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Nokhaya:  you’ve been acting strange the past two days, what’s going on?
Me:  I’m just frustrated with things not going right that’s all.
Nokhaya:  Nkosikhona why are you so stubborn.  Your aunt told you exactly what you need to do, why not do what you are told.
Me:  it’s going to take too long, I’ll find another way.
Nokhaya:  I hope it’s not something stupid, otherwise you will lose everything. (we are interrupted by a knock on the door and it’s my uncles.)
Uncle Mxolisi:  Molweni
Nokhaya:  hello tata, how are you?
Uncle Mxolisi:  we are fine sisi.  Nkosikhona why did you ask us to come.
Me:  Nokhaya can you please go make us coffee.  (she gets up and goes to the kitchen) I am ready to do the ceremony
Uncle Nceba:  how are you ready with the kids not being here and most of all, how are you ready when we haven’t been to her home.  You do no that you have to pay damages first.
Me:  Uncle Nceba with everything that is going on right now, I want to do the ceremony first and pay damages later, I can only do one at a time.
Uncle Mxolisi:  then start with damages.
Me:  but isn’t the ceremony more important than paying damages
Uncle Mxolisi:  they both are important.
Me:  the kids will be here  Wednesday, can’t we do the ceremony
Uncle Mxolisi:  and their mother?
Me:  she won’t be here
Uncle Nceba:  Nkosikhona what did you do, because I know that woman didn’t agree to have those kids here.  What would have made her change her mind between now and the last time we spoke to her?  I hope you haven’t done anything stupid otherwise you will be digging your own grave.
Me:  I haven’t done anything stupid.  I just did what I had to do and that was talk to their mother.
Nokhaya:  I hope you are not lying Nkosikhona, you have been acting strange.  I am your wife and I know you.  Here’s the coffee.  I’ll go prepare the outside rooms for your uncles.
Me:  NO!  (I say it louder than necessary)
Uncle Mxolisi:  Hayibo Nkosikhona, we normally sleep in the outside rooms when we are here, what’s changed.
Uncle Nceba:  Go Makoti and get the rooms ready.  If this one thinks we are sleeping here with you and your kids, he is crazy.  I don’t want to be hearing your sex sounds besides, I’m single I might want to have someone to keep me company.
Nokhaya:  Yhooo Uncle Nceba.  (and she walks out.  Shit, this is not good at all.  I didn’t even think they would  be sleeping over since they got here early.)
Nkosikhona is hiding something.  He has been acting very strange the last couple of days, even the kids have noticed and they also noticed a strange car that came here two days ago but I really didn’t pay any attention to that.  For years I have been married to this man.  I loved Nkosikhona vey much but the way he treated his kids has never set well with me.  He always promised to make amends everytime I spoke to him about Lina and Khaya.  Nkosikhona has amazing kids and he doesn’t realise that he is missing out on a lot with them.  They are probably dating now and Khaya will probably take a wife soon and Nkosikhona will never get to meet her or his grandchildren because of his stubbornness and wanting to do things his way.

The love I have for him is slowly dying.  He is killing it, he is also becoming distant with the kids, it’s good they are not hear right now.  I don’t know what to do anymore.  I have tried talking to him countless times to show him the way but he doesn’t listen.  Some people say that I am the reason why he doesn’t have a relationship with his kids.  Only if they knew the Nkosikhona I know.  I don’t know what happened to him, he is changing for the worst and I don’t think I can take it anymore.  As person you can only help someone if they want to be helped and it is obvious that my husband doesn’t need help.
Me:  OH MY GOD!  I can’t believe what I am seeing.  Oh Lord have mercy on him.  Nkosikhona what have you done. (as I open the door to one of the outside rooms and this one we hardly ever use it.  I use the closets in this room to keep all the extra towels and bed linen.) How long have you been here?
Them:  two days, we think.
Khaya:  who are you?
Me:  I’m your dad’s wife
Line:  did you know?
Me:  No I didn’t , I promise you I didn’t.
Khaya:  funny that we have to meet for the first time like this.  (I take out my phone)
Me:  give your mom’s number.  (I dial the number and it’s answered on the second ring)
**********************          *****************            *****************
Him:  Khanyi’s phone hello
Me:  May I speak to Khanyi, my name is Nokhaya.
Him:  Hold on a sec
Khanyi:  Khanyi hello (she sounds down, tired even, she must be really out of it.)
Me:  It’s Nokhaya, Nkosikhona’s wife
Khanyi:  what can I do for you
Me:  Lina and Khaya are here and I don’t think they were brought here wil……… (she doesn’t let me finish)
Khanyi:  what do you mean my kids are there, what are they doing there.
Me:  I don’t think they came willingly.  I think their father kidnapped them.  You have to come get them be quick.  (I cut the call because I can here someone coming)
**********************            ***********************              ********************
Me:  Listen don’t tell him you saw me.  I am going to lock the door, and I’ll hide in the closet.  Don’t worry everything is going to fine.  (I kiss their cheeks and walk to the closet. The door to the room opens as soon as I close the the closet.  That was close)
Lina:  you know Nkosikhona you will not get away with this.  They will find us.
Nkosikhona:  I don’t plan on keeping you here long.  I just want to do the ceremony and after that you are free to go.
Khaya:  You do know that I will never forgive you for this.  Even when you come crawling and begging for forgiveness, I will never forgive you.
Nkosikhona:  I hope one day you will understand why I had to this.
Lina:  I don’t care what you are dealing with, this is not how you treat your kids.  Argh what am I saying, we are not your kids, never were and never will.  ( that statement really cut deep in me.  Nkosikhona has lost these kids forever.)
Khaya:  How could you, how come that we were never important to you, why didn’t you want us because it is obvious you didn’t want us.  I doubt very much that mom kept us away from you, otherwise she wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble of making sure that we know our roots, where we come from, teach us your family tree.  She never asked for anything. All she wanted was for you to have a relationship with your kids but then again your other kids are more important because you have a relationship with them. You never even bothered to introduce us to our siblings, don’t you think we deserve to know them, don’t you think we want them to be a part of our lives?  You know what don’t answer that.  Just get out of this room.  Do what you want to do and let us go. 
Nkosikhona:  I’m sorry that it had to be like this
Lina:  not as sorry as you going to be when dad finds us.
Nkosikhona:  it won’t come to that.  (with that said he walks out and lock s the door.)
Me:  I hope they get here soon.  I’ll bring you something to eat later on.  Just hang in there.
Khaya:  thank you.  Can I ask you to do one thing for us, send mom our location with our names on it.
Me:  but she knows you are here.
Lina:  it’s just to let her know that we are ok.
Me:  I’ll do that.  I have to go, before he gets suspicious.  (I walk out and lock.  I really hope they get here tonight.  Nkosikhona has gone and done the worst and he just sealed the fate of our relationship.
Me:  she just said the kids are there.  My kids are in the eastern cape.
Qhawe:  what do you mean?  Baby you need to calm down.
Me:  that was Nkosikhona’s wife.  He took them, he took the kids.
Qhawe:  I think that man has lost his mind.
Andile:  he doesn’t listen and he doesn’t learn
Lwazi:  it’s obvious the beating I gave him did nothing. 
Mcebisi:  this time he’s getting more than a beating and he better make sure that Lina doesn’t have a single scratch on her.  even he didn’t cause it, he’ll pay for it. nxaaa (it’s my first time seeing him so angry and phone beeps and it’s a location with their location.)
Me:  my babies are ok. We need to go now and don’t even think about telling me that I must stay here and wait for you to bring the kids back.  Eddie call detective Nxele ask him for a contact that he trusts  in King Williams Town police station.
Eddie:  why?
Me:  if Nkosikhona happens to survive after I shoot him, then he is going to jail for kidnapping and attempted murder.
Qhawe:  attempted murder??? I’m confused.
Me:  what do you think would have happened to the Quintuplets if it wasn’t for Lungi and Dr Nkosi.  Baby I would have miscarried and it would have been his fault hence ATTEMPTED MURDER.
Lwazi:  why don’t we just kill him?
Me:  we are not killers
Mcebisi:  there’s a first time for everything.  (he says that with a straight face and moves on like he just didn’t say that)  there’s a flight available in an hour, we should get going.
Eddie:  don’t worry about the flight, we are going to use the same jet we used last year.
Mcebisi:  this client of yours must really owe you big time to keep borrowing you his jet.
Eddie:  he would tell you that he owes me his life and I was just doing my job then.
Me:  how about we continue with the converstion on our way to the airport. 
Sizwe:  I’m not going with you I can’t leave Anelisa and Olu.
Thando:  Go, We’ll stay with her
Ncesh: Go, we know how much you love those kids and I’m sure Anelisa will understand.
(with that said we leave.  When we get to the airport the jet was ready for us.  The flight to East London seemed very short and now we are on my  to King Williams town.  Did he really think he was going to get away with it.  I really don’t understand his thinking.  Why would he do this to himself. )
Me:  Let’s go to his house tomorrow morning.  Let’s find ourselves a BnB and book ourselves in for the night.
Qhawe:  hayibo babe, we can’t let the kids spend another night there.
Me:  trust me Qhawe.  Why did he take them.  He wants to do IMBELEKO for them, remember when he kept nagging me to let him take them.  He is probably going to do it tomorrow or Wednesday.  He was never planning on keeping them here, he wants to do the ceremony then let them go.  He has probably called his family especially the uncles but they are not aware that he kidnapped the kids and plus we still don’t have the details of our police contact.  I am going to shoot him in self defence for everyone to see.  He is going to want to kill me tomorrow when we interrupt his little show.
Qhawe:  it’s risky but I know you, you are going to be stubborn about it, so I’ll let you be.
Me:  I promise nothing will happen to me and these babies.

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