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We just arrived in Durban .  it’s been a hectic week.  Luyanda was discharged on Wednesday and his uncle too.  They are both recovering well.  We have decided to spend the night at the farm.
Luyanda:  You guys really need to stop babying me.  Lwandle and Lungi do enough of that.  I was just shot, I am not paralysed, I can do things for myself and when I need help I’ll ask.
Sizwe:  just enjoy us pampering you because this is not going to happen again anytime soon. 
Lwazi:  Sizwe is right.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  I must say Qhawe this man cave is awesome even Luyanda is comfortable.
Qhawe:  Thanks man. (Khanyi walks in with detective Nxele)
Det. Nxele:  Gentlemen
Me:  Detective, what can we do for you
Nxele:  My collegue in East London called regard a case that involved a shooting of one you.
Luyanda:  that was me.  Is there an update?
Nxele:  there is.  I’m surprised you haven’t  found anything yet.  Normally you give me the info before I get it.
Lwazi:  Our PI is very slow these days.  We don’t know why maybe the Mrs is starving him for working long hours. (he looks at Sipho and smiles.)  What do you have for us detective?
Qhawe:  would you like a drink?
Nxele:  anything non alcoholic, I’m still on duty.  
Me:  update detective
Nxele:  oh yes.  There was a witness and apparently there were two people involved, a Luleka Gxaji and Bulelwa Langa.  
Luyanda:  that’s my ex and my aunt
Nxele:  then I am sorry for what I am about to tell you.  They were involved in a car accident on their way to Lesotho, basically they were leaving the country by the looks of things.  We found a gun  amongst their belongings, our lab is running some test on the gun to see if it was the one used. 
Lwazi:  are they ok detective?
Nxele:  I’m sorry but they are no more, the accident was very bad they died on the scene.  This happened last night (the room goes quiet. This is too much of a conincidence.  One of us has something to do with this accident, I can bet my life on it.)
Me:  Any signs of foul play detective?
Nxele:  None.  It was just an accident.  It looks they were driving in the wrong lane and tried to swerve away from on coming traffic but it looks like they lost control of the car and it rolled off the cliff.  (this is definitely a hit and one of has something to do with it.)
Luyanda:  thank you detective.
Nxele:  I’ll be on my way then.  Maybe we can do lunch sometime.
Qhawe:  sure thing detective.  (with that said he leaves)
Luyanda: Ok start talking, one of you is responsible for that accident.
Me:  it’s too much of a coincidence
Luyanda:  start talking.  I’m not mad.  I’m actually glad because I was planning on doing it myself.
Lwazi:  in that case I did it.  Look man seeing you in that hospital bed hurt more than you can imagine.  Seeing Lwandle and Lungi crying like that broke my heart. knowing that you had just found Lungi and the same people that took her away from you tried to take you away from her, leaving her without a father once again and taking you away from your unborn child  and wife it made me very angry, I couln’t just let them go sit in jail and enjoy life like the rest that we put in jail. I’m sorry man but I just lost my cool and i just couldn’t deal.  It was too much especially seeing your girls like that..
Sizwe:  I also had someone to do the job but my guy was too late.
Me:  Were you ever going to tell us if we didn’t suspect
Lwazi & Sizwe:  At some point yes.  (they look at each other and laugh)
Lwazi:  We probably wouldn’t have gotten to Khaya’s  wedding without telling you.
Luyanda:  I appreciate you for looking out for me guys and believe me I’m not angry with you.  I would have done it myself.
Me:  have a sit Andrea
Andrea:  Bandile what is the meaning of this?
Mcebisi:  just sit down and stop asking too many questions.  (she quickly sits down and looks at Bandile)
Bandile:  How far along are you in your pregnancy, you never told me?
Andrea:  Three months and who are these guys?
Bandile:  These are my brothers.  That’s my big brother Khaya Sondlo he is the head of public relations at QM Architecture and also has his own music studio and that’s my brother in law Mcebisi Mkhize and he is the CEO of my mom’s marketing company.
Mcebisi:  Nice to meet you Andrea.  So how did you and my brother hook up.
Andrea:  I’ve always had a crush on him and we hooked at a friend’s house party. It was great one thing led to another and now I am pregnant.
Me:  it’s funny how he doesn’t remember half of what happened that night he doesn’t even remember sleeping with you.  He doesn’t even have flash backs, it’s like someone wiped his memory or he was drugged.
Andrea:  are you trying to say that I drugged him?
Mcebisi:  that’s not what he is saying.  He was simply making an obversation.  You seem nervous, are you ok.
Andrea:  I’m fine.
Bandile:  we have a doctors appointment tomorrow.
Andrea:  for what, I already told you everything and here are the scans if you don’t believe.
Mcebisi:  Are you denying the father of your baby the right to see and hear the heart beat of his baby?
Andrea:  No I’m not.  I just had an appoingment I don’t see a point to go again so soon, he can come along to the next appoint.
Me:  Next appointment is tomorrow at 10:00 am.  Bandile will text you all the details, please don’t be late.
Andrea:  Bandile why are you doing this, why don’t you believe me?
Bandile:  It’s not that I don’t belive you dear.  I just want to see for myself that you are actually pregnant.  For all I know you could have borrowed these scans from a friend or something.  (immediately when Bandile said that she quickly looked down and looked up at Bandile again)
Mcebisi:  before you feed us any of your lies this is how this going to work.  Tomorrow you are going to be available for the appointment and you are going to do a partenity test to prove that this is in fact his child before you go crying RAPE.  I hate girls like you, I really do.
Me:  if you don’t want trouble, you will cooperate.  Oh and  if I were you I wouldn’t tell anyone about this conversation especially daddy dearest and if you happen to tell anyone we’ll know.
Mcebisi:  guys lets go, otherwise your parents will have a thing if we are late for dinner.  Have great evening sweet cheeks.  I
Bandile:  if you tell anyone about this, I’ll open a case against you for rape.
Andrea:  No one will ever believe you.
Me:  You think so, go ahead then try us and you’ll be behind bars so fast you won’t know what hit you.
Mcebisi:  and when we see you tomorrow you better have a better explanation of what happened that night than this jeberish you just fed us today.
Bandile:  See you tomorrow at 10:00
Me:  did you see the news?
Sihle:  no I didn’t.  Why did you call?
Me:  I called to give you some  news and to warn you
Sihle:  what news
ME:  Your friends are dead.  They shot Luyanda which you probably know.  They died in a car accident on their way to Lesotho.  They were running away.
Sihle:  OH My God!! When did that happen? 
Me:  Last night.  I didn’t call for a friendly chat.  If you try to do anything to Luyanda or his daughter or even his wife, you will end up just like your friends.  Do we understand each other?
Sihle:  yes we do.
Me:  good then.  Stay aways from them and we’ll be good.   (with that said I hang up.)

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