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I had to come home last night, I couldn’t sleep at the hospital, the doctor wouldn’t let me.  I aslo needed to be with the kids.  Now that we know their father is going to be ok I have decided to tell them that he is hospital and I can’t hide his whereabouts much longer. Qhawe’s parents are also here, Qhawe’s mom is the last person I want to deal with right now.  I simply don’t have the energy for her. Zwelibanzi is here and the guys are keeping him in the basement,  I’ll decided later what to do with him.  When I walk down stairs I can hear the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen.  It sound like everyone is in the kitchen including the kids.
Me:  Morning everyone
Them:  Morning His Queen (yhooo choir )
Lwazi:  Morning mama bear
Bandile:  uyazibaxa izinto ke wena Lwazi.  (you exaggerate things Lwazi)
Lwazi:  I was the one calling her His Queen and now you have all hijacked that and I’m sure you’ll hijack Mama Bear too.
Me:  they won’t I’ll make sure of it. 
Lwazi:  thank you Khanyi.  Do you want me to dish up for you?
Me:  I would like that.  It looks like everyone has eaten.
Lwanele:  yes mom, where is daddy.
Lisakhanya:  yes mom where he is?
Me:  come here girls ( they walk to me and Lisakhanya stands between my legs while lwanele stands next to me and leans on my left shoulder.)  I have to tell you something.
Loyiso:  you decided to tell them?
Me:  Ewe tata, at least now we know what’s going on.
Siyanda:  and when I wanted to tell them yesterday you were against it.
Loyiso:  with good reason and it was not your place to tell them.  (she wanted to say more but Loyiso just gave her that look that says just shut up. And she doesn’t say anything.)
Me:  guys Daddy and Khaya are in hospital.
Bandile(twin):  What happened?
Me:  they were involved in an accident.  Khaya might come home today or tomorrow but daddy will be there for a while.  He is still unconscious.  I’ll tell you bout the accident later.  Right now you need  to go get ready so that we can go to the hospital.
Lisakhanya:  is daddy going to be ok mom.  (she is crying on my chest and I’m holding both her and Lwanele, sibahle and Zenande they join us for the hug also crying.)
Me:  daddy is going to be fine.  The doctor said he is going to be fine, he just needs to wake up and he will soon.  Don’t cry babies, daddy is going to be fine.
Sibahle:  We can’t lose them mama.
Me:  trust me, we won’t.  Now wipe your tear, go upstairs and lets get ready to go to the hospital.   (Ntando takes them upstairs and Lonwabo comes to me and the twins .  they hug me all at once and we stay like that for a while.  I want to cry but I have to be strong  for my babies. When we break the hug Lonwabo looks and smiles warmly.  My baby is so handsome.)
Lonwabo:  are you ok mama?
Me:  I’m fine baby
Lonwabo:  You don’t always have to be strong mama.  We can see you are hurting and we are here for you.
Banele:  He is right mama.  We are here for you.  You always put us first in everything, you were there for us when we went through what Anelisa did, you helped us get through it and still helping us to survive that. We know you love our dad very much and we know that it probably hurts like hell seeing him lying in a hospital helpless.  Allow us to be here for you and comfort you. (I couldn’t hold back the tears, I just let them fall and Lonwabo kept wiping them with his thumb.)
Lonwabo:  don’t cry Queen.  It’s all going to be ok.  We are here and we are not going anywhere. (I just can’t stop cryng)
Lwazi:  hey guys why don’t you go and get ready so that we can leave.  Your mom will be fine.  By the time you come downstairs, she’ll be fine. (they hug me again and leave the kitchen.)
Lwazi:  hey Mama Bear, you need to relax.  Qhawe is going to be fine and those boys really care about, they love you so much and you guys will get through this and their father is going to wake up.  Have you told his parents?
Me:  No I haven’t.
Loyiso:  tell us what? (Lwazi looks at me and I just nod, giving him the go ahead.)
Lwazi:  Khanyi is two weeks pregnant.
Loyiso;  I though you couldn’t have kids anymore
Me:  I thought so too.  The doctor said it’s one of those one in a million chances
Loyiso:  that’s wonderful news. You must try to relax, stress is not good for the baby. (if looks could kill, they way Siyanda is looking at me right now, I would be dead.  The kids come back downstairs and  we drive off to the hospital.  When we get there we go straight to his room.  This room is full. The girls walk up to t their father and start talking to him)
Lwanele:  hey daddy.  Your princeses are here, you need to wake up.  We miss you so much and I think mom misses you more than us. 
Lisakhanya:  plus you hate hospitals, we can’t keep coming here evey day. You need to get your stubborn self out of here.
Zenande:  we love you daddy now and always.
Sibahle:  you should see mom, she doesn’t look so good.  She told us Khaya might go home today or tomorrow, you see you also can’t be here for a long time.  When we are done we are going to see Khaya.  Thank you daddy for keeping Khanyi around, she is an amazing woman.
Can we go see Khaya mom.
Me:  yes you may. (will you guys go with them.  I just want to talk to Qhawe.  I’ll join you just now.)


We left Khanyi with Qhawe and went o see Khaya and he looked good apparently he is going home tomorrow.  I must say I was amazed by what I saw in the kitchen this morning.  Qhawe’s kids are so attached to this woman. So she really loves them and these kids are so attached to each other.  Ntando is very quiet just like Zenande and they seem to get along so we.  How did they manage to blend this family like this and these guys kids call uncles are not even related to Khanyi but they are family. I sneak out of the room and go back to Qhawe’s room and when I get there Khanyi was talking to him and she was crying.
Khanyi:  I have loved a man before, given love to a man before, loved unconditionally, loved with no equivaltion and yet love still breaks me. I love love, yet love does not love me back.  I give love and love doesn’t return to me.  Love never loves me back, yet I hope it will. Love makes me cry and I  hope it will make me laugh. Love hurst me, Yet I hope it will heal me. Love broke me into a million pieces impossible to put together and yet I hope it will put me back together again. I am broken because love me broke me baby and you are my only hope.  You have to wake up.  I can’t do this life thing without you , we still have lots to live for. Come back to us. It’s funny how before I met you, I knew what to do and did what I had to do when required and now it’s like I can’t move without  you.
(my phone rings and I walk away from the door before she notices)
Me:  Helllo
Sindy:  Hello ma, how is Qhawe?  When can I come to see me.
ME:  You can’t Sindy, your name is not on the visitor list.  Look Sindy I don’t  think things will work out.  I am going to book a flight back to the Eastern Cape for you.  Qhawe loves someone else.
Sindy:  mama you know I love Qhawe and you know I’ve always loved him and I am going to fight for.
Me:  Stop it.  don’t make things harder than they already are.
Sindy:  no ma, you promised me that I will have him and I want him. (she hangs up.  Damn this girl is going to make things difficult.  I need to do something to stop her.

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