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Qhawe called saying Khanyi is in labour, we are all at the hospital, waiting to here from the doctor.  This would have been  so easy if Lungi was on duty,she  went to find out what was going on and they told her that Khanyi was in the delivery room.  I can’t believe Khanyi wanted to deliver all these babies naturally.  I pray and hope that she is ok..
Lungi:  don’t worry so much, she is going to be fine.  She has good doctors with her.
Me:  I called the parents and they are going to be here tomorrow.
Lwazi:  I’m sure her mom is so excited.
Bandile:  she is.  You should have heard Qhawe’s mom, I almost went deaf from her screams on the phone.
Lwazi:  Qhawe’s mom can be extra sometimes. (Qhawe walks into the waiting room with a cup in his hand.  Lwanele and Lisakhanya run to him.)
Lisakhanya:  Uncle Bandile told us that mom is having babies, where are they?
Qhawe:  Hello to you too Princess and yes mom gave birth to beautiful babies.
Lisakhanya:  hello daddy. 
Lwanele:  is it girls or boys?
Qhawe:  two boys and three girls.
Lwazi:  that’s wonderful man
Me:  it is absolutely wonderful.
Lungi:  How are they?
Qhawe:  they are ok. The babies are good and healthy just very small.  Khanyi passed out.  She was extremely tired.  She might not be awake when they let us see them.  They are still busy with them.
Lungi:  I’ll go check on them (she says as she walks out.)
Eddie:  congratulations man.  The squad is now complete.
Andile:  Yes it is complete.  (just then Ibanathi walks in)
Ibanathi:  Hello good people, how are you?  (He walks over to Andile kisses his cheek.)  how is the Queen?
Andile:  she is fine, we are just waiting to see them now.
Lonwabo:  dad you do understand that there will be no free baby sitting right?
Ntando:  Most definitely.
Khaya:  you guys are already thinking money, you haven’t even met the babies.
Mcebisi:  they love money too much.
Lonwabo:  we don’t have to be paid  in money all the time you know.
Banele:  please count me out.  I’m not doing any babysitting
Thando:  That’s what you think.  Should I tell him or you guys will tell him
Khaya:  He’ll find out on his own.  (Qhawe has been so quiet)
Me:  Qhawe are you ok man?  You are very quiet.
Qhawe:  I’m ok I guess, I don’t know man (he starts pacing up and down)  I’m scared, I’m really scared.  How are we going to handle five babies at the same time.
Lwazi:  Qhawe look at me, (he turns to look at him)  breathe man, just breathe. (Andile walks closer to him and slaps him)
Andile:  You are not fainting on me again. Pull yourself together man.  We are here.  You guys are not alone in this. Stop panicking.  Sit down and breathe.
Mcebisi:  did you just slap him, and he is letting you get away with it?
Andile:  Don’t worry I’ll pay for it later.  (just then Lungi walks in)
Lungi:  Come with me we can go see them.  (we all walk out following Lungi. She leads us  to a private room. The kids walk up to their mom and kiss her cheek.  She is still out.  She really looks tired)
Zenande:  is she ok?
Lungi:  She is fine, she is just really tired, she is going to be asleep for a while.
Zenande:  Where are the babies.  (just then the nurses walk in with the babies.)
Lwanele:  Oh my God, they look so small, they are so cute.  I don’ t think I’ll be able to hold them.
Ncesh:  Eventually you will.  They are going to be big in no time.
Eddie:  names
Qhawe:  we’ll name them when she is awake.
Bandile (twin):  we have five more siblings now.  this is going to be a long road.
Banele:  Scared of your own sibling already?
Bandile (Twin):  You do know that when these babies get to fours years we won’t be able to do anything in front of them or else they will tell on us.
Lina:  I know what you mean.  Lwanele used to tell on us a lot.
Sizwe:  I remember those days.
Lina:  they are the best though.
Mcebisi:  sometimes I wish I had siblings
Me:  Most of us here have no siblings, we have found siblings in each other.
Sibahle:  I think this one looks like mom.
Lwazi:  they all look the same to me.  Maybe they are going to be identical, that would be a problem.
Me:  Imagine being unable to tell them apart.  Yhooo!!  And these babies are going to be a lot of trouble.  We should go, Khanyi should be awake when we come back tomorrow. (they all agree and we leave, leaving Qhawe there.  He is really scared, but everything is going to be fine for them.  We are here they are not going to do this alone.
Lwandle walks in as I take a sip of my whiskey.
ME:  Where is Lungi?
Lwandle:  she went to bed.  Are you ok Khuboni?
Me:  I don’t know Lwandle.  I still can’t get over the fact that Sihle kept my baby from me just because I didn’t love her and didn’t want to marry.  I don’t know how a person can be so selfish. I’ve missed out on 21 years of her life Lwandle, no matter how hard I try, I can never make up for those years.
Lwandle:  I can never claim to know how you feel but I undertand but Khuboni you need to forgive her.  (it does something to me when ever she calls me by clan name now I understand what Qhawe meant.)
Me:  You know, you really shouldn’t call me by clan name, it is going to become very dangerous for you.  And yes I know I should forgive her but it’s hard Munchies, it really is.
Lwandle:  just try, it’s for your own good.  You and Lungi are doing good.  Don’t try to make up for the years you have lost, live in the moment, enjoy the time you have together.  Soon she is going to be married and go live with her husband and have her own family, these are the things you should be enjoying with her, the now and the future.  You still have a lot time with her.  don’t dwell too much on the past.  She feels the same way you do and both of you will have to forgive Sihle at some point and move on with your lives.  Punishing her will not change what she did.
Me:  do you know what makes this so painful, is that even when she says she is sorry, she doesn’t show that she is sorry.  She still thinks I am being unfair by wanting to spend time with my daughter, she thinks she doesn’t deserve to be punished for what she did.  she made me think my child was dead and she wants me to be fair to her.
Lwandle:  It’s like I said, forget about what she thinks, focus on what you have with Lungi.  She is here now focus on her.  she is a wonderful person, I really like her.  We get along well and by October of this year she is going to be a wonderful big sister to someone.
Me:  She already is a big sister to Khanyi’s kids and Oluthando.  We should go visist Anelisa.  She needs to start visiting us well now and stop being cooped up in that house. (Lwandle is looking at me like I’ve just missed something.) What’s wrong.
Lwandle:  did you hear every I said to you
Me:  yes I did why?
Lwandle:  What I just say to you?
Me:  You said that Lungi is going to make a wonderful big sister by October.  (she looks at me again intensely this time) OH MY GOD!!!
Lwandle:  shhhhh!!! You are going to wake Lungi
Me:  are you saying what I think you are saying (she nods her head really fast)  OH MY GOD. How long?
Lwandle:  One month.
Me:  come here (I make her sit on my lap and kiss the living day lights out of her.)

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