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We had to leave Inanda yesterday so that we can help mom prepare for tomorrow night’s dinner.  I must say we had a great time there.  Mcebisi’s parents will also be here tomorrow and all our grand parents.  I just wonder what this is all about.
The door bell rings and I get the door and it’s a delivery guy.  He stands there staring at me not saying anything.  He just stares.
Me:  can I help you (and that seems to snap him out of it)
Him:  sorry miss.  I have a delivery for a Miss Sibahle Mtimkhulu. 
Me:  that’s me.
Him:  I’ll be right back.  (He walks to the delivery vehicle and comes back with a gift box and a bunch of Yellow Water Lillies my favourite flowers.  Besides my family there is only one person who know about the flowers. ) Please sign here.  (he gives me a digital signing pad and I sign.  I take my things and as I am about to close the door, he speaks.)  there’s more Miss
Me:  More what?
Him:  More of your delivery.  (he walks back to the vehicle and comes back with another box and another bunch of flowers.  How am I going to answer my mother’s questions about all this.  This man is absolutely crazy.  I haven’t even told them I am dating and he does this. Couldn’t he wait until tomorrow when we tell them.  This guy goes back and gets a third box that is smaller than the other and large glass water bowl with pink and white water lilies. Hayi lo bhuti wenza kakhulu ngoku (this man is doing too much) ) That is all Miss.
Me:  Thank you and I close the door.  (I try to collect everything and take it to my room before anyone sees all this.  As soon as I close my bedroom door, my phone rings
************************** PHONE CONVERSATION*******************************
Me:  Baby
Him:  Did you get everything I sent you?
Me:  It just arrived.  I haven’t opened the boxes yet
Him:  ok.  Open the big box first.  Do you love the flowers?
Me:  I love the flowers, you know that babe.  (when I open the big box, there is a dress in it.  it’s a beautiful long sleeveless yellow evening gown, with a low v-neck line that has a very light blue trimming)  it’s a dress, it’s beautiful
Him:  it’s for you to wear tomorrow.  Open the second box love ( I do as he tells me and I find shoes in the box, light blue shoes)  the shoess go with the dress.
Me:  Baby you know that you didn’t have to do all this.
Him:  I know but I wanted to. 
Me:  I love them.  They are beautiful.
Him:  Open the last box ( I open it and there’s all the accessories that go with the dress.  He got me small earings, matching necklace and a bracelet and a clutch bag.  All these have a touch of light blue in them.  Everything is just how I like things.  Simple yet elangant)
Me:  I don’t know what to say
Him:  You can say thank you, nothing else
Me:  thank you.  I love everything. 
Him:  Good.  Let me get back to work.  I also have to fetch my suit later on.  I’ll video call tonight.
Me: Ok Ngconde.  Thank you so much.
Him:  you should call me by clan name all the time. (that causes me to blush.)  We’ll talk later. 
Me:  bye.
************************                     ***********************************

Mom is definitely going to come into my room at some point today.  How am I going to explain all these flowers.  This man is too much.  I’m so used to being spoiled by family and this feels different, it’s new and it will take some time getting used to it.
My brothers in law are crazy. We are collecting our suits for tomorrow.  I tell them about the Sne and her mom drama and they immediately want to drive to Inanda and sort them out.  They couldn’t believe what Lina did to Sne, when I told them about it. They didn’t think she could do that. 
Khaya:  it turns out she really is her mother’s daughter.
Me:  you could say that again.  I saw Sne walking out of the room where all this happened, she was crying so much and could barely walk.  She got her real good.  She is goint to think twice about doing anything stupid.
Bandile:  she shouldn’t have started with the drama in the first place.  At least she knows who she is dealing with.
Banele:  Where are Ayanda and Asive, were they not going to join us?
Asive:  we are here.  No need to send a search party.
Me:  We wouldn’t waist time sending a search party to look for such ugly people.
Ayanda:  You wish we were ugly.
Asive:  Look who’s talking, the ugliest guy in the room.
Me:  My wife won’t like that and I am going to tell her.  wait I just realised how good it feels calling her my wife.
Ayanda:  I can imagine.  I want that too.
Khaya:  It’s the best feeling ever.
Me:  especially when she calls me by my clan name.
Ayanda:  I know what you mean.
Khaya:  the right one will come along and you will know.
Banele:  How do you know that she is the one?
Me:  You just know.  The moment of realisation is when you realise that you can’t live without her.
Banele:  I see.  But I am not in a hurry to get married.  I just want to work on my careet first, make money so that I can be able to take care of her and then I can think about getting married.  I want her to be a house wife. She can have her own business and all, just something to keep her busy.
Bandile:  You don’t want a  career woman?
Banele:  she can have a career, but when we have kids I want her to be a stay at home mom.  She can work from home. I also want to be able to work from home by the time I have kids just like dad.
Me:  I understand what you are saying.
Khaya:  You need to meet  right girl first.  Treat her like a Queen and she must treat you like a King as well, if you know what I mean.  You must both be able to understand that a relation is a two way street.  You must respect each other, trust each other and be loyal.  Trust is a foundation of any relationship.  Once the trust is established, you guys can never break it.  It will be difficult to rebuild the relationship, the trust won’t be as strong as it was before it was broken.  We all make mistakes and you can never hurt each other intentionally especially by cheating.  Cheating is not a mistake, it is a choice.  Whatever happens with you and your partener, you should learn to talk things out.  Communication is the key to understanding each other.
Me:  Khaya is right.  All the things that he has mentioned make the flow of the relationship easy and light.  A relationship can never be one sided.  Always remember that we are not the same. 
Asive:  what do you mean by that?
ME:  I mean that, there are women out there who are not good women and there are men out there who are bad and that does not mean all women are the same or all men are the same, if that was case then all of us here we would also be bad men.
Ayanda:  I hear  you.  I’m just starting out as a business man and I just hope the one I meet can understand that it takes a lot of work to build a business but that doesn’t mean I won’t make time for her
Bandile:  the right one will understand and she will be by your side always.
Banele:  You know what guys, we should do a seminar about this under the Brotherhood project.  I spoke to mom about something that I think we should do.  The project is getting a lot of sponsors and a lot of money and I think we should use that money to fund small businesses. Businesses that are just starting out.
Khaya:  that would be a great idea.
Me:  we can make it a joint venture because your mom’s company does the same thing.  I’ll speak to her about it.
Khaya:  that would be great.  Let’s go guys.  Just got a message from dad, we need buy tomorrow’s drinks.

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