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I can feel her pain, I haven’t been ok since yesterday when she told us about happened to her. The question is how did her sister get out of jail and it’s obvious she is on a mission of making Ncesh’s life a living her. This time around she will die before  she hurts her.  she is still asleep, she couldn’t sleep last night I had to give her sleeping tablets and she is still out.  Khanyi also woke up just after an hour she fainted.  Everything is fine with her and the babies. I’m just glad she was still passed out when Ncesh was telling us her story. Qhawe is heart broken about the whole thing even my sons are feeling the pain. We all are and we don’t even know what to do and the worst part is not knowing where Andiswa is.  Qhawe suggested we talk to Eddie and bring Sindy’s PI in. Ayanda suggested that we find Andiswa before she finds Ncesh, that we’ll have the upper hand at whatever she is planning.  Andiswa also doesn’t know about us for sure but we can’t take that forgranted.  We also need to talk to Luyanda, he needs to find out why this woman was released from prison, he needs to use his contacts.
Ayanda:  Dad are you ok?
Me:  I’m ok.  Just worried about Ncesh.
Ayanda:  Where is she?
ME:  she is upstairs still sleeping
Ayanda:  don’t worry about her, she has you and she is going to be ok.
Me:  What if I can’t protect her Ayanda, what if the same thing happens or even worse. I don’t even know what to say to her when he wakes up.
Ayanda:  remember when mom hurt you and she left with us.  Remember how I use to say I don’t know what to say to you to make you feel better.  Remember what you use to say to me.
Me:  I remember.
Ayanda:  same thing applies to you.  “You don’t have to say anything, she just needs to know that you are there for her.” And from what I have seen so far with you guys, Andiswa doesn’t stand a chance.
Me:  I never thought you were listening to me.
Ayanda:  we always listen to everything you say dad. How do you think we got to be where we are now.  we always listen.  And now it’s time for you to listen to us.
Asive:  You make her breakfast in bed, we all chill together watch movies all day.  We’ll go get some junk food including ice cream.
Me:  I think she is going to love that.
Asive:  We don’t think, we know she is going to love it.
Me:  You’ve known her two minutes and now you think you know what she wants. Yazi nina.
Ayanda:  it’s not about knowing her, it’s about knowing what women like to do at a time like this.  Take our advice and she will love you more.
Me:  Mxm, fine whatever.  You can go and buy everything while I make breakfast.
Ayanda:  Your bank card please or cash if you have it
ME:  Use your own money, you guys came up with this idea.
Ayanda:  she is your woman and we are trying to make you look good to her and this will be earning you  extra points but ke we don’t mind taking all the credit and she is going to be asking you why you didn’t think of it.
Me:  Fine, my wallet is the lounge, take the Absa card.
Asive:  that’s good thinking dad.  See you later. Let’s go Ayanda.  Text us the pin dad.
These two are going to be the death of me,including Ncesh.  I’ve missed them though and I’m actually happy that they are here.  I really don’t how I would have dealt with this situation.

I have decided to do it today.  I’m at Khaya’s place, I’m waiting for him to arrive,  he slept over at his parent’s house.  He never sleeps here unless I am here, he says it’s too quiet.  I am so nervous and scared at the same time.  I don’t know how he is going to react.  But I’m wearing his favourite dress and matching underwear, he always says I drive him crazy when I wear this dress. I’ve set up an indoor breakfast picnic in the lounge.  I really want to do this and I hope he feels the same way.  I know that the oral sex is not enough for him, I think he has suffered long enough now, besides that I also want it. I feel his arms around my waist from behind, when did he get in I didn’t hear the door.
Him: morning my munchie
Me:  Morning my sweet, how are you?
Khaya:  I am ok now that I see you, I’ve missed you. (he says as he kisses my neck.)
Me: I missed you too.  (he turns me around and I put my arms around his neck and he kisses me.)
Khaya:  What are you making>
Me:  just a breakfast picnic.  I’ve set up in the lounge.
Khaya:  What’s the occasion?
Me:  No occasion, just felt like spoiling my man.
Khaya:  mmhhh I like that.  let me go change and wear something comfortable.  And this dress, you are trying to kill me woman.  (he queezes my waist a little and brings me close to him and kisses me again and it gets heated.  He stops and looks at me and smiles, he reaches for the stove and switches it off and lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist.  He walks to the bedroom carrying me and gently throws me on the bed.  He hovers over me, looking me in the eyes. )
Khaya:  You look very sexy in this dress and I can’t resist you in it.  I don’t think you should wear it again after today.
Me: it’s not the only thing you can’t resist me in.
Khaya:  I know but maybe we should get rid of all those things (he kisses me slowly,while he  lifts my dress , he stops and takes my dress off and I help him out of his shirt and unbutton his jeans,revealing his trunk. This man is sexy, body to die for.  He slowly takes off my bra and then my panties leaving me stark naked and he stands between my legs, looking at my body , giving me a naughty smile.)  you absolutely look beautiful.  (he hovers again and kisses me slowly, he moves from my lips to my neck , to my chest between my boobs.  He squeezes my boobs with both hands,taking turns sucking on them while he gently squeezes them and the attention he gives my boobs is making me wet right now.  everything I know right now about sex he taught me.  He moves from boobs to my stomach, he plays with my belly button a bit and he moves all the way down to cookie.  My legs are open and dangling on the edge of the bed and he is now kneeling on the floor between my legs.  He pulls me to the edge of the bed.  he lifts my legs and places my feet right on the edge of the mattres where my ass is as well, he holds my knees and opens me up even more and blows hot air on my cookie which makes me moan softly.  Without notice I feel his tongue inside me, he is slowly moving it around inside my cookie and he it feels so good, so wet and warm.  He switches and moves his tongue up and down on cookie,he sucks on my clit and stops to lick it, my juice are just flowing uncontrollably. I am a moaning begging him not to stop, I can feel my orgasm coming.  He sucks on my clit again, gently grazing it with his teeth and that has me exploding in no time.  He carries on sucking me through my orgasm.  He stops and stands looking at me and kisses me again, pulling up on the bed.)
Khaya:  I’m not done with you yet.  We are going to trying something different today.  I am going to lie on my back and I am going to have tongue inside you and suck you till you beg me stop while you suck my dick. That is called a 69 position.  So do you want to try it?
(he smiles his naughty smile. I don’t say anything and I assume the position.  I first lick his dick making it wet with my saliva and he uses both his hands to open me up squeezing on my ass.  The pleasure is making it difficult to suck on his dick but eventually I get the hang of it.  he slowly pushes his dick in mouth as I suck it and rubbing it at the same time, sucking on the tip which makes him maon in my cookie.  He is sucking on clit again with one of his fingers moving around on my hole, my orgasm is coming and he tells me he is coming too and we both explode at the same time.  I feel a bit tired but I still want to feel him inside me.)
Khaya:  come here (he makes lie on top of him) I love you, you know that right
Me:  Yes I know.
Khaya:  I can’t live my life without you, I want you to be wife. ( I get up from his chest, still sitting on top of him. Looking at him surprised. He holds my waist and extends one of his arms to open the drawer of his bedside table and he takes out a small navy box. He opens the box and takes out what’s inside.)
Marry me Lungi, I want to spend my life with you, have lots of kids, grow old with you.  Please be my wife. i  have my hands on my mouth and tears running down my face.  He is proposing after a very steamy session, I’m naked on top of him.)
Me:  really Khaya, you are going to propose while I’m naked on top you
Khaya:  what’s wrong with that.  just say yes woman and don’t focus too much on how I proposed.  It will be a funny story to tell our kids when they are old enough besides you know I don’t things the same way as other people.  This is original,it’s yours alone. It’s your own funny story (he laughs a little making me laugh too.)
Me:  yes I’ll marry you.  I love you so much. (he puts the ring on my finger and I kiss him. He flips me over so that I am under him.  He takes my legs and wraps them around his waist and I can feel his dick rubbing on my clit.
Khaya:  I am not going to put it in, it’s not time yet.
Me:  but I want you to.
Khaya:  I know you but I want to be inside on our wedding night, when you are officially my wife.  can you wait until July next year.
Me:  I can wait my lollipop. (he kisses me gently and slowly.)
Khaya: You do know that people will ask why you call me Lollipop. I love you  soon to be Mrs Sondlo.  
Me: .  I know and that is for me to know and for them to find out.  How about we get dressed and we go have our breakfast Mr Sondlo.
Khaya:  how about you take care of this first, I take care of the itch you have right now and we can have breakfast.  It’s probably lunch now. ( he says looking at his dick that’s rubbing against my clit)
Me:  Let’s try the 69 again.  (he smiles at me)
Khaya:  I think I have created a naughty you. ( and the rest is history.

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