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My dad died yesterday and I must say it hurts a lot, even though it was to be expected but it still hurts like hell.  Mom has been locked up in her room since yesterday.  I need to call Khanyi and let her know.  This house is start to get busy with relatives arriving wanting to control everything.  Times like these I wish Khanyi was here, she knew how to deal with these people and handle these kind of situations.  (Sima walks into the study, she comes closer and hugs me.)
Sima:  How are you?
Me:  I’ll be ok, it hurts but I’ll be ok.
Sima:  just give it time.  When is Khanyi coming with the kids?
Me:  I haven’t told her yet, I need to call her.  She’ll probably be here on the weekend for the funeral.
Sima:  why can’t she come earlier, I am going to need help with your family Zweli. (My mom walked in she looks like a zombie, I don’t think she slept last night)
Mom:  What help are you going to need Sima.  It’s not like you are going to be doing everything yourself, the people that are here will be helping with everything.  You seem to forget that you are the one married to Banzi not Khanyi.  She doesn’t need to be here but you do and I don’t understand why you are dressed like that.  You need to go change now. long dresses or skirts and a doek on your head and you need a scarf around your waist.
Sima:  But mama……..
Me:  Are you really trying to argue with my mother about how you should dress, she is being lenient on you and you still want to argue.  You know what, you can wear your Makoti outfit, the whole outfit and a black doek.  Mom was being nice to you because she didn’t want her daughters in law to feel oppressed.
Sima:  But Zweli…. (I don’t let her finish)
Me:  Go now and change and look respectable around your in laws. (she sees how serious I am and walks out.)
Mom:  You didn’t have to do that.
Me:  I did mama.  Sima is too comfortable and she turns to forget that she is a wife here.  How are you feeling?
Mom:  your aunts are busy wanting me to sit on mattress and I told them I’m not doing that.  Your father never wanted me to do that,  even yesterday he reminded me that I shouldn’t and he also said that I shouldn’t mourn him by wearing black clothes every day.
Me:  I know mama, he told me and he told his brothers too.  Don’t worry, they are going to sort out their wives.
Mom: I came to ask you if you have called Khanyi?
Me:  Not yet.  I’ll call her just now.
Mom:  I’ll be in my room. (I give her a warm hug and kiss her forehead and she leaves me in the study.  I take out my phone and call Khanyi)
Her:  Zwelibanzi
Me:  Hello Khanyi
Khanyi:  What can I do for you?
Me:  Khanyi dad passed away.  Soon after he spoke to the kids he died. The funeral will be on Saturday.
Khanyi:  Thank you for letting me.  I’m sorry for your loss.
Me:  When do you think you’ll get here?
Khanyi:  We’ll probably fly in Friday afternoon.
Me:  ok, see you then. Bye (she just hangs up)
When I walk out of the study I bump into my  one of my aunts, Aunt Nokuzola.  I don’t know why she was named Nokuzola, she is anything but calm.
Nokuzolo:  Why is your mother locked up in her room, she needs to sit on a mattress and we need mattress too.
Me:  Mom is not going to do that.  Dad’s orders and your husband knows.  My father instructed him to make sure that doesn’t happen. If you have any other questions about the issue, please ask your husband.
Nokuzola: you are doing things the white man's way.  Where is your wife?
Me: I don't know aunty she is somewhere around this house.  Please excuse me aunty, I need to get some air..


Khanyi just got a call from Zwelibanzi telling her that his dad died just after he spoke with the kids yesterday.  This is a difficult time for these kids and for Khanyi.  She hasn't cried since yesterday.   She is being strong. She is worrying a lot of about the kids.  Now we have to tell them that their grandfather has actually passed away.  Even though they new it would happen, I think they still had hope.  We are in the tv room with the kids.  Khaya is not back from work and twins are on their back from their classes.
Khanyi:  hey guys.  We have something to tell you.
Lonwabo: is he gone?
Khanyi:  yes baby he is.  I am so sorry. I know you still had hope that he would still be ok.
Ntand:  when did it happen?
Me:  After he spoke to you guys. (Ntando walks over to me and lets the tears fall. Sibahle is hugging Lwanele who is crying frantically. )
Sibahle:  I am so sorry guys, I wish there was something we could to take the pain away. 
Ntando: thank you Sibahle
Lisakhanya:  Wabo are you ok? (He looks up at her with a sad smile.)
Lonwabo: i'll be ok.  Don't worry about me. When is the funeral?( He asks looking at his mother)
Khanyi: it's on Saturday.   We'll live on Friday.
Lonwabo: mom can we sleepover there on Friday, if that's ok with you.  (She looks at me and I just nod.)
Khanyi: I'll ask grandma ok.
Ntando:  thanks ma.
Me: princess Lwanele please come to daddy. (She moves from Sibahle and  comes to me and sits on my lap.) Are you ok Princess?
Lwanele: I'm ok Dad just sad that I'll never see him again.
Me: you are going to be ok.  All of you, you are going to be ok just give yourselves time and know that we love you and we are here for you.
Ntando: thanks dad.  May we be excused?  (I just nod at them and they get up to leave.  Lwanele goes to Sibahle who gives her,  her hand to hold as they walk out and Lisakhanya was between Ntando and Lonwabo and i'm assuming they are going to one of their rooms. I look at their beautiful mother)
Me:  come here baby (she walks over to me as she tries to sit next to me I pull her to come sit on top of me.)  Straddle me. (She does as she is told and straddles me.   I like talking to her in this position or when I'm lifting her and her back against the wall and legs around my waist.  In these two positions she is able to stay vulnerable. ) talk to me my love
Khanyi:  I feel like it all happened so fast.  I was hoping for more time.  I'm not ready to deal with Zwelibanzi Qhawe.  He is going to come after us with guns blazing.  I'm scared for me and my kids.
Me:  khanyi look at me.  You are not alone. We are here for you and the kids. I am here for you ok. 
Khanyi: thank you for being here.  Tell me vele what did you feed my kids.  They don't cry to me anymore.
Me: are you jealous?
Khanyi:  maybe a little.
Me: you don't have to be, you know that right
Khanyi: I know.  It's just that sometimes I can't help it.  It has always been me and them and now I have to share them with you. It's just taking some getting used to.
Me:  I understand my Queen.
Khanyi: let me call their grandmother be fore I forget. (She doesn't move from me, she makes the  call while sitting on top of me. The call takes about 5 minutes.)
She says it's fine, she'll just ask Sima to make sure that no one uses their rooms.  (Lonwabo walks in)
Lonwabo:  mom can I talk to you for a minutel.
Me: do you need me to leave
Lonwabo: no dad it’s fine.  Am I going to talk to you seated like that?  We really need to establish house rules, we can't keep walking in on you both in these positions you are always in. (We just look at him and smile. Khanyi moves to sit next to me.) mom we understand why you had to keep your distance from them.  I know if Zweli knew we were visiting, he would have made sure that he was there to bother you or even drag you back to his house and punish you for leaving.   You protected us when he wouldn't.  Please don't blame yourself for the time we lost with our grandparents. If anyone is to be blamed that's Zweli.  At least we got to see him before he died and we got to say goodbye. We love you mama and we appreciate all you've done for us. (He walks over to his mother and hugs her tight.)

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