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It’s time I talk to the parent.  Mom will be easier to talk to than dad and thank God he is not here.  Take a deep breath Bandile.  I walk in and she is is alone which is a good thing.
Me:  Mom can I talk to you
Mom:  Sure , what’s up?
Me:  I have a situation
Mom:  Ok.  What kind of situation?
Me:  Apparently I got a girl pregnant
Mom:  Bandile what do you mean “apparently?”
Me:  the thing is ma I don’t remember sleeping with her.  Ok this is what happened.  Banele and I we went out  one night a few months back.  We went to a friend’s party.  When we got there there were a lot of people we knew and there was this girl that had a crush on me at school but I was never interested in her.  she’s not the kind of girl I would date.  Anyway her and her friends chilled with us the whole night, it was fun.  Mom I swear I was not even drunk.  We didn’t  drink that much because we still had to drive home but I don’t remember how I got home.  Banele says I left him at the party and went home with this girl.  When I woke up, I woke up alone and naked even today I still don’t remember what happened.  (she stays quiet for a while)
Mom:  You were careless Bandile and you know what we always say to you guys about crowded places.  People know who you are, they know your parents and they will do anything to get into your pockets.  You are lucky you are talking to me right now and your dad is going to have a thing about this.
Me:  I know mama and I am sorry. I need your help.  If she really is pregnant ma, I don’t believe it’s mine.  I always use protection ma.
Mom:  you don’t remember what happened that night so you might have not used protection.  Remember you were not in control of the situation, she was.  She drugged you because she knew you would never willingly sleep with her.  what else?
Me:  she says that if I deny the pregnancy she is going to open a case against me of rape.
Mom:  is this girl demented, does she know who she is dealing with.  She must not make me angry.  How is she going to rape you and then say she was raped.  Who is this girl?
Me:  Andrea Williams. We were at varsity together.  I was her senior, she is still there, she is doing her final year this year.
Mom:  You know I have to tell your dad right?
Me:  do we have to?
Mom:  Yes we do because we are going to need his help.  (her phone rings interrupting us)  it’s your dad.  (she answers her phone and talks for a while ending the call by telling dad that she will be right there.)
Me:  Mom what’s wrong?
Mom:  Luyanda is in hospital, he was shot.  Look we’ll finish this conversation later.  I have to get to the hospital.  Please stay and babysit for me. 
Me:  but ma
Mom:  Bandile come on.  You know your younger siblings went back to Durban today, they have school. Besides if you want my help you will babysit.  (she says that grabbing her car keys and leaving me there.)
Whoever shot Luyanda obviously has a wish to end up in jail or they have a death wish.   Why would they shoot him at his home.  I’m sure this is someone who knows him or someone who was good at doing their homework.  When I get to the hospital the first person I see is Qhawe.
Me:  How is he?
Qhawe:  they are both going to be ok.  The bullets didn’t cause any major damage.  Whoever shot them was an amature.  Who did you leave the babies with?
Me:  Bandile is baby sitting.
Qhawe:  why would you put my babies through that kind of torture, you know how he is.
Me:  Don’t worry your mom is home but he doesn’t know that, this serves as punishment.
Qhawe:  What did he do?
ME:  He has a situation but we’ll talk about it later.
Qhawe:  I see.  Come let’s go see the lawyer.
Me:  have you called Sipho?
Qhawe:  Not yet.
Me:  Let me call him first.
*************************   *********************          ************************
Me:  Sipho how are you
Sipho:  I’m good.  What can I do for you?
Me:  Luyanda has been shot.  We need to find out who could have done it.  I need you to look at the recent cases that he has worked on or is currently working on, maybe someone out there was not happy about the outcome of the case or maybe it’s personal.  Don’t rule out Lungi’s mom.
Sipho:  I’ll look into it.  When are you guys coming back?
Me:  we are supposed to come back tomorrow but with this happening we’ll stay for a bit.  Has Sizwe picked up my kids from the airport?
Sipho:  they just arrived,  Eddie and Andile are also here I’ll update them.  We might fly out tonight or tomorrow morning.
Me:  Please make sure Sizwe gets Anelisa to stay with the kids since you guys are coming this side and I need Eddie to make sure that Jason is there and that he takes the kids to school and fetches them.  I’ll call Anelisa later.  Thanks Sipho.  We’ll see you guys tomorrow.
Sipho:  sure thing Khanyi.  I’ll let you know what I find.
*************************                   **************************          ******************
Qhawe:  do you think Anelisa will cope with the kids, she hasn’t stayed with them in a while.
Me:  She’ll have to.  It won’t be for long.  Her relationship with her kids has improved.  I think they will be ok.  Let’s go see my lawyer.
Lwazi:  Mama bear you are here
Me:  Hey guys (Lwandle and Lungi are really not ok. Luyanda’s mom is more of a mess  They have red swollen eyes obviously from crying. Lungi comes running to me) Hey sweetie.  Shhh don’t cry baby, he is going to be ok.
Lungi:  I just found him and now someone wants to take him from me, why?  Why can’t I just be happy just once in my life.  He has a baby on the way, he just got married.  We were happy ma and someone wants to take our happiness from us. 
Me:  I promise you baby who ever did this is going to pay.  They will be punished.  (I look at Lwandle who looks exhausted.  I let go of Lungi and hold Lwandle who is really trying hard to strong and she is probably doing it for Lungi. I look at his mom) how are you ma?
Veronica: I’m ok my dear.  At least there was no major damage done. They are going to be ok.
ME:  where is malume?
Veronica:  He’s in the room next door.  My husband is with him.  He is also going to make it.  you have to find out who did this.  The police are not going take this case seriously.
Bandile:  We’ll do what we can ma.  Whoever did this will pay.
Lwazi:  Mama Bear can we talk outside, guys join us please.  (Lwazi takes us to the waiting room)
Me:  I called Sipho and asked him to look into his cases, check if there are any unhappy clients and also asked him not rule out Sihle.
Lwazi:  I don’t think Sihle is behind this.  She is stupid but not that stupid.  There’s two people that lost a whole lot regarding the Lungi saga
Bandile:  Lwazi is right.  That Luleka woman and the Luyanda’s aunt.
Qhawe:  Sipho must just look into them but I’m with Khanyi on this one.  Let’s not rule out Sihle plus her aunt also lost a whole lot.
Me:  Let’s wait and see what he comes back with and we can take it from there.  (Just then Detective Malusi Jaxa walks in)
Malusi:  My favourite people, how are you?
Me:  Malusi still as crazy as ever.  We are good and you?
Malusi:  I am good.  And yes I am crazy, crazy about you.
Lwazi:  You know Khanyi, this detective has a death wish.  How can he flirt with you like that infront of Qhawe?
Malusi:  don’t stress Lwazi.  Qhawe knows and he is cool.  On a serious note, tell me what happened here.
Qhawe:  The family lawyer was shot at home, he was sitting outside with his uncle.  They only heard gunshots, no one saw anything
Malusi:  Someone saw something, there’s always a witness, I just have to look in the right places.
Bandile:  We are glad you are handling the case.  Our private investigator is also doing a little digging and we’ll keep you informed with what he finds.
Malusi:  could you please make sure that when you find out who did this you call me immediately so that I can arrest them.  I don’t want to arrest my suspects all bruised and I end up having to make up stories.  (we all look at each other)
Me:  Sure Malusi. Whatever you say.

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