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Me:  You know when you mentioned someone helping Zwelibanzi in prison I thought of him but didn’t want it to be true at that moment.  I know that he was some how involved with Zweilibanzi’s business, I never thought he was the guy that was behind all of it.
Sipho:  weren’t you close friends with Zwelibanzi?
Me:  I was, until I found out he was selling people for their organs.  That’s when I turned against him and started working with the police.  Micheal Arendse is a very dangerous man.  He’s been in this game for a very long time and with his involvement in all this, we need to thread carefully.  We need to stay 10 steps ahead of him otherwise we are dead.  Bandile how do you know him?
Bandile:  grandfather to my kids (he says with a very low, shocked voice.)
Khanyi:  what you are saying is that Sima and your ex wife are sisters.
Bandile:  I guess that’s what I’m saying.
Sipho:  that’s not all
Thando:  what could be more shocking than everything that you just said?
Luyanda:  Nkosikhona works for one his companies cleaning the dirty money.  When Nkosikhona found out, they offered him more money to keep his mouth shut and as the idiot that he is, he accepted, but ever since Zwelibanzi’s arrest things haven’t been all sweet and roses and he’s been having an affair with Sima.
Khanyi:  Nkosikhona is ruining his life for what, for that doll face that’s going to dump him like hot potato when she is done with him.  he is married to a good woman and he does this to her.  he is more than an idiot, I don’t have word yet for what he is.
Qhawe:  Knowing you, you’ll probably come up with one. (he laughs a little at that as she pouts.  These too are just too cute.)
Sipho:  when you look at all this, Micheal wants you Khanyi and he wants you alive.  The company you bought, he wants it.  All he knows is that you are not the only shareholder in that company, they don’t know who the other person is and they don’t know that he is dead and you now own 100% of that company and that’s how it has to stay.  He wants you so that you can sell him your shares in the hopes that you will also convince your silent parter who is now dead to sell too.  He is using us to get to you, to blackmailing you to sell.
Me:  A man like him can be very manipulative.  He wants some of us to turn against you in the hopes that it will make you week.  When you look at it, he is going to continue playing these games with us until you give in.  he is trying to break us from within.  I am assuming that his plan is to get us to hate for the things that he is going to do to us.
Lwazi: then he is more stupid than I thought.  (he walks to Khanyi who was sitting next Qhawe leaning her head on his shoulder. He kneels in front of her and holds her hands) Mama Bear you have nothing to worry about.  We have all been through a lot together and nothing and I mean nothing will ever make us hate you or leave you.  We are all in this together.  If that piece of shit thinks he can get to you using us, then he has another storm coming his way.  I love you (he gets up kisses her cheek and goes back to sit next to Thando who look at him proudly and with so much love.)
Khanyi:  Thank you Lwazi.
Qhawe:  hayi Lwazi you can’t say that to her.
Lwazi:  Qhawe khawuume ngomona , yhoo siyamzi ngowakho kodwa ke nathi ngowethu,kwakutsho yena ke futhi. (Qhawe just hold on with your jealousy.  We know she is you, but she is also hours and she said it.) Lwazi gives Qhawe a naughty smile.
Sipho:  there’ something else ( we all look at him waiting for him to continue.  He clears his throat)  Micheal is also Andiswa’s father.  (the room goes silent for a few minutes)
Qhawe:  FOR FUCK SAKES!!! Meaning that Amanda helped with Andiswa’s case
Ncesh:  Who is Amanda?
Bandile:  Baby mama.. she is a lawyer. 
Khanyi:  do you guys think she has met her sisters
Sipho:  No she hasn’t.  She has met her father though.  They met the day Lina and Khaya went missing.  He will probably be introducing her to them soon.  (Bandile has very quiet he seems to be very deep in thought.)
Me:  they know where we are staying and that’s not good.  And the plan we had of snatching Andiswa, we have to throw that out the window and come up with a new plan.  We need to catch the bigger fish.
Eddie:  we need bait for the bigger fish and I doubt very much it’s his daughters.
Andile:  I also doubt very much it’s them.  I think they are just pons in this game of his.  He is using them and when he is done with them, he’ll throw them out like nothing.  I don’t think a man like that has a weak spot.
Qhawe:  trust me, eveyman has a weak spot.  We just have to find his quick.
Bandile:  NO MAN!!! This can’t be, can it, is it possible?
Me:  What are you talking about?
Bandile:  Amanda, she is a lawyer and in most of her cases the Judge was this Zinto person and if he was the judge in almost all her cases that means she has been doing this for a while, she could have been working for Zwelibanzi all along and Jonathan was just the lapdog he used for the legal staff.  Sizwe you know Jonathan and you must know that he didn’t handle everything for Zwelibanzi only certain things.
Me:  that’s true.  Jonathan always agreed with me when I called Zwelibanzi into order.  He was not really involved with his illegal shit, only the small things and I think that’s why he lost the case.
Bandile:  it was planned, they wanted him to lose case.  I think they are planning on getting Zwelibanzi out and they are keeping him in the dark about all of this on purpose, maybe he would probably be against the plan since he dealt with us.  Guys come on think about it.  Ncesh you said your parents died in a car accident and I am willing to bet my life that it was no accident, it was murder and I am sure it was meant for your mom.  Your mom probably got herself mixed up with something and ended up asking for help from the wrong people.  She probably didn’t  want Andiswa to know her father because she knew what type of a person he was.
Me:  that is a possibility.
Bandile:  Micheal watched Andiswa grow to hate Ncesh from a distance, he watched her destroy her sister, he probably groomed her to be who she is and he did it all from a  distance by putting people in her path that would befriend her.  (Eddie’s phone and he leaves to answer it.) I could be wrong about all of this.
Me:  it’s worth looking into, Sipho can you do it.
Sipho:  I can, but I need to lay low for a while, I don’t want them catching on to me, otherwise we’ll be screwed. (Eddie walks back in.)
Eddie:   that was Zack, we have a visitor.  Everyone needs to go upstairs except Bandile, Ncesh and Thando. It’s  Andiswa. Let’s let things playout for today and see what happens.  Remember we have the upper hand. (we all go upstairs leaving them there)
As I walk to the door I can here people talking.  I stand there deciding if I should knock or not.  I knock and wait. A guy opens the door.  I think this is the boyfriend.  He looks more handsome up close.
Him:  Hi, can I help you?
Me:   umm yes, I am here to see Ncebakazi Ndzolo, I was told she lives here.
Him:  And you are?
Me:  I’m sorry, I’m her little sister Andiswa
Him:  Please come in. (wow my sister is living it up.  This is really an upgrade from her ex.)
Me:  wow!  This is a beautiful house, it’s amazing.
Him:  thank you I guess.  (we walk into what looks like a lounge but very casual, they probably use it as a tv room, there’a big tv and there’s a movie playing.  There’s wine and some snacks as well.  I’m probably interrupting chill time.)
Ncesh:  Babe who was at the door?  (she walks in followed by her friend and freezes when she sees me.  I can still see the fear in her eyes even her friend.  They are scared of me.  I smile at her, walk to her and hug them both)
Me:  hey sis, how are you?
Ncesh:  I’m fine, what are you doing here? How did you know I live here?
Me:  I came to see you, I haven’t seen you in a while (she is holding a bowl of popcorn and I notice a ring on her finger.  History is definitely repeating itself. I notice there’s four glasses of wine on the table.  There must be someone else here) looks like you were expecting me. (I say looking at the glasses.)
Ncesh:  there’s four of us here.  Thando walks over to where they were sitting and puts the bowl she is carrying on the table.
Thando:  kanti what’s taking Lwazi so long?
Ncesh:  Babe (she says looking at him)  This is my little sister Andiswa, the one I told you about.  (she told him about me, I wonder what he was told.)  Andiswa that’ s my finance' Bandile.
Bandile:  Nice to finally meet you, Ncesh has told me a lot about you.
Me:  I hope it’s all good things  (he smiles and nods)
Bandile:  I’ll go check on Lwazi
Thando:  thanks
Me:  You really have upgraded sis.  He has more money and looks more handsome than Zolani. You guys are really living it up.
Thando:  honestly Andiswa what are you doing here?
Me:  I really wanted to see how my sister was doing after the pain she suffered 8 years ago and I can see you both have recovered well.  (the fiancé walks in with another good looking gentlemen and walks over straight to Thando kissing her cheek. This must be the Lwazi they mentioned)
Lwazi:  Sorry I took so long babe.
Thando:  it’s ok.  That’s Andiswa, Ncesh’s little sister.
Lwazi:  Oh hey, nice to finally meet you.  I am Lwazi, Thando’s husband.  (I didn’t notice a ring on her )
Me:  Oh I didn’t notice a ring.
Thando:  we are traditionally married.
Me:  look I just came by take check on my sister but I can see I am interrupting something. So I’ll be on my way.
Bandile:  Nonsense, I’m sure you want to catch up with your sister, join us.
Me:  I don’t want to impose.
Lwazi:  you wouldn’t be, watch a movie with us.  Do you drink wine, I’ll bring you a glass.
Me:  No it’s fine. We’ll catch up some other time.  I’ll call you and maybe we can have lunch or something.
Ncesh:  or something.  (I walk out and my sister walks me out.)
Me:  You guys just made it hard for me to choose.  I think I like yours better.
Ncesh:  You always did Andiswa, what’s new.
Me:  I’ll see you guys soon  (I walk into my car and wave at her as she stands at the door.  I can see she is scared, even her friend is scared. I’m glad to see I still have that effect.)

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