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We are still in bed naked.  I can safely say last night was great.  I’m laying my head on her stomach talking to my babies.
Me:  hey babies, how are you doing in there? I can’t wait for your mom to give birth to you.  I just want to hold you already.  You know she thinks I’m crazy talking to you like this.  I hope there’s at list two Princes in there and your mom wants all of you to be Princesses but daddy wants at least one Prince.  I love you so much. Mommy and daddy are sorry about last night.  We went overboard but that’s how you were created anyway (they start kicking.  I swear these babies kick a lot.  Maybe they are loving the attention that they are getting from everyone.
Khanyi:  I guess that’s their way of responding to you.
Me:  they already recognise their daddy’s voice. (I move up to kiss her)
Khanyi:  Last night was a bit too much.
Me:  I didn’t hear you complaining and this morning. 
Khanyi:  Your babies are complaining maybe you should listen to them. 
Me:  hayi Khanyi, you can’t use the babies.  they are just responding to the sound of my voice.  Come on let’s go bath.  (I hold her hand and help her up. I pull her to the mirror, I take a moment and admire her body playing with her big her stomach.) No matter how big you get, to me you always look sexy, do you want to know why?
Khanyi:  Yes I do
Me:  Bacause this body has given me the most beautiful gifts I could ever ask for from you.  They were all natured in here before they became who they are today.  I love you mama bear and thank you for letting me in into your life.  Let’s go take a bath.  (I run the bath water, add the usual bath salts for her to ease the pain on her nuna. )
Khanyi:  i love you too Papa Bear
Me:  you know what the kids did yesterday, that was the most touching and sentimental thing.  I can’t wait to put them up in my office.  Honestly I never thought my relationship with them would reach this level, I never thought they would show this much love for me especially when I found about their idiot fathers.
Khanyi:  they have been through a lot and when you came into our lives, you showed us that not all men are the same.  I’m hungry .
Me:  Me too.  What do you feel like eating?  Let’s get dressed and it’s hot today.  Here wear this.
Khanyi:  where did that come from?
Me: I bought it for you a while back.  I think it should fit perfectly now.
Khanyi:  how come I never saw it.
Me:  I hanged it between my suits.
Khanyi:  You never sieze to amaze me.  I love it and it fits perfectly.
ME:  You look absolutely amazing.
Khanyi:  lets go to the kitchen.  I’m really hungry. ( We go downstairs we are both walking barefoot.  It’s a thing in this house.) Smells like someone is already in the kitchen.
Me:  Lwazi what are you doing here so early in the morning?
Khanyi:  honestly Lwazi, at this hour where is Thando?
Thando:  right here.  You guys didn’t answer your phones when we called earlier
Khanyi:  we were busy, what do you want so early?
Lwazi:  busy with what so early in the morning
Me:  same thing you should have been busy with.
Lwazi:  here, eat up. I’m sure you are hungry from all that activity.  We have to be at Bandile’s house.  Sipho and Luyanda called asking that we meet there and I was instructed to come fetch you so that we don’t have too many cars parked there.  In fact all cars that will there will be parked in the back yard.
Me:  what’s going on?
Thando:  we don’t know yet.  The kids are already there, we can’t leave them alone here.
Khanyi:  good thing Bandile has a big house.
Lwazi: not as big as this one.  Let’s go guys.
Me:  finally the love birds are here.  We can start.
Bandile:  what’s all this about?
Luyanda:  this is about Andiswa my friend and how deep we are in shit.
Eddie:  start talking
Me:  I found out who Andiswa’s father is but first are any of you familiar with Judge Zinto
Qhawe:  I’ve head about him, he had some scandal going on.  I think he was involved in money laundering but there was no sufficient evidence and the case was dropped and he was reinstated to being a judge.
Luyanda:  that is correct.  He is the judge that was bribed to get Andiswa out.  Someone who knew about his money laundering business and they had proof and threatened to expose him.
Bandile:  who is that someone?
Luyanda:  wait we are getting to that.  this is the same judge that found Andiswa guilty and sentenced her to a mental institution instead of prison because he was told to do so.  This is the same judge that Zwelibanzi used for his cases that managed to get to court.
Me:  You thought that Zwelibanzi was the big shot in all that he did, when in fact he was not.  Everything that Zwelibanzi was involved in has not stopped.  He is still earning money while in jail, hence he is still alive.  They’ve even stopped trying to kill him now because he is being protected.  He is taking the fall for someone and that someone is protecting him.
Luyanda:  Khanyi the company you bought, you had a silent partner that wanted to remain anonymous even to you.
Khanyi:  correction Luyanda, I have a silent partner.
Luyanda:  He died last year,  he was your dearly departed former father in law and he left his shares to you and two more companies that he had.  The lawyer was asked not reveal that to you until a certain time.  Mr Zulu will be here tomorrow.  As of tomorrow Miss Sondlo soon to be Mrs Mtimkhulu once this idiot proposes, you will no longer be just a millionare my darling.  Mzimkhulu Tom has just made you one of the richest people in this country.
Khanyi:  you have jokes right.  (he looks at her with a very serious look)  You are not joking?
Me:  No he is not.
Eddie:  It’s true Khanyi.
Me:  Your father in law is protecting you and his grandkids from beyond the grave.  Remember when Sima tried to kill you but couldn’t get a hit man to do it, that was the old man’s doing.  That man knew more about his son’s activities than he lead on.  He trusted you to protect his legacy and make it grow and you are doing exactly that.  there’s lot of people who are not happy about that but they can’t touch you, thanks to the old man’s connections to some of Eddie’s clients.
Qhawe:  Eddie you knew about all this?
Eddie:  No I didn’t. I found a few days ago when we went to East London for the kids, the client that borrowed us the jet.  He said that he is not only giving me the jet because he owed me.  He is giving me the jet because he promised a close friend of his that he would always protect his daughter in law and his grandkids including the new family she has acquired for herself.  It didn’t make sense then until the guys told me yesterday.
Khanyi:  so what you are saying is that my ex father in law is responsible for my protection in a way.
Andile:  partly yes.  Remember when Eddie said that there was a car that was always parked a few houses away from your house.  Video footage shows someone spying on the house and taking pictures.  Last night we went back to view the security footage of the house, it showed someone trying to get it but they couldn’t because Eddie had just changed the system.
Khanyi:  who is this person.
Andile: we couldn’t see the face because they were wearing a mask.  You don’t have to worry, they can’t get into the house.
Me:  the car they used was a hired car and it was hired by a Simamkele Tom.
Sizwe:  Sima is smart but not smart enough to pull off something like this on her own.  Someone is definitely helping her. Her husband maybe.
Me:  Zwelibanzi has no idea about what’s going on right now, he is being kept in the dark.  Her father is helping her. Micheal Arendse.
Sizwe, Khanyi& Bandile:  WHAT!!!!!

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