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Me:  Hello family
Llanelli:  big brother
Mom:  you are home a lot lately, what’s wrong, don’t you have food at your house. (everyone just laugh)
Me:  so you guys don’t want me here.
Lonwabo:  we didn’t say that.  Mom just asked if you don’t have a food at your house.
Me:  Lonwabo you are being a smart ass.
Mom:  Khaya language
Me:  Sorry mom.  (My siblings laugh)
Ntando:  Anyway you are just in time for a video to Linamandla, while we wait for mom and Lonwabo to finish cooking.
Me:  Ok, call her.  (he gets mom’s tablet and calls Lina.  The video call is fun, we update her about everything that’s happening, leaving out the Zwelibanzi issue.  We also told her that mom has a boyfriend, she wanted to know everything.  Mom would just laugh at us, talking about her like she is not here. All in all, it was great talking to my sister.  After the video call we sat down for dinner talking about our day.)
Mom:  it’s actually a good thing you are here, I need you to babysit your siblings and they don’t have home work today, they just need to study.  They are starting with exams next week.
Lonwabo:  Why do we need a babysitter, where are you going?
Ntando:  it’s obvious Lonwabo.
Lwanele:  Mom has never needed a babysitter during the week, she obviously has a date.
Lonwabo:  oh yeah, I forgot mom is seeing someone now.
Me:  How can you forget something so important dude? It’s fine mom, I’ll use a guest room. When are you leaving?
Mom:  in an hour, that will be around 20:00.  Before I forget, you guys can pitch your idea to us on Thursday afternoon.  I think we’ll use my home office.
Me:  Oh ok. I’ll speak to the twins.
Lwanele:  Mom I have something to ask you.
Mom:  Go ahead baby
Lwanele:  Well I had a conversation with Lisakhanya yesterday, they would like to spend the holidays with us. Since we already met, we would like to spend time together .
Mom:  I understand but can’t you guys do that over weekends, does it have to be this holiday and you know you are going to the Eastern Cape this holiday to your grandparents.
Me:  Hold on a second, who are we talking about, who is Lisakhanya?
Mom:  Qhawe’s daughter, remember we met her at mall over the weekend.
Ntando:  I would like to meet them.
Lonwabo:  Me too.
Mom:  I know you would love too but it’s too early to be spending holidays together.
Lwanele:  Mom please, I really like these girls and I know Linamandla will like them too. Please mom.
Mom:  I don’t know but I’ll speak to Qhawe about it, right now I have to go, otherwise I’ll be late.
Me:  Mom, you guys don’t really have to sneak around anymore.  We know about you guys, he doesn’t have to come here when we are asleep.  I know him, Lwanele has met, you will him  introduce him to the little brothers and Linamandla when she’s back.  You’ve met his 3 daughters and now you have to meet the twins.  Don’t fight it mom, just let it happen, I really don’t think he’s going to hurt us or you for that matter.
Mom:  I really don’t know when you guys got so smart and wise.  You were babies just yesterday and today, you are giving me advice about my relationship.  Wow.  I have to go.  Khaya please lock up.  I’ll back later.
Me:  bye mom.  We love you.


Everything is done, kids are in their rooms and now I’m sitting in the kitchen having ice cream, waiting for Khanyi to get here.
…………………………………………………….FLASH BACK……………………………………………………………………..
Khanyi:  I bring food.
Me:  I thought I was coming to your office.
Khanyi:  Well I couldn’t wait, I’m hungry and I didn’t want to eat alone.
Me:  I see (I stand and walk towards her, while she is busy putting the food on small coffee table in my office and hold her from behind. I whisper in her ear)
Me:  You said you couldn’t wait, are you hungry for food or are you hungry for me. (she turns around to face me, she is so short, I like it  and I just kiss her and she releases a soft moan, I stop.)
Khanyi:  I’m hungry for real food.
Me:  Are sure about that ( I say kissing her again)
Khanyi:  No Que, I’m never having sex with you again.  You are too big and my nuna is burning from this morning. (and she pouts)
I couldn’t help myself, I just laughed.
……………………………………………………………….END OF FLASH BACK……………………………………………………………

Oh she is here, I get up to open the door, there she stands, she looks so cute in her sweatpants and a hoodie.
Me:  Please come in.  (I say pulling her to my chest and close the door behind her.  While I’m holding her I walk back to the door until her back is against it.  I lift her and she wraps her legs around my waist and push her against the door and kiss her after a while we stop, I could feel myself getting hard. ) HI
Khanyi:  Hey
Me:  ( I put her down) come let’s go to the kitchen, I was having ice cream.
Khanyi:  really now, I think I am learning that you have a sweet tooth.
Me:  I do have a sweet tooth.  Would you like some.
Khanyi:  yes please ( I lift her and place her on the kitchen counter.  I think she enjoys this business of being lifted.  I dish up more ice cream for us in one bowl.)
Me:  Would like some wine?
Khanyi:  yes please, dry red.
Me:  I know, Rupert and Rothchild, it’s also my favourite.
Khanyi:  Hayi Qhawe, how do you know, I don’t remember telling you.
Me:  Remember the first time we spent time together at The VG club, remember when Bandile said we have more in common than just cars.  He meant the wine.
Khanyi:  I see. ( she takes a sip of the wine, and closes her eyes and she lets it sit in her mouth , enjoying the moment and she swallow and when she opens her eyes, I’m standing in front of her, I open her legs and stand between them and kiss her.  I love kissing her, she has very soft kissable lips. And someone clears their throat and we both turn to see who it is and it’s the twins. Khanyi just hides her face in my chest.)
Me:  What are you doing here, I thought you were in your rooms
Banele:  Nope, we were upstairs with the girls and we are on way to our rooms and the exit is here in the kitchen and I wanted some ice cream.
Bandile:  Aren’t you going to introduce us?
Me:  Do I have to do that right now.
Bandile:  yes dad you do.  What if she is not here tomorrow when we wake up.  The girls have met her already.
Me:  guys you caught us in compromising position and you want me to do introductions (Khanyi is laughing in my chest, she hasn’t even turned to look at these two idiots in front us of right now.
Banele:  Dad a compromising position would have been us walking in on you having sex on the kitchen counter
Khanyi:  Que it’s fine, really.
Me:  Are you sure?
Bandile:  yes she is sure, dad please move and introduce us. Wait did she just call you Que, wait let’s put a pin on that, we’ll come back to that point.
I move from where I was standing which was between Khanyi’s legs and stand next to her.
Me:  Khanyi, these are my twin boys, who are friends with Khaya, Bandile and Banele.  Boys this Khaya’s  Mom Khanyi.
Banele:  You could have just said your girlfriend (they laugh.) Nice to finally Miss Sondlo
BAndile:  We’ve heard a lot about you .
Khanyi:  I’ve had a lot about you too.
Banele:  (busy eating his ice cream)  I hope it’s good things
Khanyi:  So far so good.
Bandile: let’s go back to the pinned topic.  Dad, you let her call you Que.
Khanyi:  Kanti what is it about you and being called Que.
Bandile:  Dad doesn’t like being called Que, everyone who knows him, they never call him that, even mom never called him that. He just doesn’t like it.
Khanyi:  how come you never told me, how come you let me call you Que
Me:  I like the way it sounds when you say, the way you say it turns me on.  (I whisper the last part to her so that the boys don’t hear it.
Banele:  Let us love and live you.  We hope to see you tomorrow morning for breakfast sisi.
Bandile:  She loves us already, she’ll be here. 
Me:  Ok that’s enough, go now.  Goodnight, don’t forget to lock
Me:  I’m sorry about that.  This is really not how I wanted to introduce you to the kids.
Khanyi:  it’s ok really. They are quite something.
Me:  yes they are.  Now where were we before we rudely interrupted.( I move closer to her for a kiss but blocks it with her hand.
Khanyi:  We were moving this little party of ours upstairs, before the girls walk in on us.
We take the wine and our glasses and go my bedroom where we just sit and chill talking.  She tells me about how her kids wanting to spend the holidays with my kids.  These kids don’t understand that  it’s too soon but it looks like things are happening the way they want to happen, we just have to go with the flow and we have decided to have a meeting with the kids and discuss the holiday issue .  She tells me her nuna is burning and I feel for her.  I am gifted and she is very tight, she is still going to burn. Tonight I’ll let her be.

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