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When I rush out of the waiting room to get help I bump into Khaya’s girlfriend, what’s her name again, Lungi, yes that’s it Lungi.
Me:  Lungi, I need your help (I say dragging her to the waiting room)
Lungi:  what happened to him, what did you do?
Me:  what makes you think i did anything? I didn’t do anything, I think he fainted and I think he was having a panic attack.
Lungi:  I’ll get someone to take him to one of the rooms. (when she walks out another doctor walks in and rushes to him and he looks at me.)
Doctor:  what happened?
Me:  I think he had a panic attack, he just found out his lady is carrying Quintuplets.
Doctor:  I’m her doctor, are you family?
Me:  Yes I am.
Doctor:  she is awake and she was asking for someone called Andile.
Me:  That’s me.  (Lungi walks in with two male nurses, they  take Qhawe and put him on the stretcher)
Doctor:  take him to the private room next to Miss Sondlo’s that’s room 190.  I’ll attend to him.
Lungi:  ok doc.  Is Miss Sondlo ok. 
Doctor:  she is fine, she had a panic attack.
Lungi:  ok doc.  (she looks at me) are you coming?
ME:  yes (she shows me Khanyi’s room and she goes to help with Qhawe.) hey Khanyi, how are you feeling?
Khanyi:  I don’t know Andile.  He made me pregnant with five babies Andile (she is crying.  Khanyi is not this emotional.)
Me:  (I give her a hug  and let her cry on my chest.)  didn’t I tell you not open your legs for him. Look where you are now.
Khanyi:  This is not the time for “I told you so.”
Me:  I’m sorry.
Khanyi:  I hate him right now.
Me:  No you don’t you are just in shock right now.  you love him very much and you are happy you are having his babies.
Khanyi:  I hate him.  The doctor said they are going to keep me over night just to make sure that I’m ok.  (I’ve been trying to get out of the hug but she doesn’t want to let go. I think this being clingy business is getting serious.  I am going to Kill Qhawe if she doesn’t do it first. He should be here dealing with this emotional woman of his and he is busy fainting)
Me:  let me call Eddie to bring you a change of clothes and I’ll ask Lwazi to fetch the kids from school.
Khanyi:  Qhawe will fetch the kids from school.
Me:  Qhawe can’t fetch the kids from school he has been admitted too.
Khanyi:  What did you do to him?
Me:  why is everyone thinking I did something to the man.  I didn’t do anything to him. The same thing that happened to you happened to me.
Khanyi:  You lie, Qhawe having a panic attack, that doesn’t sound right (she finally lets go of me.)
Me:  you should have seen him.  He was really freaked out about this. He is worried that you will hate him.  It also didn’t help that I told him you will hate him.
Khanyi:  Why would you do that Andile?  If he doesn’t wake up, I’m blaming you.
Me:  I didn’t mean to.  I was also shocked.  Let me call Eddie. (just then Lungi walks in and I walk out to call Eddie.  I went to check on Qhawe, he is still out. I really feel for him.)


The visit the to prison was not what i expected.  The things Anelisa told me, I couldn’t believe them. It doesn’t change anything though.  I still want him to be mine.  What did she mean I wouldn’t survive being a mother to his kids, are they that bad and why is Khanyi good for them and I’m not.  How did she even allow a man that tortured her like that to touch her.  I felt her pain though when she spoke about not being able to be a part of the baby’s life.  I wonder if this Sizwe guy is dating anyone, otherwise how is he going take care of a baby alone. She also said “they protect her”  who is they?  Maybe it’s Qhawe and this Sizwe guy.  You know what none of this scares me.  I want to do this,I have to do this. My phone rings and it’s my mother, eish this woman?
Me:  Mama
Mom:  Sindy when are you coming home?
Me:  When my leave is over ma.
Mom:  such a long time Sindy, fine.  How are things going there, did Siyanda hook you up with her son?
Me:  No mama she didn’t, she said she doesn’t want to be part of it and she won’t lose her son and grandkids because of me.
Mom:  I thought she wanted you for her son, didn’t she.
ME:  Look ma, I’m doing this my way now, I don’t need his mom’s help anyway.  The only thing  making things difficult is that he is seeing someone and it looks like he loves her.
Mom:  as long as he is not married, you can still have him. You actually didn’t think you would find him single waiting did you?
Me:  I don’t know ma.  When I spoke to him, he didn’t show any interest, he said I was throwing myself at him.
Mom:  turn on your charm girly and use what you have.
Me:  I’ll talk to you later ma (I hang up)
Maybe mom is right, it’s time to stop playing nice and turn on my charm.  New plan!!!


Me:  Hey guys
Them:  Hey
Sibahle:  Did mom approve this pick up
Lwazi:  obviously I wouldn’t be here if she didn’t.
Ntando:  where are they
Lwazi:  In hospital
Ntando:  Both of them?
Me:  Yes both of them
Them:  what happened?
Me:  I don’t know, we’ll find out when we get there.
Nele:  didn’t you go to the hospital?
Me:  No I didn’t.
Zenande:  why not?
Me:  I was busy with work Zenny.
Lisakhanya:  too busy for your family?
Me:  do you always ask this many questions when your parents pick you up or is it just me?
Lonwabo:  It’s just you Uncle Lwazi.  Normally we talk about how our day was, what we are going to for the night, what homework we need help with and these day we also talk business, those kind of things.  (this kids is being sarcastic and he has a big smile on his face and thanks to their mother’s punishment I have to be nice to them and they are taking advantage of that.)
Me:  I see.  Well Lisakhanya, I am not too busy for my family, I am with you right.
Lisa:  thank you for being here.
Me:  we are here,  (we all get out of the car and walk into the hospital and Lungi comes to us.)
Lungi:  hey guys (she hugs all of us)
Zenande:  Sis’ Lungi how are you?
Lungi:  I’m good baby, how are you guys?
Zenande:  We are good sisi.
Lungi:  come I’ll show you where your mom is.
Sibahle:  Is she ok sisi?
Lungi:  she is perfectly fine.  She just had a panic attack.
Lonwabo:  mom hardly gets panic attacks unless it’s something serious.
Lungi:  she will tell you herself but you don’t have to worry, she is fine.  (she shows us the room and leaves us. Qhawe is not here and this room is big for two people.
Me:  Mama Bear, how are you?  (everyone is already here, why are we all here)
Khanyi:  I’m fine Lwazi, how are you?  (she’s busy hugging the babies.)
Me:  I’m good.  Don’t you guys work or have classes.
Sizwe:  we do.  We received a call to come to the hospital, so here we are.
Bandile(twin):  Mom why are you here, where’s dad.
Me:  they’ll bring your dad in just now.  We both had a panic attack.
Lonwabo:  What caused it?  (the nurses wheel in Qhawe’s bed before Khanyi could answer Wabo’s question.  He is completely out.  They place the bed next to Khanyi’s bed.)
Lwanele:  is he going to wake up.
Khanyi:  Yes baby he will.  He just fainted. (Bandile and Sizwe just laughed so loud)
Lungi:  I can wake him up if you like.
Me:  Can you do it? (I ask looking at Khanyi and nods.  Lungi takes something out of her pocket and moves in front of Qhawe’s nose and he wakes up. He looks disorientated)
Qhawe:  What happened?
Lungi:  You had a panic attack and fainted. You are ok.  I’ll give you some space.
Khanyi:  No stay please.  Babe can we tell them. (Qhawe looks at her doubtful)
Qhawe:  Are you ok (she nods) You don’t hate me?
Khanyi:  I could never hate you even if I tried.  (he gets off the bed, goes to her and hugs so tight.) I’m sorry I said all those things, I was shocked.
Khaya:  why would she hate you? (they break the hug, Qhawe kisses her forehead and gets in bed with her.)
Me:  that’s what I would like to know.  What did he do to you  Mama bear, I’ll beat him up for you.
Khanyi:  I’m pregnant
Sizwe:  but we already know that.
Banele:  Speak for yourself Bhut’ Sizwe.  We didn’t know. Why weren’t  we told?
Bandile(twin):  Really guys, why didn’t you tell us.
Lonwabo:  just hang on, you have 5 kids each already, so you being pregnant wouldn’t cause a panic attack.
Qhawe:  Unless she is carrying quintuplets. (the rooms goes quiet, you can actually here a needle drop)
Khaya:  I’m sorry what?
Bhut’ Bandile:  I thought i had him say Quintuplets
Eddie:  that’s five babies right?
Banele:  I think I have a hearing problem.
Bandile:  five babies???? At the same time??? Dad how could you????
Sibahle:  You guys have ten kids already and you decide that bringing in another five into this crazy family would be a good idea.  (Qhawe and Khanyi are just quiet listening to everyone’s  reactions)
Me:  everyone just hang on a second, I think I lost my hearing senses when he said she is carrying Quintuplets. What are we going to do with five babies.
Lungi:  It’s true, she carrying Quintuplets. ( I look at Lwanele and Lisakhanya, they are frozen, the poor girls are so shocked.)
Me:  Nele,Lisa, are you ok girls.
Lisa:  I’m still trying to recover from when she said she was pregnant.
Nele:  5 babies, REALLY DAD??? (yhooo the room was just filled with laughter, she is so serious looking at her dad.)

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