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Me:  you did good yesterday babe.
Ncesh:  she scares me Bandile and I am sure she could see that.
Me:  it’s good baby, she needs to see it.  it will motivate her.  i think Eddie was right, we should come up with another plan because if we continue with our original plan of kidnapping her we are giving away our position.  Her father is involved now, we need to act smart.
Ncesh:  this is going to be difficult Bandile, I really hope we can get through this.
Me:  we will.  I believe we will.  We just need one single door to open for us.  I also think Sizwe was right.  Micheal is doing all this because he wants us to blame Khanyi for the hurt and pain he plans on bringing to us.
Ncesh:  he really doesn’t know us at all.  He was too focused on ruining his daughters and he missed seeing that the only person who was there for us at that time was Khanyi, if he really thinks I can hate her after all she has done for me, then he really has another coming. (there a knock at the door)
Are you expecting anyone?
Me:  No I’m not and we are all meeting at Khanyi and Qhawe’s house today. (she goes to open and calls out for me.)
Ncesh:  Bandile it’s for you
Me:  Who is it?  (Oh God what is she doing here and I’m sure she can see the shock in my face.  I haven’t seen her in a while.) Amanda what are you doing here?
Amanda:  Is that any way to greet the mother of your kids (she walks to me and hugs me)
Me:  I asked you a question woman
Amanda:  oh chill Bandile.  Where are my kids, they are not answering my calls, I would like to see them.
Me:  couldn’t you have called me first before showing up at my house unannounced?
Amanda:  and ruin the surprise (she says walking to the lounge and she sits)
Ncesh:  wow, she is bold (she whispers that in my ear and laughs. )
Amanda:  and this must be one of your flings.  (Ncesh smiles and looks at me)
Ncesh:  I’ll let you deal with her (she kisses my lips)  I’ll get the kids for you.
Amanda:  you introduced her to my kids.
Bandile:  You seem to forget that your kids are grown men, they are not babies.  Why do you treat them like this?  They never want to visit you because of this.
Amanda:  No Bandile, they don’t want to visit me because you poisoned them against me.
Me:  how did I manage to do that. you know for a lawyer you are not very smart. And for your information Ncesh is not a fling.  (just then my sons walk in)
Ayanda:  she is his wife and that makes her our step mother.  Please show a little respect ma.
Asive:  Mama how are?  What are you doing here?
Amanda:  I came to see you.  I haven’t seen you in a while, I miss you and you don’t answer my calls.
Ayanda:  I don’t understand you ma yazi.  We wanted to come and see you but you were too busy to see us and now all of sudden you miss us.  What changed?  Is it because you don’t like the fact that we are spending more time with dad and his new Mrs?
Asive:  mama we love you, you know that, we respect you but sometimes you can be too much.
Me:  Ok guys that’s enough.
Ayanda:  but dad everytime we visit you, she always want to ruin it.  we can never enjoy our time with you without her showing up for nothing.
Me:  Ayanda I said that’s enough.  She is still your mother and you cannot talk like that.  I’ll handle it ok.
Ayanda:  Ok.  Sorry for being out of line mom.
Asive:  do I have to apologise?
Amanda:  you must really like her for you to stand up for her like that.
Me:  You guys can go. (they walk away.) Amanda I want you to listen to me and listen good because I won’t be repeating myself.  If you ever step foot in my house unannounced again, I’ll kill you where you stand.  If you ever disrespect my wife like again, I’ll chop up and feed you to my dogs. Stop treating my sons like kids. They are grown men treat them as such.  If they want to spend more time with me stop fighting them.  Let them be.  You don’t see me fighting you when they are with you, why are you fighting me, why can’t you let me enjoy my time with them. (she wants to say something but I don’t let her )  Please leave.  Next time you want to come here make an appointment.  You know, infact I should just beef up the security around this house. I said leave Ayanda and Asive will come to you when they want to.  Leave.
Amanda:  Bandile please, look I’m sorry ok.  It will never happen again. (she walks up to me and tries to kiss me but I push her away.)
Me:  Qhawe is the farm house ready?
Qhawe:  yes it is.  They finished last week.  Is the security system completely installed.?
Me:  it is I just need to activate it.  we need to go to the farm.  No one knows about it and it will be safe  but we need to also have some activity here so that it’s not noticeable that we are not here.  Sizwe and Anelisa’s house already looks like there is no one living there.  Sizwe always uses the back entrance. Lwazi is never at his house, he is always at Thando’s apartment, so that will be easy as well besides the other guys are not being watched.  Your house and Bandile’s house are the main attraction.
Qhawe:  I knew you would want us to move to the farm.  i have moved some of our things there already so when ever you are ready for use to move, you can just say the word.
Eddie:  in all the years that I have been doing this job, this is the fourth time I have been so scared that I would fail.
Qhawe:  you are good at this and you’ve been with her for years, you know what to do.
Me:  that’s the thing Qhawe, if it was just her and the kids it would easy because I always had a backup plan for them and now I have to tweek the plan for more people and I don’t know if it’s going to work.
Qhawe:  whatever the plan is, it will work, we will all work with you to make sure it works.  We will do everything you tell us to do.
Me:  thanks for that.  I really appreciate it.
Qhawe:  we are family remember and family stands together no matter what.  You know whats amazing, is that ever since Khanyi was given that bracelet by Nkosikhona’s aunt, she hasn’t had panic attacks, in fact she has been so relaxed through out.
Me:  you are actually right.  Wait a minute.
Qhawe:  what is it?
Me:  Nkosikhona
Qhawe:  what about him?
Me:  Nkosikhona didn’t tell us everything he knew.   Remember when Malusi was mumbling that it  was not possible that Nkosikhona was the man he was looking for.  Nkosikhona knows more than he is letting on.  I’m sure he didn’t kidnap the kids for just the ceremony.  Yes he was going to do the ceremony but they were going to use them to force Khanyi to sell her shares and Sima also knows that Khanyi would do anything for her kids but Nokhaya ruined everything for them.
Qhawe:  I don’t understand how a man can use his children like that, hurt them like that.
Me:  Not all men are like you Qhawe.  We need to find a way to get Malusi to tell us what he knows.
Qhawe:  use Khanyi, he seems to have a soft spot for her
Me:  You do know she will kill you for selling her out like that.
Qhawe:  she doesn’t have to know that I did that.
Me:  I won’t say anything, on one condition though
Qhawe:  and what condition is that?
Me:  there’s a guy looking for a job, take him as intern for a year  and he’ll find himself something permanent or start his own firm after the year of his intership but I just want him to learn how the architecture business works
Qhawe:  consider it done.  (we shake hands and my business phone rings)

Me:  Hello
Him:  You are really good at what you do, I just wonder how long you can protect them from me, especially her.
Me:  for as long I possibly can
Him:  she is really lucky to have you but you need to let me see her, I need to talk to her.  she has something I want.
Me:  why don’t you talk to me about that and I’ll pass on the message.
Him:  You can’t protect her forever, one way or the other I will get to her
Me:  we’ll see about that.
Him:  We definitely will Eddie.  She chose well too.  How did she find you, you are a difficult man to find.
ME:  she found me the same way you did.  If there’s nothing else, I am rather busy.  (I hang up.)

Qhawe:  who was that?
Me:  Micheal.  We need to move soon and come up with a plan soon.  He is getting to close for comfort.
Qhawe:  Everyone is coming here.  We can discuss all this when they get here.  Oh and don’t expect me to talk to Khanyi about talking to Malusi.  You can do that yourself.
Me:  You are such a coward.
Qhawe:  I’m not a coward, I just value my life, I love my life and I am definitely not ready to die. You are on your own.

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