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We are all awake and ready to go to Nkosikhona’s house.  At least Khanyi is a bit relaxed now although she is still angry, what this guy did was just the last straw for her.  she has put up with his bullshit for far too long and nothing will save him from him this.  First I need to check on Luyanda and Sipho since they didn’t come with us.  I wonder if they are surviving the ladies and the kids.  Luyanda answers immediately, I can hear the girls talking in the background
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Lwanele:  Uncle Lu please help me with this before Aunt Anelisa gets here, it’s for Oluthando
Luyanda:  Let me take this call first
Me:  Looks like you have your hands full
Luyanda:  How do Qhawe and Khanyi do it, how do they survive this everyday?
Me:  you should ask them that.  how are you guys doing?
Luyanda:  We are doing ok.  Lungi is not ok though, she can’t stop worrying.
Me:  we are going to fetch them now and we should be home tonight, we don’t plan on sleeping here.
Luyanda:  good, hurry back we have new info, you won’t believe the shit Sipho found out.  
Me:  what are you talking about?
Luyanda:  This goes deeper than we thought.  Nkosikhona taking the kids is part of something bigger.  You need to make him tell you who helped him.
Me:  I’ll do that.  I have to go.  We might see you this afternoon.
Luyanda:  cool man.  Hurry back, otherwise these kids will kill me.
ME:  Get the twins to help you.  They can manage them.
Luyanda:  bandile and Banele are no different.  I have to go before Lwanele kills me.  She’s been staring at me for the duration of this call.  Talk  later. (he hangs up.  I wonder why they are giving him a hard time.)
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Me:  guys let’s go
Khanyi:  I heard you talking to Luyanda, how are my kids
Me:  You should be asking how Luyanda is doing? (Khanyi laughs a little)
Khanyi:  why what happened?
Me:  I don’t know but they seem to be giving him a hard time.
Khanyi:  He’ll survive.
Me:  he wants to know how you guys do it.
Khanyi:  Honestly I don’t know.  As long as they are alive by the end of the day, we know we did good, we did something right.
Me:  that’s a funny a way of putting it.  let’s get going.  (it’s a good thing we hired a mini bus.  Lwazi is driving since he is very familiar with this town.)
Lwazi:  Khanyi show me the location that the kids sent you.  (she takes out her phone and gives it to him.)  we are almost there.
Bandile:  What’s the plan?
Qhawe:  we walk in there, take my kids and walk out.
Mcebisi:  I think your plan is missing a little action.
Qhawe:  Why is my daughter dating you and why haven’t I killed yet?
Mcebisi:  well she is dating me because she loves me, I’m good looking and I’m good to her, as for you not killing me that’s because I’m the best son in law and you like me and you know I’ll do anything for your daughter.  Am I right or am I right.  (Khanyi couldn’t help herself she just broke into laughter.)
Khanyi:  Waze wasenza Lina.
Bandile:  Lwazi are you sure you guys are not related, maybe he is a long lost brother or something.
Lwazi &Mcebisi:  Not by a long shot.
Sizwe:  Yhooo hayi I give up.  Lina has done the worst in this family.
Qhawe:  She absolutely has.  I don’t know how we are going to survive these two.
Lwazi:  we are here and stop acting like you don’t enjoy having us around.  (he parks in front of the yard.  It looks like Khanyi was right.  There’s lots of people here, this is a big house too and a few outside rooms.  An old man walks up to us
Old man:  gentlemen how can we help you (Khanyi  was following behind us)
Qhawe:  I’m here for my kids.  Linamandla and Khaya, if you can just point us to the right direction, we would appreciate it.
Old man:  wait here (he walks away and comes back with another man and at this point  Khanyi is standing next to Qhawe)
Khanyi:  Uncle Mxolisi
Uncle Mxolisi:  Khanyi, I thought you were not coming and you are pregnant.
Khanyi:  Where are my kids tata
Uncle Mxolisi:  Honestly I don’t know, I haven’t seen them.  Nkosikhona said the kids would be here anytime and you are not coming.
Khanyi:  My kids have been here for almost 3 days and they were kidnapped.  Your son kidnapped my kids and right now he doesn’t know that I am here.  I need to sit.
Uncle Mxolisi:  Come with me.  (we follow behind him and he leads us to this big tree where there were a few man and some old ladies sitting there and he gives Khanyi a chair to sit.  He asks one one of the kids that were around to bring chairs for Me, Qhawe and Sizwe.  The rest of the guys are just wondering around the yard.)
Qhawe:  with all due respect tata, but unyana wenu uyandidelela, udelela ne nkosikazi yam ngaphezulu. (your son is disrespecting me, on top of it all he is disrespecting my wife)
Uncle Mxolisi:  We apologize, as the elders in this family we didn’t know he kidnapped the kids.  He told us he spoke to Khanyi and they came to an understanding.
Khanyi:  I have put up with Nkosikhona’s nonsense and I won’t put with it anymore.  I am going to have him arrested for kidnapping.  The police are on their way. 

Nkosikhona:  you couldn’t stay away could you (I didn’t even see him coming)
Unlce Mxolisi:  is it true, did you kidnap those kids Nkosikhona
Nkosikhona:  yes I did only because she wouldn’t let them come here, she wouldn’t bring them here
Uncle mxolisi:  with good reason you idiot.
Khanyi:  how many times did I tell you to stay away from my kids Nkosikhona
Nkosikhona:  I couldn’t I had to get them here some how, I did what I had to do.
Qhawe:  where are my kids Nkosikhona
Nkosikhona:  they are not yours, they are mine and I can do as I wish with them (I don’t know when Qhawe got off his chair and started punching Nkosikhona like he was nothing.  I pulled him off, Lwazi and Bandile just got here and they take him away.)
Khanyi:  what he just did is nothing compared to what I am going to do to you.  (she says pulling out her gun from my waist.)
Uncle Nceba:  Hayi Khanyi, that’s the way to handle this.
Khanyi:  Your son doesn’t listen and it looks like this is the way he is going to listen.
“Mama”  (that was Lina’s voice.  Khanyi quickly hands the gun to me as the kids run to her.  they hug her so tight, Lina is all tears and her mom too.  Andile was right behind them with some woman and Qhawe and Bandile.)
Khaya:  we are ok mama.  Sis’ Nokhaya took care of us.
Khanyi:  Khaya you are too tall mani.  (he kneels in front her and she kisses him all over his face and does the same with Lina.)  Are you sure you are ok.
Lina:  we are fine mama.  We are fine.
Mcebisi:  Princess!!! (where did he come from, we left him in the car)
Lina:  Pebbles!!! (she goes to him and he hugs her tight spinning her around.  With tears falling from his eyes.)
Mcebisi:  baby are you ok, did he hurt you?
Lina:  I’m fine.  I promise, I’m fine.
Khanyi:  Mcebisi take them to the car.
Mcebisi:   but…. (I don’t let him finish)
Me:  Do as she says, no matter what you hear stay in the car)
Sizwe:  I’ll take them to the BnB so that they can freshen up.  If I stay here, someone is going to die.  (Just then the police showed up.  Sizwe just walked to them with the kids.)  Mcebisi come on, what are you waiting for?  (mcebisi tries to say something but decides to keep quiet and follows Sizwe.)
Officers I would like to press charges of kidnapping.  Let’s talk in the car  (well played Sizwe.  Khanyi needs to make this quick before those rookies come back.  Where is Nxele’s contact?
Khanyi:  Eddie my gun please (I take it out and hand it to her.  She pulls a chair, sits and looks at Nkosikhona)  here’s a chair sit, let’s talk.

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