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Qhawe:  Wake up my Baby Girl (he whispers in my ear)
Me:  No man Que, I want to sleep some more.
Qhawe:  come on Khanyi, I want to take you shopping. (I slowly get up and wince a little and he has this worried look on his face) what’s wrong baby?
Me:  (I am annoyed by his question and he can see it.  this is all his fault.)  Do you even have to ask Qhawelomzi, I’m in pain because of you.
Qhawe:  Oh! What did I do now?
Me:  Qhawe my nuna hurts (I am literally crying and this man in front of me is busy laughing at me)
Qhawe:  Come, your hot bath is ready, you’ll feel better in no time.  (he is right, I don’t know what he puts in my bath water but I always feel better afterwards besides I have to feel better, he’s taking me to spend his money today.  He carries me to the bathroom and puts in the bathtub and he joins me, sitting behind me.  I love the tub in his house, it is big, bigger than mine.)
Me:  thank you.  So you are taking me shopping today?
Qhawe:  yes baby, you get to spend your man’s money today anything you want and I need a few things too.
Me:  Anything I want, are you sure about that?
Qhawe:  yes I’m sure, just don’t bankrupt me.
Me:  we’ll see about that.  There’s something I want to talk to you about, it’s business.  Well it’s something I did without talking to you, please don’t be mad.
Qhawe: I can never be mad at you.  Can we talk while we get out of the tub, water is cold now besides I don’t  want us to be late. (I agree with him and we get out of the tub.)
Me:  in all the chaos that has been happening in our lives and running businesses, I took the liberty of speaking to your marketing manager.  We had quite a lengthy meeting.  I don’t feel that they are doing enough to market your company, so I decided to take over the marketing department but I will be working with them, you don’t have to fire anyone in that department.
Qhawe:  baby what do you mean by taking over the marketing department?
Me:  I mean that QM Architecture’s marketing will be done by my company, in fact we have already started.  (I take out a file from my laptop bag and give it to him to look at.)  Look at this.  (I walk to the closet take to get something to wear.  I take out my blue jeans and red top, red sneakers.  Today is a warm day.  All of a sudden he is up and taking the clothes that I took out back to the closet and gives a brand new outfit, Navy short, white shirt and navy sneakers.  When did he buy these? He goes back to looking at the file while I get dressed.  He is only wearing his shorts.)
Qhawe:  I can’t believe you did this (he says smiling, I take it he likes it.)
Me:  You like it?
Qhawe:  I like it? Baby I love it, this is the direction I’ve been wanting to take the company, how did you know because I know we never spoke about it.
Me:  I didn’t , I just thought that if it were me, that’s the direction I would want to take to expand the company’s clientele.
Qhawe:  this is amazing, I love it. come here.  (I walk over to him and he makes me straddle him while he’s sitting on the bed, wrapping my legs around his waist and he kisses me so softly and slowly.  He stops and looks deep in my eyes.)  I see it in your eyes, I see it in your actions and when you are ready to say it, you will and I’ll be patient. I love you and thank you so much for this.
Me:  it was my pleasure. (we finished getting dressed and I noticed that we are dressed in matching  outfits.  On the left side of his shirt there’s  a small picture of woman with a crown, Queen written about the picture and with an arrow pointing to his right arm. When we walk hand in hand, the arrow is pointing at me, same with my shirt but mine has a man and King written on it.  Only a person who stands directly in front us  can see these.) matching outfits nhe.
Qhawe:  do you like them?
Me:  I love them.  I won’t even ask when you planned all this.  Let’s go. Can’t wait start spending your money. (when we get downstairs, Bandile was here, what is he doing here, I look up at Qhawe and he just shrugs.) Hello Bandile, bye Bandile.
Qhawe:  I’ll be right there sweetheart.( He throws me the car keys, we are taking the Audi today, my favourite. I go to the car and sit on the passenger side and play some music.  After a few minutes Qhawe gets in and we drive off.)
Me:  What did he want?
Qhawe:  he wants to chill, he thought I was alone.
Me: ok.
We drive to the mall, we first have breakfast at Wimpy after which we went to the shops. He was surprised that I wasn’t buying much.  Well after this I’m taking him to show him what I really want. Right now he’s taking me to lingerie store, really Qhawe.  I tell him I don’t need any lingerie and I’m told it’s not for me, it’s for him but I’m going to wear it, for him that is.  Apparently I need to have new lingerie every month.  I don’t mind that since I love lingerie. We are busy looking at some beautiful pieces, when she walks over to us:
Her:  Qhawe (he looks annoyed, very annoyed)
Qhawe: Anelisa (I’ve only seen a picture of her, so this is her.) What do you want?
Anelisa:  just saying hi, I’m doing a little shopping as well.
Qhawe:  Good for you.  Bye.(He looks at me)  Let’s go Babe.
Anelisa:  Oh! This is her, the girlfriend.  We haven’t been formally introduced, I’m Anelisa.  (she holds out her hand for me to take it, I really don’t like handshakes.)
Qhawe:  She doesn’t do handshakes.
Anelisa:  Oh ok. Anyway I’m Anelisa
Me:  And you thought introducing yourself to me whilst shopping for lingerie with my man, who is your ex would be proper. 
Anelisa:  I’m not just an ex I’m also the mother of his children.
Me:  Which I am very much aware of, but you seem to be missing the point my dear.  If you……………….. I don’t finish, Qhawe cut’s me off.
Qhawe:  Anelisa, we are busy
Me:  Qhawe please, I’ll handle this, it seems that her issue is with me not you.
As I was saying, I am very much aware that you are not only his ex, you are the mother of his kids.  Now, if you wanted to meet me and properly introduce yourself, you would have done that a long time ago.  You would have called Qhawe and asked if you could meet the woman in his life, the woman that will be spending time with your children but no, you decide to interrupt our time because you feel entitled just because you have his kids. Anelisa right, please don’t exhaust me, I still need my energy for tonight.  Que can we please go, before she drains me and if she does, you won’t be getting any.  (she looks shocked and annoyed at the same time.)
Anelisa:  She calls you “Que” (we just looked at her and we left her standing there, went and  paid for our things and left.)
Qhawe:  Remind me to never get on your wrong side. I love you (I just smile at him)
Khanyi:  You won’t love me so much when we reach our next destination.
Qhawe:  And that is? (he gives me a questioning look and I just punch our next destination on the GPS.)
Khanyi:  You said I should spend your money and that’s what I’m doing.
Qhawe:  you call what you did at the mall spending money, you didn’t even put a dent on my account.  Sibahle and Zenande can shop better than you.  You my dear, you need lessons in shopping.  (he laughs.)
Me:  You are going to take back everything you just said when we reach our destination. (before he  could say anything else we arrived at our destination, his jaw dropped.) don’t say anything , let me show you what I want.  That is what I want. (I look up at him and I find him looking at me and he kisses me)
Qhawe:  I take it back, all of it.  You do know how to spend money and this you shall have.  Since it’s closed today, we’ll come back for it tomorrow. This is going to put a dent on my bank account. (he kisses me again.)

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