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Me:  Babe
Ncesh:  mhhhh
Me:  I need you to wake up
Ncesh:  But Bandile it’s so early and it’s a Sunday
Me:  I know my love, I know and I’m sorry but I need to talk to you. Please turn around and look at me  (she slowly turns around and looks at me with her lips pouted.) I’m sorry my Angel but I need to talk to you and it’s important.
Ncesh:  What’s wrong?
Me:  It’s just that there’s something that I never told about my past and I need to tell you before we get married.  I would like us to get married soon.  Soon as in before Khaya and Lungi get married if you are ok with that. L
Luyanda and Lwandle also want to be married before Khaya and Lina so Luyanda suggested a double wedding.  What do you think.
Ncesh:  I would love a double wedding.  I always thought that me, Thando and Khanyi we would share a wedding day.
Me:  You never know anything is possible.
Ncesh:  is that what you wanted to talk to me about?
Me:  No babe.  I want to talk about my past, there’s something I never told you.
Ncesh:  Ok, I’m listening
Me:  I told you how my mom was an alcoholic and everything else she did.  What I didn’t tell you is that she used to sell me to her dealers.  They would have sex with me so that she can have her fix.  It’s something I don’t like talking about unless I have to.  It always hurts to go back there.  If my dad had never found me, I would be dead.
Ncesh:  what happened between your parents?
Me:  my parents were never married.  They dated casually.  When she found out she was pregnant she never told him, instead she left.  Apparently my dad found out from one of mom’s friends that she was pregnant.  It was difficult for him to find us because she never stayed in one place for too long.  Trying to find someone like that is never easy.  He didn’t have the kind of resources we have now, he had to do it himself and it was costing him a lot of money that he didn’t have.  It took him a very long time to find me but eventually he did and here I am today.  I don’t know what happened to my mother and I could care less.
Ncesh:  do you know what I love about you and Lwazi
Me:  What?
Ncesh:  You didn’t let your circumstances over shadow the good that’s in you.  You didn’t let them bring you down, you didn’t dwell on them.  You got up and made something of yourselves.  You are living proof that no matter what happens in your life, no matter how long it takes, you can always find a way out of a bad situation.  If you were any other person, you would probably treat women like they are nothing because of what your mother did but you are not making women suffer because of the sins of the other and I love that about you and I want you to trust that I will always be here for you, always.
I am sorry that you had to go through all that.  No one deserves to experience such.
Me:  hence we have decided to become ambasodors for men who  had gone through the same and more.  We have decided to join Khaya’s Brotherhood project.  Our main focus will be abuse towards men and Khanyi will be spearheading that for us basically she is going to be out publicist.
Ncesh:  you couldn’t have chosen a better person.  She is good at that kind of staff.  Bandile I love you, I love you very much don’t ever doubt that.  What happened will never change how I feel about you or how I treat you.
Me:  thank you for being here and I love you more.
Ncesh:  we need to get up and get ready to go otherwise Khanyi will kill us if we are late for Sunday lunch.  Oh and next week it’s our turn to host everyone for the weekend.
Me:  Hayibo babe, you know weekends are always better at Khanyi and Qhawe’s house especially the farm house.  They can accommodate all of us..
Ncesh:  babe we have to give them a break especially now that they have new babies.  they can’t always host us all the time.
Me:  it’s just that Qhawe has an awesome mancave.
Ncesh:  And I thought it was something better.
Me:  You’ll never understand babe.
Ncesh:  Whatever…  Last one to the bathroom makes breakfast and drives to the farm.  (she quickly jumps off the bed running to the bathroom.  This one is crazy.  In fact all these women are just crazy.  Khanyi is the worst.)
Me:  Khaya
Khaya:  Mhhhh
Me:  can we talk?
Khaya:  What’s up?
Me:  How did you know Lungi was one the for you?
Khaya:  that’s easy.  The minute I knew that I couldn’t live without her, I knew she was the one for me.  I can’t look at another woman without seeing her face.  She is the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning and the last face I see in my mind before I go to sleep.  Why do you ask.
Lina:  I love Mcebisi so much that I would do anything for him.  I don’t see myself with anyone else but him.  he understands me and I understand him.  He has become my oxygen tank.  He asked me yesterday how I felt about him and what I just said is what I told him.  I didn’t even need to think about it.  I answered without thinking.  My answer just flowed so easily.
Khaya:  so if he would propose you would say yes.
Me:  Without a doubt.
Khaya:  wow, you really have grown.
Me:  How was your trip to the Eastern Cape?
Khaya:  It went well.  I spoke  to him and told him how we felt and all.  I told him he should never come looking for us when he gets out but I doubt he is going to listen.
Me:  he should just stay away. 
Khaya: Only time will tell.
Me:  he hurt us Khaya and now we are the ones forgiving him and he hasn’t even apologised for what he did.  I know an apology won’t change what happened but the decency of apologising goes a long way.  I don’t want to see him.  Qhawe is my dad, he has been there for us from the day he met us. Especially you he  didn’t even know that he would end up dating your mother, let alone becoming a family and having more kids with her. When I have kids of my own, I am going to do the same thing mom did with us.  I am not going to hide him from my kids.  I will tell them about him and his family so that they know both sides of the family.  I think it worked with us, it kept us grounded.  I
Khaya:  I think so too little sis.  I am grateful that we have Qhawe in our lives.  Who knew we would be here today. 
Me:  No matter how hard I try to understand Nkosikhona, I will never understand the things he did.  I just don’t understand that we were never important.  I don’t understand how some men just don’t care about their children.  Having a child is one of the best things one could do in theit lives and to just not be a part of that experience is just ridiculously stupid
Khaya:  it’s ok Lina, lets just move on with ourlives in peace.  We have all we need.  We have finally settled in our lives, we finally have peace baby sis.  Let’s enjoy what we have and look forward to a wonderful future.
Me:  Thando what are you doing?  We are going to be late.
Thando:  I’m coming babe.  I just needed to get bag that has the staff I bought for the babies.
Me:  Ok.  Let’s go then  ( she comes down carrying a bag full of God knows what.  We get to the and drive off.)
Thando:  I am glad that you and Bandile decided to take the negative part of your lives and turn it into something positive and I will support you and be by your side always.
Me:  Thank you for that my Love. I would like your boutique and Ncesh’s salon to be part of the sponsors for the Brotherhood project.  I looked at your financials.  The boutique is doing well so you can afford to sponsor and Bandile aslo said that Ncesh can afford to sponsor too.
Thando:  I don’t have a problem with that.
Me:  Khanyi is also going to talk to you about hosting a gala dinner to raise funds to build another center for boys that have been through what we’ve been through and men who have had the same experiences with their childhood and have not spoken about it.  We want them to have a safe place they can come to and talk about what happened or what’s happening.
Thando:  that sound s good babe.  I’ll definitely be a part of that.
Me:  Khanyi is going to be the publicist.
Thando: Even better.  there aren’t many projects that help and support abused males and I am happy to be a part of this.
Me:  we are going to make it work.
Thando:  and it will work.
Me:  I love you Thando.  There was a time that I wasn’t sure if I do love you.  But right now at this very moment, I am sure that I love you and I want you to always be a part of my life. You know, knowing that my mom died protecting me, gave me strength to go on and believe that my uncle loves me.  His love was all I had until I met Bandile and Qhawe.  Their love was all I had until I met Khanyi and then I met you.
Thando:  and I am here to stay.  We are here and we are on time but it looks like we are the last to arrive.
Me:  I bet you my life that Luyanda is not here yet.  (I say we get out of the car and walk torwards the house.  This place is absolutely amazing.  Qhawe has outdone himself. He should design my house.)

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