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I'm so hungover.  My phone is ringing, where is it?

Me:  what do you want?
Him:  is that how you answer your phone?
Me: sorry dad.  I didn't look at the  caller ID.  It's  a good thing you called.
Dad:  what did you do Lunga, how many times did I tell you that there will come a point where I cannot help you.  Why do you do it because I surely never raised you like this.  This time you are going to jail my son and there's nothing I can do for you.
Me:  dad please I can't go to jail.  Please dad.  There must be something you can do.
Dad: you messed with the wrong girl this time.  I'm looking at her case file now. The people she mentions in this report that helped her  have put some powerful people in jail. I am surely going to lose my job for protecting you.  I thought I was protecting you but I didn't realise I was giving you power to become a monster.   This is the third case with your name Attached to it and I can't help you.  I should have never made the first cases disappear in the first place. I covered up two cases for you and I can’t do anything with this one.
Me:  dad  come on, I'll lose everything please.  (A knock interrupts me.)  Dad I'll call you back. Someone is at the door.(I just hang up as I open the door, what the hell is he doing here)
Me:  Rugby boy what are you doing here with your goon squad. (A punch lands on my face from this guy.  What the hell.  He pushes me away from tbe door and I almost fall.)
Mcebisi:  you really shouldn't call him that it pisses him off.  Wait did he just call us a goon squad?
Bandile:  yes he did
Mcebisi:  do we look like a goon squad, what the hell is a goon squad anyway?
Me:  what the fuck do you want in my house?
Khaya:  we have unfished business with you.  (Another punch lands on my face again. This boy can really throw a punch.  Just when I was about to punch back, a gun is pointed at me)
Banele:  you are not going to fight back. (This kid punches me again and again, he throws a punch to stomach which lands me on the floor coughing a bit of blood. He takes off his belt and folds it in half and takes a sit.
Mcebisi:  we looked around your apartment last night and found some interesting staff more over a USB with your deeds and you like the girls fresh, sealed so that you can take their virginity in the most ruthless way. You really are a psychopath.   Something is absolutely wrong with you. Eight girls and you are still not in jail.  Daddy must be hiding your secrete very well or daddy doesn't know everything.
Me:  There is nothing wrong with me, it's just pure pleasure. We all find pleasure in defferent forms and we do things differently to get the kind of pleasure we  want.
Mcebisi:  did he just say pleasure (this guy gets up and kicks me in the stomach a few times)  How’s that for pleasure?  This whole situation is making me hungry.  Hey do you have any food here or snacks, something I can chew on while I’ll be watching the show.  Never mind I’ll find it myself I might just order in.
Khaya:  You and food, you are inseperable.
Bandile:  he was probably born with a packet of chips in his hand.  (they all laugh at that statement.)
Lonwabo:  Take off your clothes
Me:  what??
Lonwabo:  I said TAKE YOUR DAMN CLOTHES OFF, EVERYTHING OFF.  I WANT YOU NAKED, I won’t repeat myself (I look at him and he is damn serious and there was a knock on my door again.)  Oh that’s our new friend.  (they let him in and he greets them shaking their hands and takes a sit next to Lonwabo) Xolisa, you are right on time. 
Banele:  I thought you were told to strip.  Hurry up man we don’t have all day. (I do as I’m told and at this point I don’t even have the energy to fight back(Lonwabo gets up and belts me.  It is so painful, I feel like screaming but I just cry silently after a while they take me, put me on the bed and tied me up with ropes from all corners of the bed.  after they are done tying me up this kid continues to belt the life out of me.  I can’t cry anymore.)
Me:  Please stop this, why are you doing this what did I do to you?
Lonwabo:  did you stop when she asked you to stop yesterday?  Did you stop when she begged for her life, when she told you were hurting her, did you stop? ( he stikes me again with his belt across my thighs and right there I knew today I am going to die.  Dad was right I messed with the wrong girl.  I didn’t think they cared.  No one really cares about the girls I date.  Everything he is doing to me right now is everything I did to Oyama.)
Lunga:  I’m sorry I should have listened I just got carried away.
Mcebisi:  I thought you said it was pure pleasure
Khaya:  Maybe Lonwabo is confusing him with these beatings.  I should just shoot him here and now once and for all.
Mcebisi:  Please don’t shoot him.  I’m still enjoying this show.  By the way remind me never to get on your brother’s wrong side.  Lonwabo really knows how to throw a punch.
Lonwabo:  I don’t think you want to watch the next scene.  I definitely won’t be watching.  I’m going to the hospital.  But before I go Xolisa you are up next, he is all yours.  (this Xolisa guy gets up from the couch and takes his clothes off, I know what’s going to happen.  He gets on top of my chest and moves close to my face.)
Me:  Please don’t do this, please I’m begging you.  (he doesn’t say anything he just slaps me  and holds my head in place and tells me to open my mouth which I refuse, another slap lands on face.)
Xolisa:  I won’t tell you again.  Open your mouth now. (with that said I open my mouth and he puts his dick in, holding my head tight in his hands and he fucks mouth hard and deep.)
Lonwabo:  Xolisa call us when you are done.  Guys are you coming?  Trust me you don’t want to watch this.  Besides I need a ride to the hospital.  Let’s go.  (they all get up and go, leaving me with this guy fcuking my mouth, I can’t even scream for help.  He continues with this torture until he let his juices into my mouth .  he takes his dick out and closes my mouth using his hands making me swallow everything.  My mouth hurts, it’s burning because of pain, my throat hurts.  I have no energy for anything.  He unties me and turns me over to lie on my stomach and ties me the same way again. he gets between my legs and opens my butt chick and pours something on butt hole.
Me:  Please stop, I’m begging you please stop.
Xolisa:  this is going to hurt like nothing you’ve never felt before.  I won’t be gentle.  (with that said he pushed his dick in my hole and I couldn’t help but scream outloud in pain.  He carried on with me screaming begging him to stop but my cries fell on deaf ears.  He climaxed the first time and the second time. He carried on fucking me for hours taking short breaks in between.  When he was done, he took me to the bathroom, cleaned me and dressed me.  He cleaned the bedroom, change the bedding and took the one filled with blood and put in a black plastic bag.  He put me back on the bed.)  just so you know, I am gay.  Just incase you were wondering.  Next time you will think twice about raping virgins or any other woman for that matter.  Sleep and get your energy back.  The police will be here for you in a few hours.  You don’t have a phone and don’t even think of running, you are being watched. (with that said he leaves.  I really under estimated these guys.)
Him:  how are you?  You seem to far away with your thoughts.  What’s wrong?
Me:  I’m not a virgin
Him:  and that matters because?
Me:  I’m damaged, why would you want someone who is damaged?
Him:  Who told you were damaged?
ME:  No one,  It’s a conclusion I came to all on my own.  The guy that broke my virginity, didn’t want me anymore after that.  that’s why I always thought I was damaged goods.
Him:  do you think I want to be with you for the sex?
Me:  Honestly no I don’t.  I’m just scared that you might not want me because I have had sex before.
Him:  it doesn’t matter if you have had sex before or not.  Sex is not the reason I want to be with you.  I’m not a virgin either.  I’ve slept with a few girls before.  Do you see me as damage, do you not want to be with me because of that?
Me:  I want to be with you because you are kind, you care for me and for the time I’ve known you, you put me first.
Him:  Sibahle a relationship is not just about sex.  Yes sex is important but it is not the most important thing in a relationship. Trust is very important, respect, Love.  They way we treat each other in a relationship is very important.  It determines the kind of relationship we’ll have.  When you get into a relationship with me, the most important thing I want you to do is to respect me and I should respect you.  I don’t expect you to just trust me, I will earn that with my actions towards you.  Having sex with someone doesn’t make you damaged. If that was the case then every person in this world we live in would be damaged.  I won’t push you into having sex, we will do it when you are ready.  The man that raised me taught me well and I have no inentions of disappointing him or disappointing myself by forget the life lessons he taught.  Do you want to know what’s wrong with most us?
Me:  Yes
Him:  we forget the good lessons we are taught at home and start listening to friends who will tell us something different.  That’s why it is important that when you choose friends, choose people who will fit in your circle, people who will build you to be a better person and you build them.  You choose people that will always be there for you, people that you can consider family even though they are not your blood.  I’m sure you lost your virginity because you made a choice to listen to friends who didn’t care about you, they didn’t share the same beliefs.  Never forget where you come from, never forget the good morals and values that you were taught.  Some of are lucky to have parents that teach all these good things.  Others are not so lucky.  Some learn from their parents that beating up a woman is ok.  Beating up a man is ok, rape is ok, killing is ok.  that ‘s how others grow up.
Me:  I hear you and I’ll stop thinking I am damaged. 
Him:  I just want you just as you are, don’t pretend with me, don’t hide your trueself because I definitely won’t hide or lie about who I am.  We still have a lot to learn about each and we have all the time in world.  Come here (I go to him and he makes me sit on his lap.)  You need learn to be comfortable with who you are, be comfortable in your own skin. (and he kisses me)

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