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The weekend was great, the kids finally called us into order.  Since the family emergency meeting that  Lonwabo called, we were good parents, we behaved and I don’t know how long is the good behaviour going to last for. Besides the ups and downs that we are experiencing, life is good, we are good but this pregnancy is making me clingy. We are on our way to the hospital for our appointment,  he should also have his wound checked.  It looks good to me, maybe we can stop covering it now.
Me:  Babe I’ve been thinking about work, I want to make some changes
Qhawe:  what kind of changes Sthandwa sam
Me:  since I have added responsibility that is extra companies to take care of.  I’m thinking of hiring a new CEO to take over from me so that I can be able to focus on the kids’ businesses that their grandfather left them and I would like us to have a meeting with the kids regarding these businesses because I would like you to help me since you know more about construction than I do.
Qhawe:  hiring someone I think that’s a good idea and as for me helping out, I would gladly do that but let’s have the meeting with the kids and find out how they feel about my involvement.
Me:  Ok we can do that.
Qhawe:  I also want you to understand that I would never make you stop working, I love that you are independent and have your own things, even though that may be the case, I still want you to allow me to take care of you and the kids.  As a man I feel good knowing I can do that. promise me you’ll try.
Me:  I promise I’lll try.
Qhawe:  and that’s all I ask.  We are here.
Me:  I feel nervous
Qhawe:  why?  You don’t have to be, I’m here.
Me:  I know.  I never expected to get pregnant.  Apparently it happens but it’s one those rare cases.
Qhawe:  it is a miracle.  11 kids wow, it’s a whole squad.  (the doctors calls us in, when we walk inside there is another doctor, I wonder he invited another doctor.)
Me:  Morning Doc
Doctor:  Morning Miss Sondlo, this is doctor Johnson she will be assisting me today with your case.
Me:  Nice to meet you Dr Johnson.  This is the father to be Qhawe Mtimkhulu.  Babe that’s my doctor, Dr Nkosi
Qhawe:  Nice to meet you both.
Dr Nkosi:  Miss Sondlo if you could please get yourself comfortable on the bed.  (I do as he asks)
Me:  What did you mean when you said my case?  (Qhawe pulled a chair and sat next to bed in view of the ultra sound screen.)
Dr Nkosi:  the last time you wereher  I noticed something with your pregnancy but Dr Johnson was not on duty then, I wanted to confirm what I saw, that’s what she is here for today.
Me:  Ok. (he pours the gel on my stomach and starts moving the scanner around.  The heartbeat is so lound today and it sounds different from the last time.)
Qhawe:  is that my baby?  The heart beat is so strong.
Me:  yep that’s your baby. (he is smiling from ear to ear.)
Dr Nkosi:  Actually that’s what I needed confirmation on, it’s not just one baby or two.  Dr Jonhson if you please.  (Dr Johnson takes over and her smile is just like Qhawe’s smile.  What could be so exciting)
Dr Johnson:  You were right Dr Nkosi, she is having Quintuplets.
Me & Qhawe:  I’M SORRY WHAT????

Apparently I have a visitor, it’s not Sizwe, this is the second time I’ve had a visit from a stranger.  I‘m becoming popular with strangers.
Me:  Who are you and what do you want?
Her:  I just want some information that’s all.  My name is Sindy
Me:  Ok, what do you want Sindy?
Sindy:  tell me about Khanyisile Sondlo.
Me:  why should I do that?
Sindy:  She has something I want.
Me:  Let me guess you want my ex – husband
Sindy:  that is correct.
Me:  I’ll tell you what you want to know but I’m going to give a little advice before I do
Sindy:  what advice would that be?
ME:  Stay away from that woman, if Qhawe doesn’t want you, which I am sure he doesn’t leave them alone otherwise you end up where I am or worse.
Sindy:  I’ll keep that in my mind.
Me:  I am here because I tried to kill her.  I sent someone to do the job, she survived two bullets to the chest.  The guy I sent was caught, which resulted to me being caught as well.  That’s not the worst of it.
Sindy:  what’s the worst of it. ( I look at her and shake my head.  I feel sorry her, going after someone who has no interest in her at all.)
Me:  I dated a guy named Sizwe and I broke up with because I still wanted my ex-husband. Sizwe cared about me, he wanted us to try for a serious relationship but I was dead set on getting Qhawe back.  I regret that decision today, because I’m sure I would have been happy with Sizwe.  After Khanyi was shot, he found out that I did it. I didn’t even know they knew each other.  They’ve known each other for a very long time, he considers his little sister.  He paid my bail and took me to this house that was far away from the world, even If I screamed no one would hear me.  He tortured me for three weeks I think. (I looked at this woman in front me and I felt nothing but pity for her.  she looks shocked by what i‘m telling her, I decide to continue and tell her everything that Sizwe did to me when I finish talking she has her hand  covering her mouth.)
Sindy:  why didn’t you try to escape?
Me:  there was no escape in that situation he made sure of that.
Sindy:  if he did all that to you then how did you become pregnant with his baby?
Me:  he slept with me?
Sindy:  You mean he raped you?  Why didn’t you report it?
Me: it was not rape my dear
Sindy:  I don’t understand, what do you mean? (she’ll never Qhawe this one.)
Me:  when he let me out of what he called my cage, he put in a bedroom with a comfortable with nothing but a t-shirt to wear. He fed me, allowed me to bath.  every time he came to my room to fuck me, he always told me that I can stop him, he won’t force himself on me.  I didn’t want him to stop. To be honest I enjoyed sex with Sizwe very much when we were dating and I missed it.  I wanted him to touch in that way, I wanted to feel him inside me and hear him moan on top me.  That was also punishment, because he never allowed me to climax.  That happened for almost a week and before he brought me back here we found out that I was pregnant and it’s his first child  that he is going to raise without him, I’ll never see my child grow up.  I’ll never have the second chance of being a better mother.  That alone is worse than anything that Sizwe did to me.  Khanyi never asked him to do what he did.  They protect her without her having to ask them.  Qhawe will kill you before he lets you hurt her.  As Sizwe once said to me; Khanyi is Qhawe’s heart and he is hers.
They are a united family, people who were strangers but became a very strong united family.  You don’t hurt one of their own and get away with it.
Tread carefully Sindy (I get up and leave her there still shocked. I turn around and look at her)
Me:  Don’t even think about hurting that woman, she is now the mother to my kids and she is good for them, as for you being a mother to them, you’ll never survive.)


Me:  I’m sorry, I think I just developed a hearing problem, I thought I heard you say Quintuplets.
Dr Johnson:  there’s nothing wrong with your sir, she is pregnant with 5 babies.
Khanyi:  as if mentioning the number of the babies makes it sound better.  why are you so excited, your are not the one carrying 5 babies inside her.
Dr Johnson:  You are the first person who will deliver Quintuplets in this hospital and it will be our first time delivering so many babies at the same time.
Dr Nkosi:  Miss Sondlo are you ok?
Khanyi:  Tell me something Sibusiso Nkosi, do I look ok to you.  Is what she just said suppose to make me feel better about carrying 5 babies.
Me:  My Queen please calm down
Khanyi:  as for you, you don’t get to tell me to calm down, I hate you right now.
Me:  hayibo what did I do?
Khanyi:  You are asking me what you did?  Ye Qhawelomzi, you left 5 babies inside me, how am I suppose to carry 5 babies.  Look at me Qhawelomzi, I’m cute, I am beautiful, I love my beautiful body, how do you think I am going to look with 5 human beings growing inside me.  Picture a pregnant hippo, that is going to be me in five months time.  Doctor please wipe this gel off me.  It’s bad enough that we have ten kids at home, 4 of which are young  adults and 2 are turning 18 and 4 damn teenagers. Ten of them Qhawe and Sizwe is bringing his baby into the picture and now you decide you want me to carry 5 babies, tell me my dear King, how am I suppose to cope with 15 kids make that 16. You know what, you can sleep on the couch tonight
Me:  baby come on, I didn’t know and I am going to be here every step of the way.  ( I try to hold her but she slaps my hand, she is crying and breathing heavily.)
Dr Nkosi:  I think she is having a panic attack, she needs to calm down.  You need to breathe Khanyi. (if looks could kill, the doctor would dead right now.)
Khanyi:  don’t touch me, I don’t want to talk to you right now, I don’t even want to see you right now.  Give me my phone, where’s my phone (I give her the phone and she makes a call.  I don’t like how she is right now.  she’s all tears, angry and her breathing is not making me comfortable. She just called Andile to come fetch her.  she is really angry.)
ME:  Doctor Nkosi something is not right.  Baby look at me, are you ok? (she looks at me and just says “Mxm”, she tries to stand but she falls.  Luckily the doctor and I we were standing next to her.)
Dr Johnson:  I think she had a panic attack.  Dr Nkosi  get her into a ward, let’s keep her overnight  just to make sure everything is ok.  (Dr Johnson looks at me)  I hope she is calm when she wakes up, otherwise you are in for it.
Me:  Tell me about it.  (they both laugh at me.)
Dr Nkosi:  Look man I’m sure she is fine.  We’ll run all necessary tests.  Get yourself some water and just breathe a little, this must be a shock to you too just as much as it is for her. She’ll be fine.
(I walk out to the waitig and pour myself a glass of water, as I sit down and breathe out heavily.  I didn’t realise I was holding my breath.  Ok so we are having five babies.  Shit!!! She is carrying five babies, I get up start pacing up and down, I think I’m having my own panic attack.  First she can’t have kids, now she’s pregnant with quintuplets. OH! GOD.  Just then Andile walks in.)
Andile:  What’s wrong?  Khanyi called me, What’s going on? (I stand and look at him, I feel a little light headed.)
Me:  she’s pregnant….
Andile:  We know that, is it only just sinking in with you.  Come on man don’t be scared, it’s just a baby.
Me:  it’s not just a baby, it’s babies.
Andile:  she’s having twins, awesome man.  You are blessed.
Me:  More like Quintuplets ( he looks at me with disbelief his mouth open)
Andile:  You are not blessed, you are in deep shit.  She is going to hate the entire pregnancy (what he just said freaked me out more, I heard him telling me to breathe, trying to get me to sit.  He keeps calling me my name and then…….)

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