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Life has been good.  I’ve never been better.  Nightmares have stopped.  I only see a therapist when I need to.  My parents have been a great support system and I passed my first year execellently as well.  My parents always encouraged me never to give up and my relationship with my mom has improved a lot.  Last year October Lonwabo’s mom invited me to go to Zambia with them my parents were very hesitant about it but they eventually let me go.  I must say it was so much fun, I really enjoyed myself.  We are now at the end of our second academic year, today we were writing our last exam paper and Lonwabo is taking me out for dinner tonight.  We’ve been friends for a year and six months.  We’ve gotten much closer now.  we spend a lot of time together.  I’m close with his siblings as well.  His big brothers treat me like their little sister.  Since it’s just me and my sister, it actually feels good to have brothers.  Choosing what to wear tonight has been a nightmare, apparently I had wear an evening dress but I eventualy went with a knee high body hugging blue dress, with sparkles and a silver heel with a matching clutch bag.  I don’t know why I am nervous but then again this is not what we usually do.  this is the first time he has taken me out to a formal dinner.
Mom:  Oyama,  Lonwabo is here.  ( this guy is always on time and always brings me home on time.  I grab my phone and walk out of my room.)  You look beautiful baby.  What’s the occasion today?
ME:  Honestly mama I don’t know.  I was asked to wear an evening dress.  (as we walk into the lounge there he was standing by there in his black tuxedo.  My heart started beating faster than normal. Lonwabo just has effect on me.  Maybe tonight I should just tell him how I feel.  It’s been over a year since Lunga and  I am over that even though I will never forget but I have moved on now.  I’m not afraid anymore.)
Lonwabo:  You look amazing
Me:  You don’t look too bad yourself.  We should get going.
Lonwabo:  yes otherwise we’ll be late for our reservation.  We’ll see you later ma and than you for letting me take her out tonight.
Mom:  it’s fine Lonwabo as long as you bring her home safe and in one piece. (mom kisses my cheek and let’s us go.)
When we get to the restaurant, we are taken to our table and the setting in this place is amazing. Everyone is dressed formally.  I guess it’s one of those restaurants.  I keep looking at him sitting opposite me.  The tux suits him very well, he looks very sexy in it.  Our waiter brings our drinks.  I need one just to calm my nerves.  I have acquired the taste of red wine.  I fell inlove with it when Lina introduced me to it.  The ladies in that family love wine but Lina and Lungi never drink infront of their parents. )
Lonwabo:  You really look beautiful tonight,  I love that dress.
Oyama:  Thank you.  ( the waiter brings our food and we carry on talking about everything.  Our conversation is flowing easily as usual.  Our conversation are never forced and what’s amazing is that we can sit in silence and still be comfortable. )  Lonwabo I have something I want to tell you.
Lonwabo:  ok, I am listening.
Oyama:  (I take a deep breath.  “Oyama you can do this”  I think to myself.)  Wabo I love you, not as just a friend.  I’ve loved you for a very long time.  I wanted to be sure of my feeling before I told you.  I didn’t plan on telling you tonight but it just felt right to do it right here right how.
Lonwabo:  I love you too.  I brought you here tonight to tell you how I feel and to ask you to be woman.
Me:  I would love to be yours.  (he gets up takes my hand and makes me stand right in front of him.  he pulls close to him while looking down on and reaches for my lips kissing the life out of me.  Oh My God!  He makes me weak.  I’ve kissed guys before  but this this is different this kiss tells me I am his, he is claiming me.)
Being Mrs Mtimkhulu has been the best thing in my life.  My husband is wonderful.  He is taking good care of us.  The Quins are almost two years old, they are just too much trouble now.  After our trip to Zambia I decided that I am going to work from home full time. Mcebisi is doing well with the company.  I just help here and there especially when it comes to Qhawe, Lwazi, Sizwe and Bandile’s accounts.  They want to be hands on with their ad campaigns.  The construction companies are doing well also.  Lonwabo and Ntando are hands on only part time. They will completely take over when they finish with their studies.  It’s been a year and half since we announced to the family that we are married and things have going great.  We had a press conference to announce it publicly.  Luyanda and Bandile were also part of that conference.  Ever since the conference we’ve had peace from the media.  I never thought I would be where I am in life right now.  I am grateful that I never gave up on life.  If I had given up, I would have lost out on all the blessings I’ve receved so far.  After I left Zwelibanzi I didn’t think I would completely heal from the abuse I suffered while with him.  My heart was shattered I was not prepared to love another man, only to find that I would meet the one meant for me.  Qhawe came into our lives and he became our light.  His love healed our hearts, His love healed my heart.
Before we went to Zambia I suspected that Thando was pregnant and she was.  After we came back from Zambia we decided to get married.  I am now a married man and a father to a beautiful little princess named Babalo.  Things I never thought I would be in my life.  My dad had taken a lot from me but after I decided to forgive him, I started feeling better, I started doing things differently and here I am today.  Bandile and I joined the BROTHERHOOD project and we speak now about our expeirnces hoping that they will encourages others to come out and speak out.   The project has helped quite a lot of young boys and we’ve taken some back to school and the others are developing their skills at the skills center that we built thanks to one of Qhawe’s business associates that sponsored the centre.  Thando has been a great wife.  She has been so supportive through it all.  It hasn’t been easy.  We’ve all had our ups and down.  I’ve slept on the couch a few times.  We all have.  The women we married don’t take shit from us and we appreciate that and that makes us treat them like Queens everyday. Thando has suggested that we buy a bigger house since we plan on having more kids and the fact that out of all of us I have the smallest house and people can’t sleepover when we have our Sunday get together.  Eish these get togethers; having to buy food  for everyone.  I think I need to stop giving Thando my bank card because she just goes crazy with it.

Sizwe and Anelisa got married in Zambia and their little princess is two years old and they recently  found out that she is pregnant again. Ncesh is also pregnant. Sizwe and Anelisa did a story for a magazine that wanted to do a story on how they met and their relationship.  It is true what they say though.  Love can be found in the most unexpected places with the most unexpected person.   Their relationship has been stable frowing strong everyday.   Luyanda and Lwandle also have a son who is a year old now. They decided to name him after Luyanda.  Luyanda Jnr.   Khaya and Lungi also doing great.  Zukiswa stopped harassing Khaya after she was taken to the basement.  Mcebisi and LIna are also doing good.  Sne has left them alone but her mother has not.  She  has been going to traditional healers trying to find a way to break up the couple but with no success.

Life can throw a lot of curves at you and the choice will be up to you if you want to give up or get and start again.  Giving up should never be an option.  We should strive to do better, to be better and make our dreams come true since no one is going to do it for.

This family has been through a lot in their lives, but each member of this family never gave up.  They had options and giving up was never an  option but never chose to give up.  The family started small and it grew to be what it is today and in the process they learned to trust each other and be there for each other.  They learned to be loyal, they learned love each other and repect each other. They’ve all been through the worst and they have found healing in each other.  They mended each other’s hearts by loving unconditionaly and just allowing themselves to be loved the way they deserce .

I don’t understand how they can live life and be happy after what they did to me and my siste
Him:Leave them alone otherwise you are going to find yourself in trouble.
Me:  I can’t.  I am going to make them pay for what they did.
Him:  it was not their fault if you.
Me:  I don’t care.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes, I am going to avenge you.  You shouldn’t be here.
Him:  Just leave it alone, I am warning you. (I just look at him and shrug.

******TO BE CONTINUED********

His Love Healed My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now