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My phone rings and it’s my mom;
Me:  Hello mama
Mom:  hello Banzi, how are you?
Me:  I’m ok mama, and you?
Mom:  I’m ok.  I miss the twins, you didn’t have to take them with you.
Me:  the twins are a handful mama, and you have dad to take care off, it would have been too much.
Mom:  there are helpers here Banzi anyway, did you know that the kids are visiting Khanyi’s parents?
Me:  I was told they would be spending time with them, I just didn’t know where. You are calling her Khanyi now.
Mom:  She left you Banzi, she is no longer your wife.
Me:  I’m going to get her back.
Mom:  you leave that girl alone, you hear me, after everything you’ve done to her, you leave her alone. Yes I know, I did my own little investigation.  We didn’t raise you like that Zwelibanzi. (When she calls me by full name, she is angry with me.) Who taught you to treat a woman like that, in the years that I’ve been married to your father, he has never laid a hand on me, not once, not even by mistake, even if I did him wrong he always treated me with respect, I’m very disappointed in you.  All you need to do, is tell the truth that you should have told her a long time ago. Do you hear me Zwelibanzi?
Me:  (I sigh) Yes mama I hear you.
Mom:  Tell Sima to video call me later I want to talk to the twins.  I want you to know that it hurts that we are unable to see our grandchildren because of your selfishness.  We love those kids Zwelibanzi, but you’ve kept them from us and it truly hurts.  All we ever did was love them.  Call your father later tonight, he want to talk to you. (with that said she hangs up.
I need to speak to my lawyer before I speak to my dad.  This thing with Khanyi is driving me crazy.  I grab my things and my car keys and drive to Jonathan’s office.
Me: Jonathan
Jonathan:  what can I do for you?
Me:  this thing with Khanyi, isn’t there a way around it?
Jonathan:  Honestly I don’t know, it all depends on what’s in your father’s will.  Zweli your father was not involved in anything illegal with his businesses, everything was above board. He built that legacy for you and you got greedy, and ended up being the criminal that you are.  As your lawyer and friend, I’m advising you not to fight this, you will lose.  Khanyi is no longer the naïve little girl you met 17 years ago.  She grew up and opened her eyes.  She’s not stupid, she sees right through you especially with this company you are trying to get from herand I’ll tell you this, she is probably one step ahead of you.  Have you told her what you were supposed to tell her years ago, does she even know why she married you, does she know about Sima.
Me:  She doesn’t know anything, I never told her, I was scared she would leave. I love her Jonathan.
Jonathan: You don’t treat someone you love the way you treated her as for the company you want from her, forget about it.  that company is clean now, everything is above board and it is making a lot of money for her.  Find yourself another import and export company to exploit for your illegal activities.  In other words, you are screwed my man.  She has you by the balls.
Me:  Eish, I don’t know, this is a mess. She is in hospital.
Jonathan:  Zweli are you trying to lose everything?
Me:  I had nothing to do with it, trust me.  Someone shot her, I don’t know the full story yet.
Jonathan:  Whoever tried to kill her, has no idea of what they got themselves into.
Me:  Sounds like you know something I don’t.
Jonathan:  Some things are better left unsaid.
Me:  what is it Jonathan?
Jonathan:  Leave it man. Trust me, you don’t want to know. I know you are stubborn and you are not going to listen to me, all I can tell you is that be careful when it comes to Khanyi.  You losing the court case was just the beginning in revealing how much power she has behind her.  Now if you’ll excuse, I have another client in a few minutes.

I’m left wondering what he means by that. How did she get as powerful as he says in such a short time.  He is right about one thing though, she is no longer the naïve girl I met years ago. I wonder……


I hear them, they are so loud, chatting and laughing. He’s telling me to wake up and I squeeze his hand. I hear him telling them to call the doctor, I squeeze his had again and he just roars in his deep voice
Me:  Not so loud baby (I say it very slow and my voice is hoarse.)
Ncesh:  Oh my God, she is awake.  (I try to open my eyes very slowly, they are here, they all here)
Qhawe:  hey Baby Girl (I reach for his face and wipe his tears and he kisses my forehead.) I’ve missed you so much.  Do you need water (I just nod and he gets up to get me my water. I look around and I see my sons, I smile at them and they move closer to me and hug so hard that I wince out of pain, they quickly let go.)
Khaya:  are you ok?
Me:  I’m fine you just hugged me too tight. (my chest hurts, I am speaking so slow, my voice sounds funny.)
Khaya:  we are sorry.  We were so worried about you.  (Qhawe walks over to us with a glass of water and tries to help me sit up so that I can have a drink but it hurts and opt to use a straw.  The doctor walks in.)
Doctor:  Miss Sondlo, you’re awake, how are you feeling?
Me: I’m in pain
Doctor:  we’ll sort that out just now.  can you guys please give us a minute, you can come back in when I’m done with the check-up.  ( They all get up and leave except for Qhawe, the twins and Khaya, the doctor looks at them like they’ve gone crazy)
“We are not going anywhere”, (they say that at the same time and doctor looks defeated and continues with the check-up)
Doctor:  everything looks good, but you are still going be here for another 3 days  at least,  just to make sure that everything is ok, before I let you go home.)
Qhawe:  you are not being serious, 3 days, doc I’m tired of this hospital, I want her home and this bed is too small for the two of us, have you seen me doctor.  (I can tell the doctor is holding in his laugh and the boys are just laughing away.  I missed my crazy people.)
Doctor:  these beds are not meant for two people.
Qhawe:  if you are keeping her here for another 3 days, do something about the bed.
Me:  babe just stop being difficult (I smile at him)
Doctor:  I’ll get your nurse to come and change your bandages.
Me:  thank you doctor. (Qhawe is sulking sitting next to me.)
Khaya;  don’t worry dad, the three day s will be over quick.
Me:  (I look at Khaya , then at Qhawe) did he just call you “dad” (I’m still having difficulty speaking. The doctor said I’ll be ok tomorrow.)
Banele:  Yes he did. (I never thought I would see this day, my son calling him “Dad”.  I knew he loved Qhawe and appreciated him, but him calling him “dad” I definitely didn’t see it coming.  The nurse walks in.)
Nurse Lungi:  will you guys please excuse us. (they look at her like she’s gone crazy)
Me:  come on guys let her do her job, she’ll be done in no time. (they smiles at me.)
Nurse Lungi:  You have a wonderful family but these men are so stubborn.  Do you live with all of them.
Me:  yes I do, and it’s the best life.
Nurse Lungi:  you are truly blessed. (she changes my bandages and  gives me something for the pain.  When she is done, she leaves and the boys walk in.
Qhawe:  how are you feeling?
Me:  sleepy
Khaya:  did she give you something for the pain?
Me:  yes she did.
Qhawe:  Ok.  We’ll let you sleep and I’ll take the boys home.  They haven’t been home.  We came here straight from the airport. We’ll be back later.
Bandile:  You scared us.  We’ll see you later and I love you. (he kisses my forehead.)
Qhawe:  I love you, I can’t wait for you to be home.  We’ll see you later. (as they walk out, I just close my eyes and sleep.)


Before we left the police station to go to the hospital, Zack had given the detective all the information he needs, he also manage to track the number that the suspect gave us.  He tracked it to KwaMashu.  While we were at the hospital, he called telling me he found her, I am wondering who she is. We are at the police station waiting for det. Nxele and it’s me and Andile.  We didn’t want the other guys to come we’ll update them later.
Andile:  I hope it’s not the ex-wife
ME:  you can say that again.
Andile: I’m just happy she is awake, I was worried sick . (the detective walks in)
Eddie:  is she talking?
Det. Nxele:  Not yet, she asked for a lawyer and we have to provide one for her
Me:  this is going to be tougher than I thought.  Who is she?
Det. Nxele:  I am going to hold onto that information for now, at least until she has a lawyer.
Andile:  Our lady is awake.
Det. Nxele:  I don’t think she is aware that Miss Sondlo survived the shooting. I’m glad she is awake.
(The detective gets called into an office and he comes back after a minutes)
Andile:  is everything ok detective?
Det. Nxele:  everything is fine, we have to wait for the lawyer and she is not talking.
Me:  Ok, please update us then, we have other thing to do. ( I say as we leave going back to the house.)

Me:  I got an unexpected call from an unexpected person
Andile:  and who is that?
Me:  Sizwe
Andile:  Sizwe as in Zwelibanzi’s friend, as in…
Me:  the one and only.
Andile:  what did he want.
Me:  they know Khanyi is in hospital and Sizwe would like to see her.
Andile:  You’ll have to speak to Qhawe about it.
Me:  he is not going to allow it.
Andile:  I don’t blame him
Me:  there’s something amiss about this whole Zwelibanzi issue.  He is hiding something, something we haven’t been able to find out.
Andile:  I feel the same way and don’t want us to be caught off guard.
Me:  he is very desperate, especially when it comes to the kids. We need to dig deeper.

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