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It’s been a peaceful  three months, no drama.  Who am I kidding, we have a pregnant woman in the family and she is very demanding.  I think Qhawe should take leave and take care of his woman or work from home.  She works from home now and when ever Qhawe is not home and we around we have to put up with her demands but she makes it fun.  Anelisa on the other was released and placed under house arrest. She is not allowed to go anywhere, if Sizwe needs to go somewhere with her they need to be accompanied by prison officials, they can’t break the rules otherwise she will go back to  prison.  she doesn’t seem to have mood swings with her pregnancy, she is actually very relaxed, she doesn’t even eat that much.  Sizwe has to force her to eat. Apparently that’s how she was when she was pregnant with Lisakhanya.  My beautiful Queen has been amazing, her business is doing well and sometime next she is going to open another one.  Thando’s lingerie shop is also doing well.  Sima’s twins have been spending a lot of time with Khanyi lately.  Lina is back from school since it’s December holidays.  they will be going to the Eastern Cape soon.  We finally told Khanyi who Sindiswa’s father is and she was so shocked.  My son’s are coming for a visit and I’m on my way to fetch them from the airport.  They are meeting Ncesh this weekend.  I can’t wait.  Maybe they should consider moving back to Durban. Ayanda my first born 25 and Asive 22. 
Me:  you finally landed.  (I say hugging them, my boys have grown.  Their mom has been a nightmare through out their lives making it difficult for us to spend time together but she let up when I threatened to take the kids away from her, she has tried to get between us but we never gave up until they told her they wanted to come and live with me because they are tired of how she lived.  Story for another day.)
Ayanda:  it’s a good thing you were young when you had us otherwise we would be calling you old man right now.  How are you dad?
Me:  I’m good son and how are you guys?
Asive:  we are good.  We missed you that’s all.
Me:  I missed you too.  Let’s get going.  We are having a braai tonight at aunt Khanyi’s and Qhawe’s house but you are going to meet Ncesh first before we go there and we have a few thing to buy otherwise Ncesh will kill me  if I don’t come home with the stuff she gave me a list for.
Asive:  I like her already, she’s got you going to the shops for her.  can’t wait to meet her.
I drive off with them telling about their lives in JHB.  They have started their own Accounting firm and apparently it is going well.  They are going to be pitching their services to us on Sunday.  WE bought everything  I was asked to buy and we are going back to the house.
Ayanda:  it looks amazing here,  it shows there’s woman around here. 
Me:  haa Ayanda, it looked amazing even before.
Ayanda:  but now it has a female touch and a bit of brightness to it.
Me:  you are such a traitor.
Ayanda:  dad come on don’t be like that.  Are you really sulking.
Asive:  I think he is.
Me:  go put your bags in your rooms, freshen up and come down stairs to meet your step mother.
Asive:  He is sulking.  He’s not talking to you for the next hour.
Ayanda:  he picked the wrong time to sulk, he still has to introduce us , he’ll just have to suck it  up and man up.
Me: I heard that.  (I say as they walk away to their rooms.  My baby was in the kitchen when I walk in.)
Ncesh:  you’re back.   Hi
Me:  Hi (and I give a kiss.)
Ncesh:  Where are my boys
Me: Upstairs freshening up.
“DAD!!!”  that’s Asive shouting from upstairs.  We go upstairs to his room and Ayanda is there too.
Asive:  what happened to our rooms?
Me:  we changed them, what don’t you like them (Ncesh is standing right next me and she is not saying anything.)
Asive:  are you kidding me, I love mine.  And I know this was not your doing
Me:  you are right about that. she was responsible for it.  (I say pointing at  Ncesh.)  Guys meet your step mom and My Queen Ncebakazi Ndzolo, babe these are my sons Ayanda and Asive.
Ncesh:  Nice to meeto you guys (she holds out her hand for a handshake but they just pull her in for a group hug.
Ayanda:  it’s nice finally meet the woman that has his heart.  Dad talks about you all the time.
Asive:  at some point when he would call it would just be to talk about you.  (these kids are making her blush.)
Me: oh come on it was not like that.  Besides you need to stop, you making her blush. Come on we have a braai to get ready for. You will get a chance to get to know each other as time goes on.
Asive:  how did you know that we would like the changes you made in our rooms?
Ncesh:  just as as your father talks about me to you, he talks about you guys a lot.
Ayanda:  it looks like we are going to get along just fine.  What’s for breakfast
Me:  Lungi come on, just pick one that you like, you can’t possibly like them all. 
(we are at the mall, we decided to spend the morning together before meeting up with the family later this afternoon. We went out for breakfast and now we are shopping.  She said she needed a few things and looks like we are going to spend the whole day in this mall. This woman can shop.  I am never bringing her shopping again.  She will just  have to come with Lina and Sibahle.)
Lungi:  I like them all babe and I don’t know which one to choose.
Me:  No man Lungi, how hard can it be, choose the one you like most ke.
Lungi:  don’t rush me Khaya.
Me:  I’m never taking you shopping again.
“you’ve never really had the patience for it.” (I know this voice and it belongs to my ex.  I don’t need this woman’s drama right now.)
Me:  What do you want?
Her:  I’m also doing my shopping. 
ME:  good for you.  If you’ll excuse us, we are busy.
Her:  is this the finance'.  Hi I’m the ex-girlfriend who wants him back and by the looks of things, It looks like getting him back will be easy.  You are definitely not his type. (I was about to say something when Lungi stopped me.)
Lungi:  don’t worry babe, I’ll deal with this one.  It’s Barbie right.
Her:  the name is Zukiswa, please don’t call me that.
Lungi:  Listen Barbie girl, if you were his type, you would right where I am standing with, next to him, shopping and irrititating the living day  lights out of him because I can’t really choose what I want.    I   want you to understand something, I am not about to embarrass him and myself by having a fight with you in public.  Obviously it is  you r thing. And another thing is that, you are nothing compared to me.  Since it looks like you are hear shopping as well, I suggest you go find the man that is paying for you shopping.  Some of us are paying for ourselves.  (and my baby walks away and continues with her shopping.)
Me:  If she cries or you try to do anything that will hurt I promise you I’ll make you regret the day you met me.  Think about that before you start acting stupid and embarrassing yourself.  That right there is the Queen of my heart, don’t mess with her. (I walk away to join Lungi, I hug her from behind when I get to her and kiss her neck.) Are you ok baby?
Lungi:  I’m ok.  (I turn her around so that I can look at her.)
Me:  Are you sure? (she puts her arms around my neck and stand on her toes to kiss me)
Lungi: Yes I am sure.
Me:  trust me, you have nothing to worry about.  I am all yours my love.
Lungi:  and I am all yours.  now kiss me please. ( I do as told and we continue with our shopping)
When we leave we bump into Mcebisi, who is also leaving.
Me:  Hey man
Mcebisi:  guys, how are you
Lungi:  we are good.  I hope you good too.
Mcebisi:  I’m good.  I just came to get something for Lina.  I felt like spoiling her today.
Me:  Are you coming to the braai?
Mcebisi:  definitely, I was invited.  The probation period is over, things are really good.  Your dad is still being tough though.
Me:  he  won’t stop. You better get used to it..
Mcebisi:  listen we’ll talk later, let me rush, I still have a few things to do before going to your house. 
Me:  we’ll see you later then. (and he runs off to his car.)
Lungi:  he is really a nice guy.
Me:  yes he is.
Lungi:  babe I think I’m ready  I’m a bit confused now, what is he talking about?)
Me:  ready?  Ready for what babe
Lungi:  You know, what I haven’t been ready for, I think I’m ready for it.
ME: Lungi just …. Oh my God, you mean that ready, are sure about that babe.
Lungi:  I am sure, I want to and I want you to be the only one. I m don’t want to wait anymore, I know that I love you, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with out you.  You are my everything.
Me:  and you had to choose this moment to tell me all this, whilst I’m driving, now how am I suppose to kiss you, I can’t even pull over here.
Lungi:  You’ll just have to wait till we get home. I told my mom about and she wants to meet you.
Me:  when
Lungi:  I don’t know yet, she said she’ll let me know when she is available,
Me:  Ok then.
Lungi:  I think she might come this side, I don’t know. She is very unpredictable.
ME:  it doesn’t matter where we meet, as long as she is going to be ok with us.
Lungi:  she is ok, she wants to put a face to the man I am always talking about.
Me:  I love you my Queen
Lung:  I love you too my King.

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