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These two weeks went by really quick. We attended a Business Gala Dinner which was aimed at raising funds for shelters for the homeless.  It was amazing and yes Zwelibanzi was there but this time he didn’t make a nuisance of himself, he actually behaved.  Exams are done as well and my Linamandla is home.  She met Qhawe and his kids and she loves them, she went crazy over Qhawe.  The kids have also started spending more time with Qhawe, and his kids want to be around me all the time, his girls have been sleeping over at my house a lot in the past two weeks. My lawyer managed to get a court date after the exams, that would be next week Monday.  Qhawe and I, well what can I say, we are good and going strong, the sex is great, we sleep over at each other’s houses almost every day, I now have clothes at his place and he has clothes at my place, I’m still not used to his dick though, I do enjoy every minute I spend with him, he is fun but the ex-wife has become a pain in the ass, just like Zwelibanzi.  Ibanathi is back from his leave, I missed him. At least now I look forward to my days at the office.  Nkosikhona has been a pain as well, showing up at my house unannounced demanding to speak to Linamandla who didn’t want to talk him but eventually she did. Khaya and Linamandla are ok now that they got a chance to talk to their father and tell him how they feel.  Now he knows not push to matters.  Security is still tight around the house and at work.  The kids don’t go anywhere without Jason and I don’t go anywhere without  Andile unless I’m with Qhawe. I’m having a girls weekend this weekend and I must say Qhawe wasn’t happy about that only because I won’t be sleeping over at his house this weekend, right now he’s sulking and not talking to me, it’s been an hour now.  The first sulking session was this morning and lasted 30 minutes.  Andile is on the way to the airport to fetch my friends.  Thando still can’t believe Andile is gay, she totally has a crush on him.
Lwanele:  Mom when are they are getting here?
Me:  Andile is fetching them from the airport as per Aunt Thando’s request.
Lwanele:  Mom Aunt Thando knows that Uncle Andile is gay right?
Me:  yes baby she knows.
Lwanele:  I feel for uncle Andile, this is going to be a long weekend for me.  I can’t wait see them, I’ve missed them so much,
Me:  I know how you feel.
Lwanele:  so what do you have planned for the weekend?
Me:  tonight we are all having dinner together hence I am cooking and tomorrow we are going to the Spa, after that we do a little shopping  and we’ll have a braai in the afternoon, the men will be here.  Qhawe’s kids will be here too.
Lwanele:  that’s going to be great.
Me:  Where are your brothers?
Lwanele:  They are in the game room.  I’ll be back.  (Just as she gets out of the kitchen, I hear her scream)
Me:  Lwanele what’s wrong?  (And I see her running to her aunts, they are just screaming with excitement and I just let them be.  Andile walks over to me)
Andile:  Thando still has a crush on me, when is she getting over it?
Ncesh:  When she finds herself a man ( she walks over to me and hugs me tight)  I have missed you so much.
Me:  I missed you too.  I’m really happy that you are here.
Ncesh:  Are you cooking, oh Khanyi you are a woman after my own heart.  Do you have any idea how much I missed your cooking.
Me:  I thought I already had your heart.
Thando:  You can be sure you have mine (she also hugs me tight) I missed you girl
Me:  I missed you too.
Thando:  Where are my nephews?
Lwanele:  They are in the game room, come I’ll go with you, I’ll show you your rooms. Aunt Ncesh are you coming?
Ncesh:  I’ll be there just now sweetie. Khanyi she has grown, she is a big girl now.  Maybe I should consider moving this side.  Eastern Cape is boring now especially after you left.
Me:  You should.  Durban is nice and you can always move your business here.
Ncesh:  I’ll think about it.  Let me go upstairs.  (as she walks away Eddie, walks in)
Eddie:  I hear the girls have arrived and Thando still has a crush on Andile.  (he says and laughs)  What’s the plan for tomorrow?
Me:  we are going to the spa and then to the mall for a little shopping, then come back here for the braai. 
Eddie:  Good no clubbing.  Let me go home, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.  Greet the ladies, if I stay I’ll never leave and I don’t want to upset my wife. 
Me:  She should come tomorrow.
Eddie:  I’ll talk to her.  Goodnight Khanyi and Andile is his cottage and Ntsika is handling the entrance tonight.
Me: Thanks Eddie, have a good evening.
I finish cooking and get everyone to come down for dinner.  We eat while catching up with Thando and Ncesh.  My kids have really missed their aunts.  After dinner we watch movies and play board games.  Qhawe has called twice already, I guess he has topped sulking.


Two weeks ago I found out that Khanyi was seeing some guy called Qhawe, how can she raise my kids with another man, how can she let them call him daddy when I’m still alive. She even went to the Gala dinner with him,  when they told me at mugg and bean that day, I really thought it was a joke. I need to make sure I win this case. I tried to find out some info on  these guys, this Qhawe and Bandile and my guy tells me they are clean, they are just business man making millions every day I’m told their businesses are legit . No other man will have my family.  I need to put my other plan into action. I need a drink. I need to focus, we are going to court on Monday.  My phone rings;
Me:  Hello
Him:  did you get it back?
Me:  Not yet.
Him:  Zweli we are running out of time and losing a lot money.  The guys from China want to pull out if the deal and find another supplier.
Me:  if they want to pull out, they can pull out, I can’t rush this, if I do, we are going to lose everything, is that what you want.
Him:  If you are sure you don’t have a problem with them pulling out of the deal, we can always find new buyers when everything is ready.
Me:  I’ll let you know when all is sorted.  Remember this is a delicate situation, I need to tread carefully, otherwise we lose it all and end up in jail.
Him:  I hear you. (he hangs up and Sizwe walks in)
Sizwe:  are you good man?
Me: yeah man I’m good. I’m going to implement phase 2 of my plan. Did you know she was seeing someone in fact she said she was married. My kids are calling another man daddy and I still live and breathe, how can she do that?
Sizwe:  It’s called moving on man.
Me:  No Sizwe, I can’t accept that.  She is mine and always has been.
Sizwe:  This obsession you have over her is blinding you and you are going to end up losing everything if you are not careful. You need to walk away and start fresh somewhere else, find yourself another lady and be happy.
Me:  I’m not like you Sizwe, this my life, this is what I know, for me it’s not as easy as it was for you to walk away.
Sizwe:  that’s just an excuse, you are just greedy, you want it all and you can’t have it all.
Pour me a drink, I might as well get drunk while listening to cry about your ex-wife and kids.

Saturday came, the ladies went to the Spa which is exactly what they needed after the Spa they went shopping and went back to Khanyi’s house to prepare for the braai.  When they got back the men were already there, setting up the outdoor gas heaters for later in the evening. Khanyi saw Qhawe first, she couldn’t help herself, she ran to him and jumped on him and trusting this man he caught and immediately had her legs wrapped around his waist, they kissed like they haven’t seen each other in years.  Khanyi has really fallen in love with being lifted by Qhawe, he got her used it and now she can’t get enough of it.  her friends walk over to them as Qhawe puts her down.

Ncesh:  Aren’t you going to introduce  us Khanyi?
Khanyi:  sorry ladies.  This is Qhawe, Qhawe, these are my friends, Ncebakazi and Nothando
Thando:  You can just call me Thando and you can call her Ncesh.
Qhawe:  Nice meet you ladies. Khanyi talks about you all the time,
Ncesh:  And she talks about non-stop too and I don’t blame her.
Thando:  you are so tall, no wonder my girl is taken by you, but then again she has never dated short guys.
Qhawe:  is that so.  (he looks at Khanyi and gives a mischievous smile.) Ladies these are my friends  Bandile and Lwazi 
Thando:  Nice to meet you guys.
Khanyi:  Que where are the kids?
Qhawe:  the boys are in the game room and the girls in the tv room,

Khanyi kisses her man and walks to the kitchen to get started on the salads as men start on the meet.  Eddie’s wife Elza also joins them.  Ncesh seems to be taken by Bandile.  She’s asking Khanyi a lot of questions about him.  The same thing is happening outside Bandile has taken a liking to her too and is busy asking Qhawe questions about her, forgetting that Qhawe only just met her too and lucky for Bandile, Ncesh is single.
The fun carries on, conversation is flowing easy, everyone is just having fun.  The kids get along like a house on fire.  Qhawe can’t keep his off Khanyi, these two are addicted to each other. On the other hand Lwazi and Thando are hitting off as well.  Looks like this family is getting bigger.  Saturday was a blast, no one went home, they all slept at Khanyi’s place.  Our Qhawe was super excited, all he wanted was to have his lady in his arms all night. On Sunday the ladies prepared lunch for every,  it was a very nice chilled out Sunday but the fun had to stop.  Ncesh and Thando had to go back, which had Khanyi crying until they got back from the airport.  Now she knows, it’s back to reality.

On the other hand, Anelisa went to Qhawe’s house but no one was home, she tried calling him but  she couldn’t get a hold of him and eventually she gave up.  She broke up with her boyfriend telling him that she is still in love with her ex-husband and she wants him back.  The guy understood and realised that if he continues to pursue her, he’ll be wasting his time, it’s better he cuts his losses now rather than getting hurt later.  Anelisa doesn’t realise that Qhawe doesn’t want her and that she is the one that is going to end up getting hurt no matter what she does

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