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After the reception my husband had to leave for Inanda with with his family and we would follow in the morning.  We  arrived early this morning.  We wanted everything to be done early so that the people not  sleeping over don’t  have to travel late at night.  Everything went well, I was introduced to the ancestors and to the family.  Everything that needed to be done has been.  I am now officially his wife.  Mrs Linamandla Mkhize.  I just love the sound of it.  After everything my mother in law took me to the kitchen where the other ladies were.
Mrs Mkhize:  Lina these are the ladies that you need to keep close to you in this family.  That is Lindokuhle and Gugulethu, they are Mcebisi’s cousins and next to them is Jabulile their mother and that over there is the lady I call my friend, she is more my sister than a friend, Hlengiwe.
Lindo:  Hi Lina.  I never thought Mcebisi would get married, let alone marry such a beautiful woman.  (she is making me blush.)
Me:  thank you Lindo.  It is very nice to meet all of you.
Jabu:  you seem nervous, don’t be my dear.  Feel  free darling and relax, we are not the horrible in laws. You should have a sip of my wine just to calm your nerves.  (yes I drink wine but I can’t drink with my in laws.)
Me:  don’t worry ma, I’ll be fine.
Mrs Mkhize:  hayi Jabu just let my daughter be, you are making her shy.
Jabu:  Busisiwe she needs to relax, she is so nervous.  Anyway let’s finish packing up this meat for your in laws Busi.  I’m sure they’ll want to leave soon.
Busi:  yes they will.  I must say today turned out to be a beautiful day.
Lindo:  it definitely was and still is.  Ma Busi is your nosey neighbour here?  I haven’t seen her.
Busi:  she is here.  She was here after the in laws arrived this morning, saying that she wants to be the first one to meet them, I told her she will have to wait just like everyone else.
Gugu:  I hope she has given up on the idea of Mcebisi marrying her daughter.
Busi:  I wish.  she was saying that Mcebisi should take Sne as his second wife and I told her straight out that my son is not going to that and I don’t want her daughter as my daughter.  This woman is acting like I owe her something.
Me:  what’s the deal with Sne.  She is acting like a bitter ex.
Gugu:  it would be better if she was a bitter ex but she is not, she is nothing but a neighbour and what they are doing is very annoying.
Lindo:  don’t worry about it Lina, I know my cousin and I am sure he has told her where to get off.  He won’t let that woman bother you.  The way he looks at you, he will do anything to protect you.
(I just smile and blush at her.  When we are done with the meat we take it to my parents and my grand parents, they are getting ready to leave.  They are leaving me behind.  I am spending what’s left of my school holiday here.  Since Mcebisi’s parents live alone my sisters are also staying behind to keep me company.)
Khanyi:  Look at you, you look beautiful my baby.  Being a wife suits you.
Me:  thank you ma.  I’m going to miss you guys so much.
Khanyi:  you better get used to it my baby.  When you go back, you’ll be staying with your husband.
Me:  I know but at least we will be close.
Busi:  She is going to be in good hands and she is going to love it here. Her husband is also staying so she will be ok.
Lwanele:  We’ll also be here, so you won’t be lonely.
Sibahle:  she definitely won’t be.
Dad:  you can still come with us.
Khanyi:  Qhawe!!!!
Dad:  What?!!
Me: I’ll be ok dad.  Promise me you will call me everyday.
Dad:  Come here (he opens his arms for me and hugs me tight and I just couldn’t control my tears.  I am really going to miss him)  Don’t cry baby.  If I didn’t trust him to be good to you, I wouldn’t have allowed you to marry him.  I promise I’ll call you everyday, twice a day.
Me:  Ok.  I love you so much.
Dad:  I love you too my Princess.  You are his Queen now but you will always be my Princess.
Me:  I know daddy.  ( we all say our goodbyes and they all leave.)
Mcebisi:  (he walks over to me and holds my hand.)  You are going to be ok.  Can you make me something to eat, I am hungry.  You don’t have to bring the food out here, I’ll come to the kitchen.  I just need to talk to dad about something.
Me:  Ok Singela.  (I leave everyone outside and go prepare food for my husband)
“You really think he is going stick around?”  that’s Sne as she walks into the kitchen holding a bunch of clean plates.
Me:  Why do you ask?
Sne:  You are not woman enough for him
Me:  Oh! And you are?
Sne:  yes I am.
I still can’t believe she is now officially my wife.  I have waited for this for so long.  It feels like a dream.
Dad:  you look happy my son
Me:  Khabazela you can never imagine how happy I am.  That woman in there is the one for me, this is not a mistake.  She understands me Khabazela, she loves me for me and not for what I have or what I have archived.  If I didn’t have all I have, she would still love me Baba and she has proven that.
Dad:  Be good to her.  Always remember what I have taught you about how to treat a woman especially how to punish her when she has done wrong.  Never lay your hand on her, unless it is to caress her, to wipe her tears or to touch her as you make love to her.
Me:  I know Baba.  I won’t forget those lessons.  Let me go I asked her to prepare something to eat for me.  I’ll be back.  (I leave him there with my mom walking to him.  When I get close to the kitchen, I can here Lina is talking to someone and I know that voice.  I just stand at the door and Sne has her back to the door and Lina is concentrating on what she is doing.  They both can’t see me.
Sne:  Yes I am
Lina:  So if that is the case, why did he marry me instead of you?  (immediately after that question she stops and I know she can smell my cologne, she knows I am here.  She looks up and I quickly shake my head “no” and I think she gets it.  She carries on with what she is doing not giving away that  I am here.)
Sne:  as soon as he realises that he made a mistake he will leave you.  You will never be able to satisfy him sexually.  I can tell that you are one of the innocent girls.  I know how he likes it, we have done it a few times.  (this girl is really dillusional, I want to hear this) 
Lina:  Oh and I thought you were just neighbours
Sne:  we were more than that once.  He is going to get tired of you. He is going to want someone who has experience and he is going to get tired of waiting for you to be ready.  And I am going to be there to make sure his needs are satisfied.
Lina:  do you even know the man that you are talking about?  If you knew him, right now you would know that he has told me everything about you and what has been happening.
Sne:  clearly he doesn’t want hurt your feelings.  At the end of the day Mcebisi will be mine.
Lina:  I would like to see you try.  Listen here little miss, you are lucky we are at my in laws house otherwise I would be dealing with you in a very different way.  This is how this is going to work:
1. You will never disrespect my husband’s name just like you did right now speaking nonsense about him. 2. If you know what’s good for you, you will stay away from him and from me.  3.  If you go around lying about my husband sleeping with you, I won’t hesitate to kill you.
Me:  Clearly she doesn’t know me at all and clearly she doesn’t listen very well.  (she is shocked to see me.  She really didn’t know I was there and she thinks she knows me.  It didn’t even take my wife that long to realise I was there.)  Clearly you are looking for trouble Sne nhe?
Lina:  Singela, your food is ready.  ( I walk over to her, kiss her and take a sit at the table and she bring me my food.)  I’ll let you deal with her.  ( she walks back to the counter and takes her plate and joins me.)
Me:  Sne I told you to stay away from my wife and you are not listening to me and this grave you are digging for yourself is getting deeper and you might just never be able to get out of it.
I am going to say it again Sne,  “Leave my wife alone otherwise we’ll have problems”
Sne:  I can’t Mcebisi, I love you.  (Lina chokes on her food and looks at Sne)
Lina:  You do realise that he is someone’s husband, and if you think you are going to be the second wife, you better get that thought out of your head now.
Me:  I don’t need a second wife.  You are all the wife I need. (Sne clicks her tongue and walks out.)
I hate this Lina.  She thinks she is all that and I am going to show her that she is not all that.  I am going to take that husband hers right under her nose.
I’ve alwanted to Mcebisi and I will, I really don’t care that he is married. I am going to do whatever it takes .  I’ve always liked Mcebisi and I’ve always wanted to know what it is like to be with him.  Yes I’ve  been with other guys but Mcebisi has always been the one I want to be with. Since high school.  All the boys at school were interested in me but she never show interest, but I still want him, I want a taste of him

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