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LUYANDA LANGA (Khanyi’s Lawyer)

I need to make sure that this case doesn’t drag on for a long time, meaning I have to attack from the word go.  I really don’t understand why this man wants custody.  From what I can see, the man never cared, why now. As I am busy going through my notes, khanyi walks in with her entourage.  She looks tiny with all these tall men surrounding her, she looks like she’s loving it and that’s what I call making an entrance.  It’s amazing how you never see her surrounded by females and I once asked why is that and she said that she prefers the company of man and she only has 2 female friends. When I look at Zwelibanzi and his lawyer, they have their jaws dropped at the sight of Khanyi and her male entourage.  Zwelibanzi is also turning red probably from anger.  They walk over to me and I show them where to sit and show Khanyi her seat, which is next to me.  Qhawe brings her to me, hugs and kisses her before he goes to his seat.  All 5 men are seated directly behind us and right now I feel like nothing can go wrong.
Me:  Morning Miss Sondlo
Khanyi: Morning Mr Langa (and she smiles, it’s good to see her smile, meaning she’s confident about this case.)
Me:  Are you ready?
Khanyi:  I should be asking you that question (she looks over at Zwelibanzi’s side and smiles at them, which I think unsettles Zwelibanzi a bit.)
Me:  I’m ready.  (just then we are interrupted)

Bailiff:  All rise. (We all stand and Judge Smith walks and takes his seat.)
Judge:  You may be seated.
Our case is introduced and Jonathan stands to make his opening statement.
Jonathan:  My client Mr Zwelibanzi Tom seeks full custody of his 3 children that he has with his ex-wife Miss Khanyisile Sondlo.  Miss Sondlo has kept the children away from their father for a period of four years, which has been a struggle for him since he couldn’t find them.  Miss Sondlo left the Eastern Cape four years ago, taking the children without informing their father and because of this we would like Miss Sondlo to be declared and unfit mother. She changed her contact number which made it impossible for my client to get a hold of her, since he wanted to speak to his children.  We will also prove that their father is in a better position to parent kids and have a stable home for them.
(Khanyi’s jaw dropped at Jonthan’s statement.  I know Jonathan, and I know he knows that he is going to lose this case, and he knows he has no grounds to declare Khanyi an unfit mother. She turns to look at Qhawe, who whispers to her not to worry. And now it is my turn to make my statement.)
Me:  Your Honor
My client didn’t disappear with her kids.  When my client left, her ex-husband was very much aware of that but he didn’t care. She left because of the unbearable emotional abuse that she suffered and which also the children suffered.  When she left him and divorced he didn’t contest the divorce, he was supposed to pay child maintenance, we have records to prove that he never did. We also have call records to prove that the plaintiff has never tried to contact my client at any time.  The defendant only changed her number a year after she left the defendant.  Not once in that year did she receive a single call from the defendant.  (I can see Zwelibanzi turning red right now.) My client is more than capable of taking care of her children, not just financially but emotionally too, she has been doing so from the day they were born and the father was present but he was an absent father, never attended any of the kid’s activities, never helped with their home works, never there during visits to the doctors, he was there but he was not there. Thank You.  (I take my seat. The court proceedings carry on with Jonathan trying to prove Zwelibanzi to be a good father.  We go back and forth, I also provide the judge with the call records, her bank statements as well, after we are done, the judge speaks)
Judge:  I have heard both sides of this case and I have read up on the files and I must say with everything that I see here so far this is interesting.  This is a simple case which I will not drag for a long a time but before I make my judgement I want to see the kids, I want to hear from them.  After speaking the children, I’ll pass my judgement. This case is adjourned until tomorrow at 09:00AM (He says standing and leaving the court the court room.

Me:  Khanyi do you think the kids are ready to be here, do you think they are ready to face their father and go against him.
Khanyi:  Luyanda I don’t know.  I didn’t think it would happen so soon. (The guys get up from their seats and come to us.)
Me:  You have to make sure they are ready tomorrow.  I also didn’t think it would be this soon.  I honestly thought the case would last at least a week.
Qhawe:  the kids will be ready tomorrow.
Eddie:  Qhawe is right, they will be ready.  We will help them.  Khanyi we are all here for you guys.  We won’t let him take the kids, he won’t take our kids. We all love those kids and will do anything to protect them and you know.  Besides those kids are smart and they know where they belong.
Khanyi:  I know (she smiles and hugs him)
Qhawe:  That’s enough hugging Eddie, that’s my woman.  ( we all just laugh at him, he doesn’t like when we hug her and Khanyi walks over to him)
Khanyi: And I am all yours but at the same time you have to remember that you share me with 10 other men including our sons.
Lwazi:  yeah man, remember she is our wife too.  (this idiot had to say that and everyone just laughed.)


I’m mad at Jonathan, I mean he didn’t even try to fight for me.  I understand that there isn’t much he could have done but I feel like he should have tried harder. As soon as those kids speak in court, it’s over but then again, this is me, it’s not over until I say it’ over. I guess it’s true what they say, if you want something done, do it yourself.  I hear laughter and when I look, it’s  Khanyi and these guys she’s with.  I don’t understand why she has them around her all the time, they make it so difficult to get to her.  She looks happy, she has her arm hooked on this boyfriend of hers with her head on his shoulder, she looks beautiful.  Why did I let her go, I remember when I used to make her smile like that but then it all changed because of me.  But then again I will have her back, I will make things right.
I notice them getting up to leave and Khanyi is walking with her boyfriend behind the other guys and I walk towards them and gently grab Khanyi’s arm. She stands looks at me, then looks at my hand on her arm, the looks at me with that looks that says “let me go”, but I’m not doing that. The boyfriend looks at me then my hand on Khanyi’s arm then at me again, giving me the same look Khanyi gave, this guy needs to chill, this woman is my wife.
Me:  Khanyi wait
Khanyi:  Let go of me Zwelibanzi
Me:  Not until you talk to me
Khanyi:  If you want to keep that arm, you will let go of me.
Qhawe:  if I were you, I would do as she says. Let her go now.  (I look at this guy, who does he think he is)
Me:  you don’t to tell me what to do with my wife. (This other coloured looking guy walks to us)
Eddie:  Considering she is no longer your wife but his, you have no right touching her like that.  Let her go now before you lose that hand.
(he says pulling out his gun and I decide to let go and she turns and walks away, leaving me with these two guys.
Qhawe:  I want you to listen to me and listen good,  I believe you were told that she is my wife, she is my woman, she is the mother of my kids all 10 of them including yours. I would kill for her and right now if I were I would leave her alone.
Eddie:  Qhawe let’s go, he’s not worth it. (Khanyi walks back to us and looks at Eddie)
Khanyi:  Eddie it’s ok  (and he nods and she turns and looks at her boyfriend)
Khanyi:  Hey babe, come on, just leave him. Remember I’m all yours, I belong to you. Let’s go, the kids are waiting for us. (He looks at her and smiles like a retard and nods.  ( they walk away leaving me standing there.)


Qhawe and I, we decided not to go to work today and just be in court and we surprised to see Eddie, Andile, Lwazi and Bandile and they were coming with us to court, I must say these guys can be dramatic, you should have seen our entrance in that court room.  I love these guys.  Eddie and Andile have been around me for years and the new guys just fit in perfectly, it’s like they’ve know each other all their lives, their relationship is becoming stronger every day, it’s becoming an unbreakable brotherly bond and I’m glad my kids have them as their role models.  We did good in court today and now we are on our way home, I need to talk to the kids.  Khaya didn’t go to court with us today, he wanted to stay with his siblings.
Me:  Hey guys, what are you doing?
Them:  hey ma, hey uncles.
Lwanele:  we were about to make lunch.
Me:  Don’t worry about lunch we’ll order in.  how about pizza?
Lonwabo:  Pizza sounds good.
Me:  place the order then, while I go change
Qhawe:  Wait for me, I’m coming with you
Lwazi:  No hanky panky in that room, we don’t want to hear your screams Khanyi.  (Yhoo Lwazi really knows how to embarrass a person and the guys are just laughing, luckily the kids are in the kitchen ordering the food.)
Qhawe:  No man Lwazi, sometimes you can be an idiot, in fact, what am I seeing, you are always an idiot. (everyone laughs and he tries throwing a cushion at us as we run upstairs.)
Me:  is Lwazi always like that?
Qhawe:  yes he is and he’ll never change. (he walks over to me and lifts me and puts me against the wall and kisses me gently and slowly.)
Qhawe:  Khanyi, you are my woman and deeply care about you (he kisses me again) and I want you to know that I’m always going to be here for you and the kids and I want you know that those kids are now as much mine as they are yours.  I LOVE YOU KHANYI, I WOULD DIE TEN THOUSAND DEATHS FOR YOUAND OUR KIDS. I LOVE YOU. I KNOW YOU ARE SCARED BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I LOVE YOU AND I WON’T HURT YOU INTENTIONALLY.
I know you not ready to say the words I love you yet, I’ll wait until you are ready.  Just know that you are MINE, ONLY MINE.
(I was so touched and I didn’t expect me to tell me he loves me, I’m scared and knows it..  I was in tears and he just kissed my tears my away.  We changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs)
Me:  guys we need to talk to (referring to the kids.  We were all sitting in the tv rooms.)
Ntando:  is everything ok?
Me:  everything is fine my boy but we need to talk to you about something that you guys need to do tomorrow. (as I was talking, the doorbell rang and it was the Pizza.  Andile gets it and also brings us plates and drinks with Linamandla helping him.)
Me:  Remember we told you that your father wanted full custody of you.
Lwanele:  Don’t tell me you lost the case
Me:  No Princess I didn’t, but you need to be in court tomorrow, the judge wants to talk to you.
Lonwabo:  Why
Me:  well he wants to know from you how you feel about the situation and you will be asked questions about when we used to stay with him and I need you to answer all the questions honestly.
Lwanele:  Will the judge make us go stay with him (she asks running to Qhawe’s arms)
Khaya:  No he won’t Lwa, he can never force you to stay with him unless you want to.
Lwanele:  no. I don’t want to stay with him.
Qhawe:  Hey Princess, that will never happen ok.
Ntando:  we can’t go back there mom.  This is where we belong, with you.
Lonwabo:  besides, we don’t need him ma.  We have all the dads that we need right here (he says that looking at the guys and Lonwabo is not very fond of his father, he hates him.  After everything we’ve been through, he really doesn’t want anything to do with.)
Andile:  hey guys we will do everything in our power to make sure that you don’t go back to him.
Lwazi:  Your happiness is important to us just as your mom’s happiness is also important.
Linamandla:  don’t worry too much.  Just focus on what you need to tell the judge..
Lonwabo:  We don’t want to lose you mom.
Qhawe:  and you won’t lose her, we’ll make sure of that. You also have to play your part tomorrow and just be honest with the judge and you don’t need to be scared, we’ll all be there.
Andile:  Just like we were there with mom today, we’ll be there for you tomorrow, so you don’t need to be scared.
Eddie:  just know that we all love you.

We carry on with the conversation while eating, Luyanda also arrives to help us prep the kids for tomorrow.

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