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Everyone is very frustrated and stressed about Qhawe, he hasn’t woken up and that is taking a toll on Khanyi.  She is always at the hospital but doesn’t sleep there all the time because the kids also need her.  The doctor told her that she must not stress too much Qhawe will wake up.  Linamandla came by for a visit she is very worried about her mom but she couldn’t stay long because of school, she is writing tests but she makes sure she calls every night to check on her family.  Khaya has completely recovered and back at work.  Khanyi is only working from home and goes to the office when she needs to.  Her and Khaya are handling Qhawe’s business but the plans Khanyi had of launching the new ad campaign have to wait until Qhawe wakes up.  Andile and Eddie really did a number on Zwelibanzi, after which they handed him over to Det. Nxele who wanted to know what happened to Zwelibanzi and was told not to ask too many questions.  He will be going to prison for a very long time.  They finally got the information they needed on him about the human trafficking from an anonymous source, so he will have multiple murder charges added on his charge sheet. The kids are getting along very well and being there for each other in these trying times.  Sibahle and Zenande also spoke to Khanyi about seeing Anelisa when their father wakes up.  They want to go see her.  Sibahle wants to put everything behind her.  Lisakhanya’s nightmares are better now, it seems like therapy is helping and having her Wabo is helping her a lot.  The kids have become inseperable in such a short space of time.

Lwazi was punished for making the kids take the fall for him eating Khanyi’s snacks.  His punishment was doing the dishes every night for two weeks. he still has a week to go.
Lwazi:  Khanyi does it have to be for two weeks?
Khanyi:  Yes it does  besides Thando said you desrve more that two weeks so you should be happy I didn’t your girlfriend’s idea.  One week is pusnishment for eating my stuff and the other week is for making my kids take the fall for you.
Lwazi:  yhooo, no Qhawe needs to wake up now.  You are very abusive. Even my Queen is selling me out.
Lonwabo:  Uncle Lwazi tell me something, what did you think was going to happen if he was here?  The way I see it, you are getting off lightly with this punishment from mom.
Lwazi:  Qhawe wouldn’t allow this kind of abuse.
Bandile:  for someone who has known that man since varsity years, you are being dillusional right now.
Khanyi:  two weeks and that’s it.
Ntando:  Take it like a man uncle Sizwe, we did.
Lwazi:  you kids, you are really not helping this situation.  You are just fire to the fuel.
Everyone just laughed at him having the idea that the kids would actually take his side.  He was really being delusional.  Sizwe is very excited about being a father.  He goes to prison to check on Anelisa making sure that she is taking care of herself and reminding her that he will kill her kids should she not take care of herself. Little does she know that Sizwe has no intentions of doing that, he never did and the fact is that he is now part of the family.  Siyanda has failed to get Sindy to leave.  She is adamant that she will only leave when she has spoken to Qhawe and Siyanda has warned her about stepping on Khanyi’s toes and the girl refuses to listen. Siyanda finally had a chance to talk to Khanyi and apologised for behaving the way she did and judging her.  She also told Khanyi about how she wanted Sindy to be the one that was dating Qhawe.  Khanyi appreciated Siyanda’s honesty and she forgave her.  They are now working on their relationship hopefully it will be a good one at least for now they are civil to each other.


When I woke up last night I realised I was in hospital and I remembered that I took a bullet for Sizwe, I know that was a stupid a move but I couldn’t let him die before he meets his child.  As I was thinking back I rembered Khanyi telling me that she was pregnant but how, I thought she couldn’t have kids anymore since she had the operation to tie her tubes, how is it possible. Oh my God, I am going to be a father again.  What did I do?  I can’t wait to see my Queen and my kids.  I miss them so much.  The doctor need to let me go home soon.  I miss my family.  The doctor walks in interrupting me from my thoughts.
Doctor:  Morning, how are you feeling today?
Me:  I’m feeling ok, just in pain that’s all.
Doctor:  the nurse will come by and give you your morning dose.
Me:  thanks doctor.  When am I going home?
Doctor:  As soon as I am convinced that you are better.
Me:  I miss my family doc, I need to be with them.
Doctor:  you will be with them.  They usually come from lunch time. Only the Mrs comes early in the morning and she will be here soon.  (the nurse walks and gives me my pain medication and leaves.)
Me:  Well Doc we are not married yet.
Doctor:  Really? one would swear the two of you are married. She must really love you then. They way she hovers over you says it all.  You are a lucky man.
Me:  I am indeed.  (I can feel the pain medication working it’s also making me sleepy.  I don’t know when I fell asleep but I woke up to a soft voice talking to me and her head on my shoulder, I think she is avoiding hurting me by lying on my chest, I decide to keep quiet and listen to her)
Khanyi:  You are boring you know that right.  I’ve been coming here for a week and I always talk alone.  I thought you would be awake by now.  we had a doctor’s appointment and i cancelled it because I didn’t want to go alone. Look I get that you are in pain but really this is not funny anymore, if you don’t wake today, I am going to stop coming and you owe me for the time you took me shopping on the day I got shot and I still haven’t received what I wanted that day.
Me:  you will get it my Queen I promise.
Khanyi:  how am I going to get it when you are being stubborn I this bed not wanting to wake up.
Me:  As soon as you realise that I am awake and I am actually talking to you.   (she literally jumps up, tears just fall on her face and she kisses me. She stops kissing me and looks into my eyes and I think she sees what she was looking for.) 
Khanyi: You are awake.  I’ll get the doctor.
Me:  You don’t have to baby, he knows.  I woke up last night.
Khanyi:  why didn’t they call me Qhawe?
Me:  I asked them not to.  I wanted to surprise you and I guess I did. I love you so much and thank you for being here everyday.  Please stop crying.
Khanyi:  it’s tears of joy.  I’m just so happy that you’re awake. ( she says that kissing me again.)


He is finally awake.  I came to see him, I snuck in but when I  got to his room he is with her.  That should be me kissing him like that.  She is so excited, I just stand at the door and watch them being all lovey dovey.  I hate this woman right now, she has what I want, the man I want and the life I want.  Things would be so much easier if she wan’t in the picture, she is just complicating things for me and the fact that those kids love her so much doesn’t help my case but they can learn to love me as well.  Qhawe’s mom actually told me that she told her the truth.  I can’t believe she changed her mind just like that.  She even kicked me out of Qhawe’s house.  She let me stay there when I arrived but now that she changed her mind she kicked me out.  Maybe I should consider looking for a job this side.  I’m actually grateful that all of this is happening whilst I’m on leave. My phone rings and it’s one of my friends.
Me:  Hello
Her:  how are you doing Sindy,  when are you coming back?
Me;  I’m ok.  I’m not sure when I’ll be back.  Qhawe is finally awake.
Her:  have you spoken to him?
Me:  no I haven’t.  I can’t even see him.  I snuck in today and when I got to his room he was with his girlfriend.
Her:  what does his mother have to say?
Me:  she is not helping me anymore she reconsidered.  Only God knows why.  This girl is not even Qhawe’s type.
Her:  their relationship is not that serious?
Me:  it is looks like it is and Qhawe’skids love her.  I might stand a chance with Qhawe but I don’t think  I’ll stand a chance with the kids.
Her;  hayibo Sindy there’s kids involved but you’ve always said you are not ready to be a parent nje.
Me:  for Qhawe I’ll be ready and he is not the type to send his kids to boarding school and besides the kids are grown now.  the little one 12 years old.
Her:  are you sure you want this my friend?
Me:  I am sure.
Her:  I’ll support you then.
Me:  thank you dear.  (I say as I hang up.  But the question is am I really ready for his kids. I go back to his room and this time there’s whole lot of people and his parents are here too.  They look like they are having fun.)

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