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Life has been good to me.  Sizwe has been a great man in my life and a great father to our daughter.  My daughter spends a lot of time with her siblings at Khanyi’s house, even tonight she is there.  Sizwe wanted us to go out for dinner, basically it’s date night.  When I look at him I think of how stupid I was to break up with him in the first place.  If I had known,  if I wasn’t so blinded but then again it is what it is.  If most people new my story with Sizwe they would judge me for sure.  I love this man with all that I am, he makes me happy, he allows me to be me.  He loves my kids and gets along very well  with them and they love him. 

My relationship with my kids has improved a lot and I am happy.  I don’t think it will ever get to what they have with Khanyi and I don’t blame them for that.  I was never the mother they needed me  to be from the word go but I’m happy with the progress that we have made and hopefully it will keep getting better.  My relationship with Khanyi is also great.  It doesn’t have that awkwardness it had when we started out.  I have learned a lot from her especially when it comes to forgiveness.  Khanyi really believes in forgiving even if that person doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.  She always says that when you forgive you are doing it for yourself and for the other person.  In my case, I had to learn to forgive myself for my wrong doings, accept that I can change what has been done but learn from it, which is exactly what I am doing, learning from my mistakes and doing things differently with Olu and enjoying being a mother again. Being around this family has taught me to love myself, to appreciate  what I have.  This family is the best thing ever.

Sizwe:  Babe are you ready?
Me:  yes I am.  We can go.
Sizwe:  You look beautiful.
Me:  thank you. Where are we going ?
Sizwe:  We are going to Amici Friends, your favourite restaurant.
Me:  what’s the occasion Sizwe?  You’ve been   acting very strange lately, don’t think I haven’t noticed.
Sizwe:  I wouldn’t dare think that.  (he drives off to our destination)
Me:  so you are not denying that you have been hiding something from me?
Sizwe:  I do have a surprise for you.
Me:  Sizwe you know I don’t like surprises.
Sizwe:  it’s funny how you keep saying that and yet you still enjoy your surprises.
Me:  but I still don’t like surprises.
Sizwe:  We are here.  (He gets out and opens the door for me.  As I get out of the car, he holds my hand. I love this restaurant. I love the chilled out vibe here.  As we walk in the waiter directs us to a reserved table at the far corner of the restaurant and it’s private.  The tables next to our table are empty.  He pulls out the chair for me to sit. This area is beautifully decorated.  Wow this man went all out for this date.)
Me:  this is beautiful
Sizwe:  well I am glad you like it. (the wairter comes back with a bottle of champaign placed in a ice bucket and leaves.  Sizwe takes the bottle, opens it and pours for us.  He has been smiling non stop since we got here.  I wonder what is he up to?)
Me:  I spoke to Khanyi about funding my business idea babe since she is funding small local businesses.
Sizwe:  have you given her the business plan?
Me:  yes I have.  She said she would look it over and get back to me.  (the waiter comes back and he is bringing our food but  I don’t remember giving him an order for food.)
Sizwe:  I pre ordered the food before we cam here.
Me:  Oh ok. (this is fun.  We actually haven’t done something like this since Olu has been born.)
Sizwe:  Anelisa, our relationship began like any other normal relationship but in between shit happened, we got through it.  It was not an easy journey and today we are here.  We have been through a lot and I am mostly thankful that you don’t hold what I did to you against me.  I am happy that in the mist of it all we were able to find each other again and fall in love.  I have come to believe that it is true what they say about love.  That you find love in the most unexpected places and from the most unexpected place.  I never though I would be here today.  I love you Ma ka Olu, I love you so much and I don’t want to have a  life without  you.  I want you to bear my last name, I want you to be my wife, my life partner, my best friend, my everything.  Will you marry me?
Me:  Oh Sizwe, this is what you have been planning the whole of last week?
Sziwe:  Yes it is.
Me:  Yes my love.  Yes I’ll marry you.  (he moves closer to me and kisses me.)

Sindy has been doing great.  She has not been in touch with her mother ever since she moved here.  Durban has been good to her.  She now has a job interview lined up for her next week  as a PA and it’s very good money.  Her relationship with her father has been good,they are growing closer everyday and with her sibling too.  She finally has the family that she has longed for and she is really doing well for herself. She has also become comfortable now to be around Khanyi’s family.  We now spend more time with them and what I like is that they never pushed, they understood that she was not ready.

Sindy: Babe I need a dress for the dinner party.  Did Khanyi say what the dinner is party and why we have to be all formal?
Me:  No she didn’t.  She just said it’s a dinner party and it’s a black tie..  Only God knows what’s going on with those two
Sindy:  Now I have to go shopping for a dress.
Me:  Sindy you have so dresses in your closet.  Why don’t you choose one from your closet.
Sindy:  I don’t have formal dresses in my closet Sipho.
Me:  Mhhhhh, I see.
Sindy:  So can we go shopping for my dress please tomorrow at lunch time
Me:  No Sindy.  You can go on your own.  You know how you get when you are shopping besides Bandile has asked me to join him and Lwazi for lunch tomorrow.
Sindy:  You are such a bore.
Me:  I know babe.  What I like about this whle situation is that you know your man will do everything and anything for you except going shopping with you.
Sindy:  I hate you
Me:  tough luck babe, I am here to stay. (my phone rings )
Her:  How are you?
Me:  What do you want?
Her:  why are you so cold?
Me:  I asked you what you want.
Her:  we need to talk and we need to talk face to face.
Me:  that’s not going to happen.  Whatever you have to say, you can say it now.
Her:  Sipho how long are you going to treat me like this?
Me:  You are my sister and you betrayed me in the worst possible way.  So forgive me for not being interested in anyting that involves you.  I have to go.  I would appreciate it if yo don’t call again.  (I hand up.)

Sindy:  are you ok?
Me:  I’m ok baby.  I won’t let her ruin my day.
Sindy:  did she say what she wanted?
Me:  I did give haer a chance to explain herself.
Sindy:  one day you are going to have to get over what she did.
Me:  I know babe. I’m just not ready to face her.
Sindy:  it’s ok baby but to hold on to hate for too long, it will destroy you.
Me:  thank you (I say kissing her)
Sindy:  for what?
Me:  for loving me and being here for me.
Sindy:  there no place I’d rather be at.
Me:  I love  you
The few days that we have been here, have been fun except for the witch from next door.  I really don’t under this girl.  How can she want someone she has never had before.  How does that work?  In fact what is her mind telling her about Mcebisi.  Then again if she thinks she is going to walk all over me just like that she has another thing coming.
Me:  come on guys let’s go.
Lwanele:  we are coming, hold your horses.
Me:  You’ve been saying that for the past five minutes.
Mcebisi:  what are they busy doing?
Me:  I really don’t know babe and we are going to be late for the movie.
Lisakhanya:  we are here.  We can go.
Mcebisi:  are you sure you guys don’t want me to come with you
Zenande:  You can come with us. It will be more fun.
Me:  Babe you promised I would have tonight with my sisters.
Mcebisi:  Ok  fine you can go.  (He kisses me and we leave.)
We decided to go to Watercrest Mall.  We got there bought our movie tickects and our snacks.
Sne:  Wow the new Mrs Mkhize is out and about
Sibahle:  what’s it to you if she is.
Sne:  oh Nothing.  You really are spending his money.
Me:  Not that it’s any of your business but today I am spending my own money.  Yes I do spend his money on important things that will benefit the both of us and afterall I am his wife. 
Sibahle:  Look Sne, none of us here like you for obvious reasons.  I would suggest that you stop embarrsing yourself like this.  When you see us in public rather pretend that you ‘t know us. 
Lwanele:  it will save you the trouble of talking to us.
Sne:  You think you are better than me nhe
Me:  Oh but I am darling.  Look we don’t have time for this.  Goodbye Sne. Come guys let’s go or else we’ll be late.
Lwanele:  why does she hate you so much?
Me:  Because I am married to Mcebisi
Lwanelw:  so she wanted to tobe the one
Me:  Yes baby she did.
Sibahle:  she accept that Mcebisi doesn’t want her other wise she is going to be in trouble.

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