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I didn’t think this through, I really didn’t.  I let rage take over and now this is all messed, I need to get out of here, I won’t survive jail. I don’t even understand how this idiot got caught and he couldn’t kill her.
Officer:  you have a visitor
Me:  who?
Officer:  how am I supposed to know? (he opens up for me and walks me to the visitor’s area.
When we walk in, I see him sitting there, playing with his ring.  How did he know I was here?
Me:  Hello
Him:  how are you?
Me:  I’m ok I guess. What are you doing here?
Him:  I heard from the grape vine that you are here for attempted murder. Who did you try to kill? you really didn’t strike me as a murderer.
Me: honestly it has nothing to do with you. Just someone I needed to get rid of and I failed.
Him:  Actually it has everything to do with me.
Me:  How so, because you don’t even know the person we are talking about.
Him:  that’s where you are wrong my sweet, I know her very well at that. (I look at him confused and shocked at the same time, how can he possibly know her)
Me:  Please leave (I say standing up so I can go back to my cell)
Him:  Sit down Anelisa (I look at him and he is serious.)  I SAID SIT DOWN.  I have an hour with you, I can get more if I want.  We are going to sit here until that hour is finished, (I sit down, this is going to be a long hour)  I am going to talk, you’ll listen.  I’ll ask questions and you’ll answer them, do we understand each other Anelisa?
Me:  yes
Him:  Anelisa, you are so hung up on your ex so much that you can’t even see a good thing staring you in the face.  I cared about you, I wanted to have something with you, but you were so blind to see what’s right in front of you. You want someone you can’t have, someone who doesn’t love you and he made it clear to you that he doesn’t want you and you go around killing people you are not supposed to kill.  You know, if you had taken the time to find out who she is, who her friends are, you would have known not to mess with her, in fact; the fact that she is dating your ex-husband should have told you not mess with her but you decided to test the waters in the worst possible way and look at where you are now. You are going pay sweetheart for what you did, it’s just not going to happen in here.
Me:  Sizwe please, I’m sorry
Sizwe:  What did I say before? (I quickly keep quiet.  What is it with this woman and these men obsessing over her?  In fact what hell hole did I get myself into by going after her?) do you want to know what’s going happen?
Me:  not really, (I can hear my voice breaking)
Sizwe:  Let me tell you a little story; the woman who you tried to kill has five beautiful children, she still has her parents, she was married to a very evil man but she didn’t know and she loved him very much.  When I met her she was not married to him but she already had 3 kids with him.  I love those kids like they are mine.  He was good to her, did everything for her but when he married her, things changed, she endured nothing but pain from her husband.  I almost died trying to help her leave.  Eventually she did. I supported her financially until she was on her feet, stayed away from her and her kids to protect them.  She is like a sister to me.  She knows more about me than anyone else, she changed me into a better man.  Now do you understand why I am going to make you pay for what you did? (I just nod)
Sizwe:  did you think about your kids when you planned this?
Me:  yes but Sizwe please, I’m sorry.
Sizwe:  if I wasn’t going to kill you, would you be sorry.  ( I keep quiet and not answer him.)  I thought so.  What’s going to happen to you is worse than what Andile was going to do to you, by the way he was just scaring you and on the other hand I’m being real.  (he gets up, walks to me and pecks my lips)  I’ll see you tomorrow darling when I come to fetch you and don’t worry I’ll be very gentle with you (and he leaves)


I’m watching Qhawe busy packing my things, we are going home today.  He’s not letting me do anything.  The doctor said I could go home but I must take it easy.  This man right here translated that into me doing nothing for myself. The nurse showed him how to dress my wounds and treat them.  He bathed and dressed me this morning.  I officially feel like a baby.
Me:  Que are you sure you don’t need help?
Qhawe:  I’m sure baby girl, just sit there and look pretty.
Me:  you do know that I am capable of doing things myself right. (he stops packing and comes to me.  He opens my legs and stand between them, why is this turning me on, I close my eyes and enjoy his touch on my face.) 
Qhawe:  look at me (I open my eyes and look up at him) I know you can do things yourself right now I want to take care of you and do things for you, please let me.
Me:  let’s make a deal. How about you let me bath myself and dress myself, if I struggle I’ll ask for help and you can do everything else for me. (he looks at me for a while)
Qhawe:  fine we have a deal. (he gives me a kiss and goes back to packing.  My phone rings and it’s my brother.)

Me:  Hello
Lungelo:  are you ok, I heard what happened.  I’m sorry I couldn’t be there I was out of town, I’m on my way back.  Are you ok, are you still at the hospital, who is with you, what is the doctor saying
Me:  Lungelo one question at a time please. I’m fine, I’m going home today and I’m with Qhawe, the doctor said I can go home.
Lungelo:  Ok, I’ll see you when I get home and I have some good news to share with you.
Me:  I can’t wait.  See you when you get here.  Bye (he hangs up)

Qhawe:  he is really worried about you.
Me:  he’ll be alright.  He said he has some good news to share with me, I wonder
Qhawe:  we’ll just have to wait until he gets home.( He takes the bags and everything else that we are living with) I’ll go put these in the car.  I’ll be right back.
(I sit on the bed playing games on my phone)
Qhawe:  Are you ready to go (he stands between my legs again and kisses me. He takes my phone and puts it in his pocket and He bends his knees a little as he lifts me, making me wrap my legs around his waist and kissing me as he walks towards the door with me.)
Me:  Are you walking out with me like this, hayi Qhawe put me down.
Qhawe:  which is better a wheelchair or this, either way they won’t let you walk out of here. ( I look at him for a second and he is smiling like a retard and I decide to let him be.)  good choice.
Me:  “mxm”, let’s just go (and I kiss him)
Qhawe:  You are going to pay for that My Queen
Me:  No, I’m not.  I have injuries so you can’t do anything to me Mtimkhulu.
Qhawe:  Says who?
Me:  says me.  (and I smile.  People are busy staring at us. Qhawe stops in the middle of the reception area.)  and why are you stopping?
Qhawe:  the injuries are on your chest my darling, down there you are perfectly fine for me to play around. (I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.  I don’t have a comeback. I choose to keep quiet and he walks to the car, he puts me in the car and gets in and drives us home.) I have to tell you something before we get home.  I might not have a chance to tell you when we get home since everyone is going to be there when we arrive.
Me:  ok, what is it? you are scaring me.
Qhawe:  we have to tell the kids what happened to you mainly because it was Anelisa who tried to kill you. And I’m afraid that she won’t survive prison she might just kiss herself.
Me:  what, why would she do that?
Qhawe:  she wants me
Me:  so bad that she would kill me. She’s mad.  Does she really think I’m going to hand you over to her just because you have kids with her, she must be mad. I should kill her, just to show her how it’s done.
Qhawe:  Baby calm down, she’s in prison and she is never coming out.  I just feel for my kids, at the end of the day she is their mother and they still love her.  This is going to break their hearts.
Me:  do we have to tell them
Qhawe;  I promised my kids I would always be honest with them. The twins have been trying to call her, so yes we have to.
Me:  I understand.  I can’t believe this woman.  Maybe I should visit her just to say hi. (he laughs at me)  What did she say when you asked her why?
Qhawe: she said that she wanted her family back, she did it because she loves me and she hated the fact that you are making me happy, she said my smile is hers.
Me:  hayibo, who the hell does she think she is. (I say as he drives into the gate)
Qhawe:  Baby Girl calm down, I don’t want you going there and killing her.
Me:  I’m not about to lose my kids including her kids and the man I love over a psychotic bitch. (Qhawe parks the car, as I’m about to open the door, he locks the doors)
Me:  Why did you do that Que?
Qhawe:  Repeat what you just said about not losing your kids.
Me:  I said, I am not about to lose my kids including her kids and the man I love over……….. (I don’t finish what I was saying when I realise what I just said, I put my hands on my mouth looking at him.)
Qhawe: You said “the man you love” (I just nod holding back tears)  I can’t hear you baby.
Me:  yes I said the man I love (I remove my hands from my mouth.)  I won’t lose the man I love because of her.  (Qhawe unlocks the car, gets out coming to my side, opens my door for me to get out, when I do, he lifts me and leans me against the car, I put arms around his neck and he  kisses me so passionately that I feel his love, I feel like nothing else exists except me and him.  We are in our little bubble and it’s just us, my tears are just falling.  He stops and looks at me and wipes my tears. I am feeling so emotional right.)  I love you Qhawelomzi.
Qhawe:  Say it again
Me:  I love you!!! I love You!!! I love you!!! (he is so happy right now, I am too.  I really do love him)


Anelisa really messed with the wrong person.  I really feel sorry for her.  Her and Zwelibanzi are going to pay. When Zwelibanzi introduced me to Khanyi, I liked her instantly, she filled the void that my little sister left when she died. Khanyi became my little sister, my everything including her kids.  I need to be careful with Zwelibanzi, I can’t kill him, his police friends would know it’s me besides his partners would just carry on with business, we need to take everyone down, kill the whole business. I’m on my way to see him because I have to keep up appearance.  I hate this part, I really do.
Me:  Zweli
Zweli:  how are you doing?
Me:  I’m good, just good.
Zweli:  how is she?
Me:  she is fine. She survived two shots to the chest.  She was unconscious for three days. I think she was going to be discharged today.
Zweli:  do they know who shot her
Me:  they do, she has been arrested. I know her.
Zweli:  Who is she?
Me:  Qhawe’s ex.
Zweli:  how do you know her?
Me:  she’s the woman I was dating.  She was still hung up on Qhawe, that’s why she broke up with me and shot Khanyi.  I need  a vacation, breathe a little.
Zweli:  my dad still wants to see her and the kids and I don’t know how to get her to go.
Me:  if I remember correctly Khanyi was fond of your parents, the person she had issues with was you.  Why don’t you try talking to her, she’s not an unreasonable person, she might just surprise you and agree to visit them.
Zweli:  after everything that has happened, I don’t think she will.
Me:  well, you won’t know until you try.  I have to go man.  I have an ex to deal with.
Zweli:  what do you mean by dealing with her, don’t tell me you are going to torture her.
Me:  why wouldn’t i.  she messed with the wrong person.  You know I would do anything to protect Khayi even from you.  I did before and you almost killed me.
Zweli:  I feel sorry for her.
Me:  I have to go man.  I’ll see you tomorrow. (I get up and leave)
This is how it’s been now. He doesn’t talk much about anything these days.  I hope those guys will be able to crack codes I gave them on that flash drive, I need find a way to have bugs installed in his house, I hope their cop friend is trust worthy otherwise we are all dead. 

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