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A week ago Sizwe’s baby was born.  Princess Olu. She is so beautiful and her father is so in love with her.  who wouldn’t be. She is an adorable little thing and as for me, I’m almost six months pregnant, getting bigger by the day.  So much has been happening in our lives right now but we are still standing strong.  One would think that after you survive the challenges I had to go through before I came to Durban four years ago, one would eventually get a break.  I just want to be happy without any trouble.  Just once, I want to enjoy my happiness in peace. These babies have been kicking non-stop today, it’s like they don’t want me to work but I have to.  My kids businesses are doing well, that has been my focus, since I have Mcebisi for my business and I must say, he is doing well.  Qhawe still doesn’t want him to handle QM Architecture account, he says I’m the best for his company.  I just think he is going to miss our little meetings in his office when I hand the account to Mcebisi.  Qhawe is also working from home, he is only going to go back to the office when it starts getting busy.  I must say I do enjoy having him around.  He has been nothing but the best.

Life has thrown me so many curve balls, served me so many lemons.  I never thought in a million years I would be this happy and in love.  Even though I never gave up on love, I never really thought I would find it and be so complete.  I always thought I would die an old spinster.  I have the most amazing family and we all have learned that family is not just blood.  Love, trust and loyalty build a good family.  We are who we are because of our life’s experiences, we stand up for what we believe in and fight for what we believe in and the ones we love.  We are who we are today because we never gave up.  We didn’t allow the bitterness of life to bring us down and today we are a Black, Beautiful and Proud family, with a whole lot to offer to the world.  I just had an idea, I should talk to Qhawe.
Eddie:  You look far away, are you ok?
Me:  I’m ok.  I was just thinking and these little ones were kicking.
Eddie:  they are kicking a lot these days, they are going to be handful.
Me:  they will be.
Eddie:  you know me and Elza we were blessed with one child and then we met you and you allowed us to make your kids our kids and we are greatful for that.  we always wanted more kids but it never seemed possible.  Juliet is coming back next month for a visit.  I think I want her to come home permanently when she finishes with her studies overseas.  We miss her so much.
ME:  I can only imagine how you feel.  I miss my brother, I thought he was going to come home for Christmas but he couldn’t, he had to work and he is being offered a permanent position that side and I hoped he would work with Khaya in the new studio.
Eddie:  has he decided if he is going to accept their offer?
Me:  No he hasn’t but I can sense that he is leaning towards accepting it.
Eddie:  Let him, he is gaining more experience that he will share with Khaya when he gets back.
Me:  I know, but it’s hard. 
Eddie:  where is Khaya, I thought he would here by now?
Me:  I was actually wondering the same thing, I haven’t called him.  Lina is also with him.
Eddie:  I wanted to talk to him about security at the studio and his office.
ME:  have you tried calling him?
Eddie:  I did but it takes me straight to voicemail.
Me:  that is so unlike Khaya.  Let me try his sister. (I pick up my phone and call Lina and it takes me straight to voicemail.)  that’s odd, it takes me to voicemail.  (my instincts are kicking in, something is wrong.)  Eddie something is wrong, their phones are never off no matter what.  They never switch off their phones.
Eddie:  i know, I told them never to switch their phones off, we use the phones to track them should anything go wrong.
Me:  Something is wrong.
Eddie:  hey, hey, hey calm down (he says holding both my hands)  calm down, breathe Khanyi, breathe.
Me:  you need to find my babies Eddie.
Eddie:  Look at me Khanyi, calm down, breathe with me.  In and out, hey don’t look down look at me, breathe.  Think of the babies you are carrying.  Those phones being off could be nothing let’s not panic yet ok.  (I just nod and we continue with breathing exercise and I feel better.)
Eddie:  Are you ok now?
Me:  Yes I am.  Just find my babies.
Eddie:  I will.  Where is Qhawe, I need him to keep you calm.
Me:  Upstairs in his office.
Eddie:  I’ll find him.  You can go to the kitchen and get yourself some ice cream.  ( we both walk out of my office, and our separate ways.)
Something is definitely not right, those kids know their phones are not suppose to be off.  what is going on?  When I walk into Qhawe’s office, he’s busy with paper work and busy on the phone.  I wait for him to finish his call.
Qhawe:  hey man, what’s up
Me:  I don’t know yet but I think something might be wrong with Lina and Khaya, their phones are off.
Qhawe:  that’s odd, did they say they were going to have their phones off at some point today.
Me:  they didn’t.  Look I just managed to calm Khanyi down, she is in the kitchen having ice cream or something.  I need her to stay calm and that is your job my friend.    Don’t call anyone yet.  I’m going to give it an hour and see what happens.  I’ll have Zack track where they were last active.   Go to the kitchen before that woman of yours drives herself crazy.
Qhawe:  she knows how to drive herself crazy and me in the process.  (he goes out to the kitchen and I stay to make a few calls.)
*****************************phone converstion*************************************
Me:  zack
Zack:  eddie, what can I do for you?
Me:  Lina and Khaya’s phones are off.  I need you to track them to when they were last active.  I don’t know how long they’ve off, I only found out a few minutes ago, I was trying to call Khaya.
Zack:  Ok, give me a few minutes and I’ll call you back. (he hangs up)
**********************************                        ***********************************
I just hopw that I ma wrong, that they are ok wherever they are.  I can’t afford to have anything happen to them, that will kill Khanyi.  Zack calls back.
Zack:  they were last active at the mall and that was three hours.  Their cars are at the mall as well.
Me:  three hours ago, that’s long Zack.  Anything could have happenened in three hours.
Zack:  send guys to check out what’s going on.  Maybe they are still there, maybe their batteries died.
Me:  both of them at the same time, no it can’t be.  I smell a rat.
Zack:  also speak to the security guys at the mall and see if they can’t let you view their security footage, if the kids are not at the mall.
ME:  let’s not say anything to anyone until we know we know for sure but I will have to tell Qhawe..
Zack:  we’ll talk later then.
I have been watching Ncesh.  She has really moved on with her life, she looks so in love with her new boyfriend.  He looks like one of those guys who like women and easy to seduce.  I should test the waters.  I think I have everything I need to implement my plan but I need to find out what her plans are for Sunday.  Maybe that Sipho guy can help, he is good at what he does.
*****************************PHONE CONVERSTION**********************************
Sipho:  Hello
Me:  I need you to found what my sister is doing on Sunday, where she is going to be and with who.
Sipho:  You know the drill I believe.  Money first then I deliver.
ME:  No problem.  I’ll pay the deposit now.
Sipho:  pleasure doing business with you.
Me:  How come you never ask me what I am doing with the info I ask you for?
Sipho:  what you do with it is really none of my business, as long as it is not something illegal that will drag my name through the mud.  Should I find out that you are using the information for illegal purposes, then I will be forced to call the Policce on you. So you see, if you screw with me, I screw with you even harder.  No pun intended.
Me:  I get you.  I’ll be waiting then. (I hang up)
******************************                       ****************************************
Let’s make another call

Me:  Dear sister
Ncesh:  what do you want
Me:  can’t I just call to check on my sister and see how she is doing and plus I want to apologise.
Ncesh:  apologise for what?
Me:  the past, what I did to you and your friend.
Ncesh:  do you really think I can forgive you for that, if you think that then yoru are crazier than I thought.
Me:  Oh Ncesh, you only realise that now.  I’ve always been crazy darling.  I see you have found yourself a new man.
Ncesh:  stay away from us.  I don’t even know how you know.
Me:  I’ve always made it my life’s mission to everything there is to know about you..we’ll talk soon.

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