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I'm standing here looking at the video she sent me, the shot Sima but she is still alive. She says she is coming for me.

Me: Songezo tie them up.( He ties them and leaves the room. Soon after he leaves the room, I hear gunshots. It can't be her. She can't be here. How did she find me so quickly. Shit Sima and your big mouth.

Khaya: What's wrong Zwelli, you look like you've seen a ghost. Don't tell me an evil man like you is scared of little Angel Face as you would call her. I told you she was coming and I know she brought the calvary with her.

Me: I'm not scared of her.

Qhawe: Oh my god, you really are scared of her. Why did you start all this if you are afraid of her?

Me: I said I'm not scared of her. (I say pointing the gun at him, just then the door opens and she walks in and I quickly stand next to Qhawe and still pointing the gun at him.)

Khanyi: you really should be scared of me. (she scans the room, scans her son and looks at Qhawe then me, the Qhawe again and she smiles at him which he returns probably assuring her that he is ok. She walks over to her son, touches his face and kisses his forehead.) Are you ok my baby?

Khaya: I'm fine mom.

Khanyi: I am going to untie and I want you to walk out of here and go to the car do you hear me and don't worry I'll see you in a few minutes. (Khaya just nods)

Me: no one is going anywhere (she ignores me and continues to untie Khaya, I fire a warning shot, she turns to look at me then her son.)

Khanyi: Go baby, he is going to die before he shoots you. (she says that taking out her gun pointing at me and whispers something to Khaya before he walks out. She takes a sit where Khaya was sitting. Did she really come alone, where are her guys) I'm not alone. I would move that gun from his head if I were you. Grab a sit let's talk, you wanted me to sign something.

Me: I do want you to sign something. (I say that grabbing a chair and sit in front of her. She looks at Qhawe and gives him a very warm smile but I can see the pain in her eyes of seeing him like that.)

Khanyi: Zwelibanzi do you enjoy hurting me, haven't you done enough to hurt me and my kids and now you are hurting my heart.

Me: I just want what I want at any cost.

Khanyi: So when you said you loved me, that was to get me to come back to you?

Me: I do love you Khanyi.... (she doesn't let me finish)

Khanyi: How stupid do you think I am Zwelibanzi. (I stand and walk towards the table that's in the far corner of this room. I take the envelope that's on the table. It's a good thing I came after I had these drawn up. I take the document out of the envelope and throw them at her.)

Me: Sign or I shoot him. (some guy walks in)

Him: I want to see you try. Put the gun down and you won't get hurt. (I turn to look at this guy and I pull the trigger and the bullet goes through his shoulder. I hear Khanyi calling his name and going to him)

Khanyi: Eddie look at me. Are you ok, tell me you are ok.

Eddie: I'm ok, it's just my shoulder. (this guy sounds like he is used to getting shot.)

Me: I said sign the papers. (she gets up and looks at me, just then my friend walks in) Sizwe what are you doing here?

Khanyi: Sizwe I told you to take Khaya home.

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