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I can’t deal with my mom right now.  I told Sipho that I might be looking into stay in Durban,  I think being away from my mother will do me some good. Sipho as offered to help me look for a job this decide.  I’ve lived with her all my life and I think it’s time I live on my own and find my way around life on my own. I know it won’t be easy but I am going to make it.  I’m still torn though, a big part of me doesn’t want to let go of Qhawe and I have this little voice in my head that keeps telling me to let it go but I can’t seem to and my mother’s phone calls are not helping and the worst part is that she’s insisting on coming here.  Sometimes I feel like something doesn’t add up, I’m always confused about everything in my life, most of the time I don’t even know if I’m coming or going. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

Me:  Hey
Sipho: hey, may I come in?
Me: yes, please come in.  Would you like something to drink?
Sipho:  not now, maybe later.  How are you doing Sindiswa? (he sits on the one sitter couch and makes himself comfortable.  He is handsome and attractive.)
Me:  I’m ok, just confused about a lot of things.
Sipho:  what things are those? (he pats his lap indicating I should sit on it.  I do as he requests)
Me:  a lot of things Sipho, especially when it comes to my mother.  Sometimes I feel like she is not my mother.  The way she treats me and the things she expects me to do are not things a mother would want her daughter to do.  I know what I want out o life but I never get to do the things I want to do.  It always feels like something is holding me back.  Every time I take a step towards what I want, it always feels like I’m three steps backwards.
Sipho:  Tell me something, do you feel the same way you felt about Qhawe when you arrived here?
Me:  that’s the thing Sipho, I don’t know.  Right now I’m not sure of how I feel about him, I am so confused.  I also think that I’m in love with someone else but Qhawe is over shadowing everything.  I had a crush on him in high school and i know I haven’t felt anything for him until my mom started talking about him about almost a year ago.
Sipho:  does your mom know you are confused about your feelings?
Me:  No she doesn’t know
Sipho:  don’t tell her.  I am going to tell you something that your mother has been doing to you.
Me:  What do you me?
Sipho:  Come with.  (I stand and he stands and takes my hand, we walk to my bedroom and out the sliding door and sit on the balcony.)  Your mother is your mother.  The way she has been treating you is because she is hungry for money.  Your mother wants to be rich but she is using you to do that.  The reason why she is able to control you like that is is because, she is giving you a certain type of anti-depressants without your knowledge.  The pills she is giving you make it easy for her to manipulate you.  They alter your moods and your neaurotic system.  I don’t know much about these things but that’s what I could manage to find out.  (I am in shock right now about everything he is saying and looks like there’s still a lot he wants to say, I’m not saying anything at the moment, just listening).  Your mother lied to you about your father.  Your father didn’t leave you, she left him.  When he tried to be a part of your life, she wouldn’t let him.  He wanted to have a relationship with you but she wouldn’t allow him because he wasn’t the rich man she wanted.  Back then your father earned minimum wage, financially he did everything he could to take care of you but it was never enough to your mother.  Your father is a successful man now, he earns good money, got married and he has been trying to get your mother to take you to him so that you can meet your other siblings.  The busary you had at varsity.  That was not a busary, that was your dad paying for your fees, but it had to be like that to hide it from your mom.
Me:  Sipho how do you know all these things?  (I am really amazed at what he is telling me right now and I don’t even know what to say)
Sipho:  I’m private investigator remember.
Me:  Why now, why are you telling me now, I’m sure you’ve known for a long time
Sipho:  You are right, I’ve know for a while and I was hoping your mother would come to her sense and tell you the truth at least about your father but it seams like she is never going to do that.  I’m telling you now because she is throwing you in the lions den.  Khanyi is not  to be played with Sindy.  That woman is surrounded by men who would die protecting her and she would die protecting them. That is one family you don’t want to mess with and your mother has no clue who she is messing with.  There is a lot more that you need to know but for now, you need to digest what I have just told you. 
Your father wants to meet you.  He has been keeping an eye on you for a long time and I hope that when you guys do meet, you will try and understand  his side of the story. 
Me:  this is a lot to take in.  how can my mother keep me away from my father and lie to me about  it. What did I ever do to her to deserve all this.
Sipho:  you are confused because the effect of the pills is waring off and soon you’ll be able think straight. 
Me:  my mother wants to come this side Sipho.  What am I suppose to do?
Sipho:  let her come but if she does come, you need to be careful, you can’t eat or  drink anything she makes for you.
Me:  that won’t be easy Sipho.  She is going to be suspicious of my sudden change.
Sipho:  Don’t worry, we’ll work something out.


Ok this pregnancy is driving me crazy.  I wake up in the middle of the night craving a peanut butter and jam sandwich with warm milk.  Even Qhawe.  It seems like this is our favourite food with this pregnancy.  We are about to have a family meeting, everyone is here.  We are in the kitchen as usual and I’m making myself my favourite sandwich and Qhawe needs to get me my ice cream after this meeting.

Qhawe:  Babe can we start?  (he asks as I finish up making the food and take my sit next to him.)
Me:  yes my King we can start (I say taking a bite and everyone is looking at like I’ve gone mad.)
Guys this meeting is basically about business related issues not so much about family issues. 
Firstly, I am looking for my replacement as I am steping down as CEO of my own company.  Reason for that is that I want to focus more on the businesses that your grandfather left you guys and I would like Qhawe to help with businesses since he knows more about them than I do and uncle Sizwe too but we’ll talk to him about it when he comes over again.
Ntando:  I don’t mind if dad helps, I would actually love that.  at least in that way we will get to learn more about how the business works and by the time we finish school, we will be ready to run the businesses. 
Sibahle:  that is so true
Me:  Ok guys since you know that I am pregnant, from now on I’ll be working from home and on weekends We’ll be working on you businesses so that you know what’s what.
Qhawe:  I’m glad that you agree with the Proposal of me helping you out.
Sibahle:  well dad, you don really have a choice, you just have to do it.
Qhawe:  I know Princess and it’s not going to be easy guys.  Running a business is not easy.  At lease you are starting early in your lives, thanks to your grandfather.  We also had a choice to just let you study and after your studies you can start learning about the business but we thought it will be better this way. Plus with the babies coming we might just need your help here and there.
Lonwabo:  we will defnately help out when required to.
Lwanele:  I would like to give Lisakhanya some shares from the hotel that grandpa left me.
Qhawe:  That’s amazing princess, how much were you thinking?
Lwanele: I don’t know much about business but from what I know, I would like to give her 20%.
Lisakhanya:  Nele are you about that?
Nele:  Yes I’m sure
Lonwabo:  Ntando and I  we also want to give Sibahle and Zenande 20% each of our companies.
(I can see the shock in the girls faces, this is something they  didn’t expect and this is so overwhelming and I can feel my tears flowing down my face.)
Qhawe:  Mama Bear are you ok.  Why are you criying?
Me:  it’s all your fault.
Qhawe:  what did I do now?
Me:  You made me pregnant.
Qhawe:  Hayibo Khanyi, it’s not like you didn’t want what was …..  (the kids don’t let him finish)
Sibahle:  ok dad, I think you’ve said enough.  There’s kids in the room
Ntando:  She’s right.  We really don’t want hear how she got pregnant.  We are still too young to be listening to those kind of stories.
(we go on with the meeting planning how everything will work out and we have decided to have these meetings at least once a month.  The kids are happy, we are happy and I pray and hope that our happiness is going to last..  I pray that no one will burst our family bubble.)

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