of the truth and now the whole truth has to come out.  Her eyes
are still on me as i walk closer to where they are sitting and she is on her feet.)

Me:  hey guys.  Khanyi, you look beautiful as ever. (I’m hoping my compliment will buy my wait out of this.  I get close to her and pull her into a hug and she hugs me back tight.  We stay like that for a while.)
Qhawe:  Ok, that’s enough hugging (he says pulling us apart. I never figured him to be the jealous type but when it comes to Khanyi I can’t blame, she is attractive in many ways but I never saw her in any other way except as my little sister.)
Me:  You have nothing to worry about man this is my little sitster.
Qhawe:  Still…..
Khanyi:  What are you doing here?  The last time I saw you I was in hospital. (I turn to look at Eddie and gives me a nod in approval.)
Me:  I’m here because of you, Qhawe and the kids
Qhawe:  What are you talking about man?  (he looks around the room and shakes his head not wanting to believe what his mind was telling him) this can’t be what I’m thinking.
Me:  Maybe it is, maybe not.  Can I sit and Qhawe I think it’s time for that bottle of Whiskey.
Lwazi:  now you are talking, I’ll bring the bottle and the glasses.
Bandile:  I’ll make something to nibble on.
Khanyi:  Lwazi and Bandile will go grocery shopping tomorrow.  (they turn to look at her, they want to say something but she gives them that look that says “don’t mess with me” so they decided to keep quiet.)
Qhawe:  What is this all about?  (Khanyi goes and sits on his lap with her legs inbetween his and she is facing my way.  Lwazi comes back with the whiskey and wine for Khanyi)

Me:  Remember the last time we spoke in hospital, I told you about how I was working with the police to bring down Zwelibanzi. Tomorrow, Zwelibanzi is going to be arrested but we know that he is going to make to bail.  His case is going to drag for a very a long time in court.  But soon enough he won’t even be able to afford a lawyer. What I’m about to tell you is going to shock you but before  I tell you, let me tell you about how I know Eddie.
Lwazi:  just to remind you Sizwe that you might just leave this house in a body bag.
Bandile:  He knows that.  Just let the man talk.
Me: khanyi when I tried to save you and almost died,  Eddie is the one that found me when Zweli left me for dead on the side of the road, and nursed me back to health again and we’ve been friend ever since.  Him being in your life was not by chance.  When you left Zwelibanzi, I put him in your path because I knew you would need him, not only because of Zwelibanzi but also because of how you were growing as a person and how you were becoming a feisty businessperson. I knew you would have enemies along the line and I knew Zwelibanzi would eventually find you.  I was not only sending money to you Khanyi, I was watching over you and the kids. I kept my distance to protect to you, if he knew was keeping in touch with you, he would have found you sooner.
Eddie:  I didn’t have to be around your house full time Khanyi.  I could have installed the security system, gave you all the guards you needed and that would have been it but when I met you, I fell in love with your spirit, the way you carry yourself and the way you dealt with me, so I decided to be involved and I knew that would make Sizwe happy.
Khanyi:  so you’ve known each other for a long time? (I just nod.)  Ok.  We get how you guys know each other, what else do we need to know?
Me:  When I told you about mr Tom being sick when you were in hospital, I knew about his plan, he told me about it and asked me to never stop protecting you until Zwelibanzi is dealt with.
Qhawe:  I thought I heard you say that you knew about his plan.
Me:  yes I knew. I tried to talk him out of it but the old man was very stubborn.
Khanyi:  You knew and you didn’t tell me.
Me:  He didn’t want me to tell you.  He wanted to tell you himself.
Khanyi:  You could have warned me, at least I would have been prepared for when he told me. I almost peed my pants when he told me.  Hayi Sizwe, a little warning would have been nice.
Me:  I’m sorry Khanyi.  (She keeps quiet and just looks at me.)
Bandile:  You said there’s a lot, let’s move on to the next part. (I turn and look at him and he nods)
Me:  The next part is about Bandile and Lwazi’s disappearance.
Qhawe:  so you kidnapped my friends?
Me:  Not exactly, they came willingly.  You could say Khanyi has everyone in this room wrapped around her little finger.
Khanyi:  Hayibo, where do I fit in?  I didn’t do anything to anyone.
Lwazi:  That’s what you think and believe.  Anyway please let the man finish his story
Qhawe:  Hey, don’t speak to her like that.
Me:  can you guys stop it.  Zwelibanzi has been losing a lot of money lately and receiving threats to stay away from you Khanyi, hence he hasn’t bothered you that much.  Bandile and Lwazi are behind that with the help of Sandiso the tech guy.
Khanyi:  I don’t understand
Lwazi:  We’ve been stealing money from Zwelibanzi, transferring it to an unknown account.  He’s been trying to trace where the money is going but he can’t find it.  The only person that will have excess to that money is Linamandla but she doesn’t know that and you don’t have to worry even if he finds the money he won’t know who has excess to it.  So the princess is safe. Well to put it correctly, Sandiso has been stealing the money, I have been the guy threatning him and his little family and Bandile was the bad guy that made random visits to the family hence he hasn’t made his move yet, he believes that his wife and twins are in danger.
Qhawe:  and you didn’t tell me. Yhooo, so much for our friendship.
Bandile:  it’s not about our friendship, it’s about keeping you guys safe.
Qhawe:  What do you mean keep us safe?  The people that need to be kept safe here are Khanyi and the kids.
Eddie:  That’s where you are wrong.  I’ve looked at this whole situation and Zwelibanzi will go after what make her weak and that’s not the kids. Qhawe you don’t seem to get that you are what makes her weak, even though she doesn’t want to fully admit it, Khanyi will do anything for you, she’ll give up everything to save you.  Zwelibanzi knows that should he break even a single hair on those kids’ heads, he is a dead man.  With you it’s different.  She’ll give him anything he wants just to keep you alive because you keep her alive.  You are her heart and she is yours.
Me:  it’s true. Even if he hasn’t figured it out yet, but you Qhawe; you will be the target.
Khanyi:  We can’t allow that to happen.
Eddie:  You see what I mean.  She might not admit it to herself, she might not say it but her actions speak very loud. This is not just about protecting Khanyi and the kids, it’s about protecting you too.
(Qhawe and Khanyi looked shocked and the seem not to be able to get this around their heads but I think they know it makes sense.  Just then the kids walk.  Is it afternoon already?)
Them:  Guys
Khanyi:  Hey babies (she stands and walks to them, they hug and kiss her and they come to their dad and hug kiss and kiss him as well.)
Lonwabo:  What’s going on, are you guys having some sort of a meeting.
Khanyi:  Yes we are.
Sibahle:  Well we won’t disturb you then.  We’ll see you later.
Ntando:  Wait, no this can’t be, mom! (he says looking at me and shock written all over his face.)
Khanyi:  it is baby.  Go ahead.
Ntando:  Uncle Sizwe is that you?
Me:  yes it’s me my boy( Lonwabo also turns to look as Lwanele jus to me for a hug)
Lonwabo:  We haven’t seen you in a while
Lwanele:  Where were you hiding yourself? You look different.
Me:  I know I do princess.  Tell you what; why don’t guys go upstairs and I’ll tell you about where I’ve been after this meeting I’m having with these big kids.
Lwanele:  Ok then. We’ll see you later.
Ntando:  It’s good to see you again Uncle Sizwe  (and they walk upstairs.)
Luyanda:  I just got a text from Mr Zulu, he received the documents and filed them.  The payments  have been made and he says there’s something else he wants to discuss with you Khanyi, something he was told to discuss with just you.  He’s coming to Durban tomorrow and he says he has the keys that he was supposed to give to you yesterday.
Khanyi:  I guess we’ll see him tomorrow then.
Qhawe:  This must your week of getting keys. I also have a key for you
Andile:  Qhawe this is not the time to be romantic.  You can do that later.
Qhawe:  jealous much are we?
Andile:  You wish..  (I can’t help but laugh at these guys.)
Me:  Back to more issues that are serious.  Now that we’ve established who Zwelibanzi will be going after, there’s more.  Before I say anything, Qhawe you need to keep calm and don’t kill me.  (he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.)  After Khanyi was shot, you told your dad and your dad was angry.  He contacted the police station and wanted to know who was incharge of the case and he was given Det. Nxele’s number as it turns out they knew each from a previous case.  He wanted to know what was going on and he was given all the info.  I don’t know how he found me, but he did and at that time I didn’t even know who he was.  When I wanted to know who he was, he said I would have to bring a bottle of the most expensive whisky.  I still have to do that.  Your father knew Mr Tom. (I see shock on his face.)  they were not friends or anything.  They were just business associates.  When your father found out about Khanyi being  shot he wanted to know everything, he wanted to  know why and who shot Khanyi.  What I’m trying to tell you is that we’ve been working with your father.  He’s the one that’s helping track Zwelibanzi’s drugs.  (I look at Khanyi and I look at Qhawe)
Khanyi: Don’t look at me, I’m still trying to wrap my around the fact that you know Qhawe’s father and you’ve been working with him.
Qhawe:  Why are you looking at me, I feel the same way he does.   Still don’t understand why I was not told any of this.
Me:  If we had told you, you have told your little miss here and she would have panicked and made all the wrong moves.  Qhawe’s father is behind Zwellibanzi’s arrest.

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