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Me:  I think my little Boovs have been exposed to this nonsense enough now.
Khanyi:  are you kidding me.  Your babies are enjoying every minute of this.  Come, give me your hand.  They’ve been moving around for a while now.
Me:  Yhooo, I’m defeated.
Khanyi:  next time don’t use the babies, it’s obvious they will betray you.
Me:  I can see that.
Khanyi:  we would like some ice cream though
Lwazi:  hayi Khanyi you are eating too much ice cream now.
Khanyi:  hayibo, it’s not me, it’s them (I say pointing to my stomach)
Me:  Baby no, you can’t blame my babies.
Khanyi:  Who should I blame, You?  This is your fault Qhawe.  I look like an elephant right now because of you, in no time I won’t even be able to see my feet, bath myself or get out of bed  and you know why, because of you.
Me:  You weren’t complaining
Khanyi:  don’t give me that, you didn’t have to make me pregnant.  (she is on the verge of crying but she is holding her tears)
Lwazi:  Ok guys how did we get here, she was all having fun with her new remote just now and Qhawe you just managed to make her cry.  NO man.  Mama bear come hear.  (she gets up and walks to Lwazi who hugs her tight shushing her.  I am so defeated.  I have no words.)  Do you want me to punch him for you?  (she nods while sniffing on Lwazi’s chest. He looks at me smiles and he is holding in his laughter just like the rest of the guys)  if she cries again because of you, I’ll punch in the face.
Me:  kanti what did I do?
Bandile:  You still asking.  Calm down Mama bear, we’ll get you your Ice cream (I was about to say something) Open your mouth again we are going to let her shoot you.  (I kept quiet immediately)
Sipho:  how did we get here, angisatholi kahle mina manje (I don’t understand)
Eddie: Just leave it.
Sima:  Khanyi you had my husband arrested, you took him away from me and now you are here enjoying your life with your man, he is here with you and your kids and my husband can’t even see his kids. (I don’t know how she moved from Lwazi to slapping Sima)  Ouch!!
Khanyi:  Why are you making your problems my problems.  Am I the one who said your husband should be a criminal, am I the one who said he should start shit with me.  You are turning yourselves into criminals and you have the balls to blame me for the consequences (she slaps her again.) Why is it ok for you guys to toy with me, toy with my kids and toy with my family and when it’s my turn to have a little fun with you, I’m the bad guy, honestly that’s not fair.  (she wants to cry now.  what happened to her, why is she emotional all of a sudden.)  Please remove Blondie from the chair and put this one on it.  my fingers are twitching to press the button on my remote.  In the mean time I’ll go get myself some ice cream in the kitchen.  (she looks at me and shakes her head as she walks away.)
Me:  ok someone needs to tell me what I did.
Eddie:  you guys ganged up on her for having too much ice cream and you were the unlucky person that she lashed out on plus that’s your seed.
Andiswa:  this is madness, she has what she wants, why are we still here
Andile:  and what gave the idea that we have everything we need from your family?  Free piece of advice,  “Shut up”
Eddie:  Mike time for you to make the transfere and tell your daughter that if she wants to live, she needs to sign the guardianship document that Luyanda is preparing or else pretty little Natasha loses her head or maybe the lawyer I can’t seem to decide since you care more about them than you do the other two.
Mike:  Please just let my daughters go.  I brought them into this, this was my plan, please just let them go.
Eddie:  You really didn’t think that things will end like this did you?
Mike:  Honestly no, I didn’t.
Eddie:  We are not killing you, we just handing you to the police
Andiswa:  Why did you kill them Mike? (he looks at her for  a while, maybe thinking of what to say)
Mike:  because they didn’t want me to be a part of your lives, they were keeping you guys away from me and I hated that.
Andiswa:  would it have been so bad for us to grow up and live a normal clean life, just like they wanted and you had to kill them because they wanted the best for us?
Natasha:  so what if he killed them, we were bound to turn out like him anyway, his blood runs through ours vains, he would have found a way to bring us into this life. 
Andiswa:  You might be my father and all but you will pay for killing her. (Khanyi walks in with a bowl full of ice cream and now I’m craving it.)
Me:  Do you want to share?  (she looks at me and smiles and takes a spoon out of her pocket and gives it to me.  This is why I love this woman. I take it, pull a  chair and sit next to her eating the ice cream)
Sipho:  wasn’t he just on her case about having too much ice cream?
Lwazi:  Jonga Sipho if ufuna ukuphila sukuyingena mfo ka bawo. (Look Sipho if you want to stay alive don’t get involved.) 
Andile:  I give up.
Khanyi:  Amanda as your father’s lawyer you going to co-sign the documents that Luyanda is going to prepare for me transferring the three businesses to me.
Amanda:  I’m not doing that.  (she takes the remote without warning and presses the button making Sima scream like a mad woman.)
Mike:  do it Amanda. (Khanyi lifts her hand that has the remote and presses the button again looking at Amanda.  Sima’s screams are deafning)
Andiswa:  AMANDA!!!
Amanda:  fine I’ll do it.
Andiswa:  what are you going to do with those companies?
Khanyi:  None of your business, on second thought.  I am going to use them the help the needy.  I don’t that money, I might as well spend it on people who need it.  I am going to turn one of the companies into a skills center.  Are you happy now?
Andiswa:  yeah
Khanyi:  Good, I’ll pay you a visit in prison for you to sign the documents Amanda.
Sima:  khanyi please don’t do this, my babies need me.
Khanyi:  You should have thought about that before messing with me the second time.  I let you off easy the last time because of them and now I have a contingency plan for them and they will grow up happy without you and if at some point you all use those kids to get revenge on me, I’ll sell you to be sex slaves.  Eddie did you call Nxele?
Eddie:  I did.  He’ll be here .
Andile:  we need to have them upstairs before he gets here, Nxele can’t see all this.
Sipho:  you guys are hardcore, I have never seen people who protect their own the way you guys do.  I must say I am grateful I was accepted in this family.  It’s taking some getting used to.
Eddie:  this is nothing.
Khanyi:  Qhawe I’m tired can we go upstairs. (she hated me not too long ago.  I just smile at her and kissed her fore head.)  Oh Eddie you can have your little fun, I know you want to, try the remote, you’ll love it. (she gives Eddie a big smile and we walk away.)

Me:  how are you
Det. Nxele:  I’m good and how are you?
Me:  I’m good.  Have you spoken to your collegue Malusi Jaxa?
Det. Nxele:  yes I have and where are the people I’m suppose to arrest? (I take him to the lounge)  why do they look like this?
Me:  Ask no questions, hear no lies Detective.
Det.Nxele:  that is true but it’s my job to ask questions but when it comes to guys I never seem to get the answers I need when it comes to my suspects.
Me:  Even if that may be so, you are going to be closing another big case because of us.
Det. Nxele:  that is correct.  Where is Khanyi, may I see her before I leave with these people and you say this a father and his daughters?
Me:  that is correct.  I’ll get Khanyi for you.  (i just stand at the bottom of the stairs and call for her.)
They first kidnapped  Khanyi’s eldest kids, and they were trying to get to Khanyi by hurting some of us, you know all this alreadt.  If they decide to press charges against us then they’ll lose.  We did whatever we did to them in self defence.  That’s basically it.
Det. Nxele:  I doubt they will.  The laste one didn’t, he was shit scared of you guys.
Khanyi:  Detective, how are you?  (she walks over to him and gives him a hug which surprises the detective and we are not surprised with Qhawe following behind her.)
Det. Nxele:  I’m good and you are very pregnant and I was hoping to steal you from your man and make you mine.
Khanyi:  not chance Det. Nxele. Not a chance.  (he just gives her a warm smile.)
Det. Nxele:  Looks like you guys did it again.  I should consider making you my consultants for my big cases.
Qhawe:  Actually Eddie here was thinking of putting a proposal for something like with the SAPS.
Det. Nxele:  is that so, we should definitely talk about it then.  I can set up a meeting with the commissioner.
Me:  I would appreciate that.
Det. Nxele:  So none of you are going to tell me what happened to these guys (he asks pointing at the little family we just tortured.)
Khanyi:  what do you mean?  They look fine to me.  Don’t be ridiculous Detective.  (he just smiles at that comment and a couple of uniformed police walk in and he instructs them to take the girls and their father.)
Me:  They will tell you everthing you need to know.
Det. Nxele:  why am I not surprised.  (Lwazi walks in)
Lwazi:  Oh Detective, you are here.
Det. Nxele:  Ahh the crazy one is here too. 
Lwazi:  no man why do I have to be the crazy one now.  You know what I was I going to invite you over for lunch this weekend, you can forget it.
Det. Nxele:  I was just playing man.  Why do you have to be so sensitive.
Lwazi:  You can blame it on her. (he says pointing at Khanyi.  Yhooo and her eyes became teary immediately and she pouted and looked at Qhawe.)
Khanyi:  You see, everyone is blaming me for their emotions (her voice is breaking and the tears are falling.  Oh my God Lwazi why? why?) this is all your fault Qhawe, they hate me because of you.  (just then Bandile shows up and she runs to him and cry on his chest.  Bandile looks at us with a questioning look while trying to calm the crying Khanyi)
Det. Nxele:  what just happened?  (looking very confused)
Bandile:  Kanti nina why nimkhalisa u Khanyi namhlanje, hayi mani.  (why are you making Khanyi cry today, no man)  this is not on.
Me:  It’s Lwazi
Qhawe:  Someone please tell me what I did wrong right now.
Andile:  You made her pregnant.  (come Mama bear let me take you upstairs.  She let’s go of Bandile, turns to look at me and Lwazi, clicks her tongue and walks upstairs with Andile.)
Det. Nxele:  that’s not the Khanyi I met last year.
Lwazi:  She’s pregnant, that’s all I’m saying otherwise I’ll find myself without a family.
Det. Nxele:  I better go before I find myself losing a friend.  Thanks again guys, hope that next time we’ll work together.
Me:  Hopefully so Det. Nxele.  I’ll be waiting for your call.  (he walks out leaving us to clean up the house.)

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