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The house phone rings, who could it be so early in the morning,
Me:  Someone had better be dying
Her:  is that how you answer your phone Banzi (shit it’s my mother, she never calls this early.)
Me:  Sorry mama
Mom:  your dad is in hospital and it’s not looking good, you get over here now. 
Me:  I’ll be there in an hour mom.
Mom:  good see you when you get here. (she hangs up.)
{mom must really be stressed and this must be really difficult for her.  She asked  me to stay for another week after Khanyi left, I could see she needed me to be here, and the past week has been very difficult for all of us.  I get out of bed, shower, get dressed and before I leave I wake Sima up.)
Sima:  it’s still early Zweli
Me:  you sleep too much for someone who has toddlers.
Sima:  that’s why we have the help.
Me:  Maybe I should fire them, then you can start taking care of me and the twins.  (that makes her jump up and looks at me like I’ve said the most terrible thing) I’m on my way to the hospital, dad is getting worse.
Sima:  wait for me, I’ll come with you.
Me:  it’s fine you don’t have to you can come later besides I can’t wait for you for two hours while you’re getting ready.  I have to go. I’ll see you later.  (I say and walk out.  When I get to the hospital mom is sitting on the small couch in dad’s room looking much drained.  She looks like she’s been crying.) Mom are you ok?
Mom:  I’m ok, just tired.  (the doctor walks up to us)
Doctor:  Mrs Tom, he wants to see you and your son
Mom:  Ok, thanks doctor. Let’s go Banzi.
Me:  I’ll be right the mama. (she walks away and I just give the doctor the look.)
Doctor:  He might not make it through to tonight.  It’s best you say your goodbyes.
Me:  Thank you doctor.  (I walk to my dad’s room and when I get there, he was talking to my mom and I decide not interrupt them, I just stand by the door.  He is having difficulty speaking.)
Dad:  I love you my darling, but you have to let me go, I need to rest from all this pain.  It hurts too much my dear and I can’t handle it anymore.  I’m not leaving you, I’ll forever live in your heart.  Dry your eyes and give me that beautiful smile.  (mom does as instructed) that’s my girl.  You have always been beautiful even with age.  (she laughs at that.)
Mom:  And you’ve always been a charmer.  I love you too. I am going to miss you so much.  I wish our grandkids were here to say goodbye.
Dad:  We are going to video call them but before we do, I need you to do something for me.  I need you to tell Khanyi that I’m sorry I put her in this position (I wonder what position is that) tell her that she will always be my daughter, the daughter I never had, promise me that you will reassure her of our love for her even after everything that happened with our son. Apologise to her for us for not
Telling her the truth sooner.  We should have known better.
Mom:  yes we should have known better.  I promise I’ll talk to her.
Dad:  Thank you my love.  Zweli how long are you going to stand there listening to a private conversation.  (how did he know I was standing there, I was quiet.) I knew you were there the minute you walked in.
Me:  Dad how are you feeling?
Dad: I need you take care of your mother when I’m gone. 
Me:  I will dad, I promise.
Dad:  video call my grandkids for me please.  (my takes out her tablet from her bag and makes the call.)


Today I’m working at QM Architecture.  I’m working on the advertising campaign that we were supposed to start before I got shot two months ago.  Working so close to Qhawe today is really not a good thing.  He is wearing my favourite suit and I have been horny for him since we left the house and today he decides to drive the Aston Martin Vantage and he knows what that car does to me, I swear he is doing all this on purpose, but then again I can’t get enough of him. My tablet rings and I only use that for video calls, who would video call me during office hours.  When I look at the caller id, it’s Zwelibanzi’s mom.
Me:  Hello ma
Her:  hello Khanyi, how are you?
Me:  I’m ok mama, how are you?
Her:  I’m hanging in there.  I just wanted to know if it was possible to speak to the kids, their grandfather wants to speak to them.
Me:  is he ok mama?
Her:  it’s not looking Sisipho. (she’ll probably never stop calling me Sisipho even though I’m no longer married to her son.)
Me:  Mama it’s Monday today and the kids are at school.  I can video call when I fetch them from school, will that be ok?
Mr Tom:  That will be fine my child.  (mama has turned the phone to face him so that I can see him. Zwelibanzi is also there)
Me:  how are you feeling old man
Mr Tom:  Who are you calling old? I still have enough energy to outrun you.  (he tries to laugh but he is in pain.)
Me:  I’ll let you win, just like all these other times you thought you won.  (I give him a warm smile.)
Mr Tom:  I missed you so much.  You have always been able to make my heart smile.  You are the daughter I never had, I will always love you don’t ever forget that.
Me:  and I love you tata.  Let me get back to work and I’ll call when I’m with the kids.
Mr Tom:  Ok sisi.  We’ll talk later then.  (I hang up.  Now I’m not in the mood for work, the man is dying and I’m sure he wants to say goodbye to his grand kids.  I tell John to continue working on the ads with the team and I pack up my things and go to Qhawe’s office and lucky for me he is alone and the door is open, he is concentrating on whatever it is that he is doing and I’m just leaning against the door post and watching him and I steal a few pictures)
Qhawe:  Staring is rude and you might want to take a picture, it lasts longer plus you really shouldn’t drool over me, I am all yours.
Me:  how did you know it was me and the picture has been taken in fact pictures have been taken.
Qhawe:  Your perfume gave you away.  (he walks over to me looking me straight in the eyes, when he gets to me he holds my waist and pulls me to him and with his other hand he takes my bags and puts them on the floor and closes the door.  He lifts and puts me against the door.  Thank god I’m wearing pants. He looks at me straight into my eyes and right now he knows something is wrong.  He kisses me so passionately and moves to my neck and then back to my lips and we stop since it was getting out of control) What’s wrong my Queen?
Me:  How do you know when something is wrong because you always know.
Qhawe:  Your eyes are the windows to how you feel your eyes and your actions always speak louder.
Me:  Mr Tom is dying (he looks like I’ve gone mad.)
Qhawe:  Since when do you call that dooshbag  Mr Tom? (I couldn’t help myself I just had to laugh.)
Me:  Oh Que! Not him, I meant his father. (I just continue laughing)
Qhawe:  oh ok.
Me:  he wants to talk to the kids after school via a video call.  I think he is saying his goodbyes. My kids are going to be so hurt Qhawe, they lost four years with him because of me.
Qhawe:  Hey don’t do that to yourself, don’t blame yourself, you made a choice that was right for you and the kids.  Do you know what’s great?  Their grandparents understand they don’t blame you, so please don’t blame yourself and the kids understand too.  Come on let’s go home, I’m sure the kids are home by now. (he kisses me and holds me tight to his chest before he puts me down. We gather our things and leave.  When we get to the reception area, Qhawe tells the receptionist to cancel his appointments and reschedule them for tomorrow.  I need to sort this girl out.  Every time I come here, she has an attitude towards me. We leave, the ride is silent mostly because I am absolutely not looking forward to this video call. When we get home the kids are home and they are all in the kitchen including Qhawe’s kids.  I tell the kids their grandfather wants to speak with them.  I make the call and mama answers. )
Me:  we are home mama, where is tata
Mrs Tom:  he is right here. (she give him the phone )
Mr Tom:  My grandchildren how are you
Ntando:  Hello grandpa
Lwanele:  How are you feeling today?
Mr Tom:  I’m ok my Princess.  Are you guys going  to introduce me to your friends?
Lonwabo:  they are not our friends.  They are our siblings, they Bhut’ Qhawe’s kids.
Mr Tom:  Oh I see.  It’s good that you guys get along because you will need each.  I need you to listen to me.  I want you to promise me that you will never forget that I love you and your mother is going to need you now more than ever. I am not going to be around for much longer now, the pain it too much.  I also want you to promise me that you will not blame your mother for the four years we missed.  She did exactly what I would have done to protect you had I known what was going on, I would have sacrificed not seeing you just to make sure that you are safe and happy. (he pauses and takes a deep breath and the little Princess is a crying mess.  Qhawe’s  girls decided to leave the kitchen and Khaya just walked in.)
Khaya: What’s going on?
Me: shhhh
Mr Tom:  is that Khaya? Can he join us, where is Princess Lina? (Khaya joins in on the video call and Lwanele moves to Qhawe, who tries to get her to stop crying.  Ntando is also almost in tears.  This hurts I don’t like seeing my kids like this.)
Me:  Lina is at school in Cape town.
Mr Tom:  I see.  Khaya, you’re a man now.  you’ve grown so much.
Khaya:  Grandpa Tom, you look good as always (he is just trying to lighten things up)
Mr Tom:  take care of them Khaya.  Know that I love you, had I known what was going I would have done anything for you.  I am so sorry for everything that you guys had to go through.  Khanyi where is this man in your life, the man my grandkids call dad?
Me:  He is right here tata.
Mr Tom:  I want to see him ( Qhawe moves closer to us and sits where he can be seen.)  I know my babies love you, they have welcomed you in their lives.  Don’t hurt them like their father did.  I need you to protect them with your life.  In as much as Khanyi is no longer married to my son but that doesn’t change the fact that she will always be my daughter, she will always be my princess. Love them and protect them.  Don’t ever let Zwelibanzi hurt them again.  Protect my babies do you hear me son?  (he coughs a bit and takes another deep breath.)
Qhawe:  I hear you Mr Tom and I promise I will protect them no matter.
Mr Tom:  Kids your grandpa loves you, Khaya tell Lina I love her and she must stay the beautiful princess that she is and she must stay from boys. Lwanele don’t cry so much my princess, Grandpa is not going to be pain anymore.  It’s not going to for hurt much longer now.  (my kids just cried, even Khaya was also crying, I can’t cry, I have to be strong for them)  You should cry Khanyi, don’t hold back your tear, he is strong enough for all of you(he says pointing to Qhawe.) You don’t always have to be strong my children, it’s ok to cry from time to time. (he coughs again and takes another deep breath)
Lonwabo:  we would never blame mom for keeping us away, we understand why she did.  I am sorry that none of us never told you what was going on.  We know you love us and you would have protected us.  We love you and …………. (he doesn’t finish, tears just fall and he walks to Qhawe who just open his arms for him, mind you he still has the princess in his arms too.)
Ntando:  (he also has tear falling)  thank you for loving us grandpa.  We are going to miss you even more now that we know we will never see you again. (he also goes to Qhawe and leans on his shoulder.  Hayibo what did Qhawe feed my kids)
Khaya:  Rest easy old man and thank you for the love.  I’ll always appreciate how you never treated us like outsiders. (he stands walks out of the kitchen also crying.)
Lwanele:  Bye Grandpa, I love you always.  (she moves close to the screen and kisses her grandpa on the screen  And walks back to Qhawe.)
Mr Tom:  I have to go now.  I love you all.  Qhawe take care of my babies please. Khanyi remember what I said to you.  Don’t let him win, no matter what.  I built that legacy for you and all my grandkids.  I love you always.
Me:  I love you too tata.

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