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Sipho: Are you aware of Anthony’s drug related scandal?
Me:  I am aware of a scandal was not sure what it was about. Could it be that he is using his daughter to get into Qhawe's company?
Sipho:  It's possible because he is losing a lot of business so he might be looking to merge.
Me: Sipho tell me something, do we have stupid written on our foreheads?
Sipho:  why do you ask?
Me:  it seems like this man thinks we are stupid.  Why would we want to associate ourselves with him with such a scandal hanging over his head.  Honestly I don't understand.
Sipho:  you know you should speak to your sons.  They might have all the info you need. They've been busy.  I had my suspicions about their movements a few days ago sot I started keeping track.  They spoke to Andrea yesterday.  They also took her to the hospital and I think that was to find out if she really is pregnant.   I didn't want to spook them so I let them be.  Oh and your son in law is also involved.
Qhawe:  so what you are saying is that my boys are protecting each other.
Sipho:  that's what I'm saying.  This is not the first time. 
Qhawe: what do you mean this is not the first time?
Sipho:  they dealt with Khaya's ex using your basement Khanyi.  Khaya and Mcebisi are really becoming like you Khanyi and you Qhawe.  The gaurds at the house told me but they were told not to say anything.
Me:  you don't say
Sipho:  Just as I am telling you.  They will probably come to you and tell you what they have.
Qhawe:  I'm speechless.
Sipho:  Khaya is Khanyi and Mcebisi is you always by his side.
Me:  if that is the case it's possible that Anthony doesn't know that his daughter might have spilled the beans, that's if she did.
Sipho: it's possible.
Qhawe: I'm still speechless.  I never expected Mcebisi and Khaya to be so close.
Sipho:  it's probably because they are the first real friends they've had to each and they are growing to be brothers.
Mei:  just like you guys.
Qhawe:  Let's wait for them to come to us.  Khanyi gave Anthony 24 hours to come clean.  The 24 hours is not over yet. I still can't believe you went to see him witbout telling me.
Me: I needed to get a feel if what he is all about.  I'm sorry( I say blowing him a kiss)
Qhawe:  I hear but you still have to pay for not telling.
Khanyi:  But I was doing it for our son (I pout)
Qhawe:  I know my Queen but you know what happens when you do things without telling me.
Me: I guess I'll have to prepare myself then.
Sipho:  I'm still in the room you know.  (Shit I forgot Sipho was here.)  I could leave and give you space to clirt with each other freely.
Lwazi:  They are busy getting it on in a form of a dialog while you are still here. (He says as he walks in.)
Sipho:  you have no idea.   They were ready to take each other's clothes off.
Lwazi: welcome to our world my brother. These two are the worst of us.  They are worse than the newly weds.  Even their own kids have to call them into order.
Qhawe:  you are exaggerating Lwazi.
Lwazi:  let's ask the kids and see whonis exaggerating.
Sipho:  I have some info for you Lwazi.  It's a good thing you are hear. But you are not going to like what I haveto say.
Lwazi:  just tell me man. Bad news is thee thing in this family.
Sioho:  I've been keeping tabs on your father.   He is still around.  He has a friend here that he is staying with that has been helping him get his life together.   He still wants to talk to talk you.
Lwazi:  doesn't he get that I don't want to talk to him.  (Lwazi doesn't scare easily but anyone who could walk into this room right now would be able to tell that Lwazi fears this man.) You know what on second thought, he can just come, Luyanda can put a bullet between his eyes for me.
Qhawe:  hey calm down, don't want you giving yourself another heart attack.   You don't have to be scared of him anymore.  He won't do anything to you.
Lwazi: I can't help it Qhawe.
Me: hey (I take his hand and he is shaking like a leaf) you are shaking. ) Lwazi calm down please.  Qhawe call Thando, she's upstairs with the babies. 
Lwazi:  Mama Bear I can't  deal with him, I just can't .
Me:  you don't have to ever again.
Thando:  what's going on?
Me:  Calm him down please.
Sipho: I had some info about his father.
Thando:  baby look at me.  He is not here, he is never getting close to you, you don't have to speak to him nor see him.  (She says all this holding him close to her  chest. ) You have family that loves you, a family that will protect you no matter what.  You have me, I love you so so much, I can't even explain the love I have fo you.  You don't haveto be afraid my love.  You have people that love you.
Qhawe:  I really hate seeing him this scared.
Khanyi:  this can't continue.  Lwazi is seeing a therapist but the mere mention of his father throws him off.  Someone tell me why a man like that gets to be alive.
Qhawe:  Khanyi calm down, it bad enough that we have Lwazi who is unsettled, we don't need you to be unsettled too.
Me:  Don't teĺl me to calm down Qhawe, this can't continue. (I say slightly raising my voice and I realise I am in trouble.)
Qhawe: my Queen I know you are upset but you don't get to speak to me in that tone of voice, do we understand each other? (I quickly nod my head)  I can't hear you.
Me:  I understand and I am sorry.
Qhawe:  apology accepted but you will still be punished.  (Shit)
Lwazi: let her be Qhawe.
Thando: leave it alone babe.  (She looks at me and laughs)
Me:  are you feeling better Lwazi
Lwazi:  I'll be ok.
Me:  why are you with him?
Oyama: he wasn't like this when I met him. He was sweet and sensitive very loving.  After 6 months of our relationship he changed when I cought him cheating. Always complaining about how I don't want to sleep with him and accusing me of sleeping with other guys but I don’t want to sleep with him.
Me: why don't you want you want to sleep with him, people have different reasons I'm curious about yours.
Oyama:  I've never slept with a guy before.  My parents always tell us that we should only sleep with a man when we are married.  Dad always tells us that the right will man will be willing to wait and that abstinence is the best protection against unwanted pregnancy and STD'S.  Both my sister and I are virgins.
Me:  you've never been tempted?
Oyama:  I've never really met a guy that would make me feel that way until…… never mind. 
Me: Why do you have make up on today, does he beat you? (She looks away from me avoiding my question and I won't force her to talk.)
Oyama:  do you have a girlfriend?  (I guess she is really avoiding my question)
Me: no I don't.   I've never had one.
Oyama:  that means you are virgin.  How old are you?
Me:  yes I am and I'm not rush cor sex. I have car more important things to worry myself with. I'm 18
Oyama:  most guys your age are e sexually active and have babies.
Me:  so as most girls your age. It's a choice and I choose to wait.  Dad always tells us that there is no rush.  Having sex at a young age doesn't make you man, which is what most guys believe.  They believe having sex with different girls a young age makes them a man.
Oyama:  what does he say makes you man?
Me:  being responsible for your actions, being there for your family to protect them and to love them and a whole lot of other things.   Mom always says that our actions will define the kind of man we be one.
Lunga:  How many times must I tell you to stay away from ber rugby boy?
Me:  how many times must I tell you to she is my friend, get used to seeing me around her.
Lunga:  Heee I'm being tested here.
Me:  keep your pants on lover boy, I'm not sleeping with her.   Oyama ill see you tomorrow.  Oh and Lunga you better start being nice to her, otherwise I'll be paying you a visit soon just to give a taste of your own medicine.
Lunga:what do you mean by that?
Me: figure it out. (I get up and kiss Oyama's cheek.)  Be careful Oyama and take care of yourself.

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