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My brothers say that I am in denial when it comes to my feelings for Oyama.  I know that I like her and I like her a lot. She is an amazing woman.  I can't say I love her.  Only time will determine that.  All I know is that I love spending time with her.  She even loves playing the play station games with me.  Not many girls do that.  Come to think of it she is just like my mother.
Me:  hey
Oyama:  hey you.   She was already seated waiting for me.  I walk over to her and kiss her forehead.   She loves it when I donthat. Her reaction is always priceless.)
Me:  have you been waiting long? Sorry i'm late.  Class took a bit longer.
Oyama:  It's ok. I just got here. How was class?
Me:  boring as usual and yours?
Oyama:  it was ok. The lecturer asked me for my number and I refused.  He wants to go out with me.
Me:  is it the first time he has asked?
Oyama:  No it's not.  I'm thinking of reporting him now.
Me:  what do you know about him?
Oyama:  one of the girls told me he does that a lot especially with new girls.   They say it's the second time that a girl refused to give him her number.
Me:  What happened to the other girl. 
Oyama:  She is still around.  She is a year before me and I think second year students have a different lecturer for this class.
Me:  what class is that?
Oyama:  it’s Digital Illustration.  He is not even that good at it.  He is more focused on girls than he is on his work.
Me:  if he persists about asking you for your number then you should report him, that would be harassment and he knows the rules. He is just taking chances.  Try and see if you can’t speak to the other girl and find out what happened.
Oyama:  that’s a lot.
Me:  You are learning to protect yourself.  Sometimes to be able to protect yourself you need to know all you can about your enemy.
Oyama:  he is not my enemy.  He is nothing to me.
Me:  trust me, he just became your enemy.  Just find out what happened with the other girl and we’ll take it from there.
Oyama:  ok
Me:  we have a black tie dinner thing this Saturday.  Will you be my partner?
Oyama:  How long have you known about this?
Me:  a while now
Oyama:  and you are only asking me today.  what am I going to wear?  I don’t have evening dresses Lonwabo.
Me:  you don’t have to worry about that.  I’ll take care of it.
Oyama:  what am I going to do with you really?  Thank you.
Me:  All you have to do is appreciate and just say thank you.
Oyama:  You are so crazy. You really know how to spoil a lady
Me:  dad and the uncles have tought us everything we know.  Count yourself lucky that we are friends.  Are you done with your classes today?
Oyama:  yes I am, why?
Me:  How about a game of Grand Theft Auto
Oyama:  Ok.  I’ll have to let my parents know though.  Do you know that they don’t believe me when I tell them that we are just friends.
Me:  my family too. Grab your bag, lets go.
I had a long day at the office today but it was worth it.  I am also preparing for our trip to Zambia.  All the married couples didn’t go to their honeymoons.  We are all going for a business and leisure trip to Zambia. I walk in to the house and I put my bag on the coffee table and walk straight to the kitchen.  I know that she is in there, I can smell the food she is cooking.  The site I walk into in the kitchen is one of the most beautiful moments I’ve seen.  The Boovs are in the kitchen  in their baby sits.  She has Holy Grail by Jay Z ft Justin Timberlake playing through the enire house and she is dancing for the Boovs and they are just smiling at her. Coming home to this, it’s the best thing.  I  really I couldn’t ask for anything more.
Me:  they don’t even understand what you are doing.  (she jumps a little and stops dancing. 
Thandokuhle starts crying and when his mom dances again, he stops.)
Khanyi:  he won’t cry when the song ends.
Me:  so he enjoys your dancing and the song?
Khanyi:  Yes daddy he does.  You need stop watching me.
Me:  what can I say, you look cute  and you are such a turn on.
Khanyi:  No Que.  Don’t be naughty infront of the kids.
Me:  well I am going to kiss you in front of them.  Come here.  (I hold her at the waist and bring her close and kiss her.  Amyoli is all smiles.  I swear these babies are too smart for their age.)
Loneabo:  Parents, can I talk to you for a minute
Me:  sure,what’s up?
Lonwabo:  I know that the dinner is a family thing but I would like to bring Oyama as my date if that is ok with you.
Khanyi:  I don’t have a problem as long as her parents are ok with that .
Me:  You really like this girl, don’t you?
Lonwabo:  I do dad.  I really do.  she is an amazing woman
Khanyi:  what is she going to do for a dress.
Lonwabo:  Lina is going to help with that.  they are coming home tomorrow. Thanks guys, I have to take Oyama homw before it gets late
Khanyi:  Please be home for dinner.
Lonwabo:  I will be Mom. (he says that walking out.)
Me:  these kids are growing up too fast.  Have syou spoken to Lina about this situation she has.
Khanyi:  She has told me and I want to have a quiet word with Sne’s  mother.
Me:  Let’s wait and see how Lina deals with them and we can take it from there
Khanyi:  I’m not worried about Lina.  I am more worried about Mcebisi.  He won’t hesitate to shoot to kill for Lina and the last thing we want is for them to blood on their hads.
Me:  I hear you my love. The kids also need to stand up for themselves.  We won’t always be there to fight for them.
Khanyi:  I know Que.  They are growing up too fast
Me:  You can say that again.  Soon these little Boovs are going to be talking and demanding everything under the sun.
Khanyi:  On a serious note though, we need to deal with the Khumalo’s.
Me:  and we will.  We don’t need to rush.  When they least expect we will deal with them.
Life has been really good.  I have been seeing a therapist to deal with my issues with my mother.  I haven’t spoken to her ever since she left Durban.  She has tried to call but I haven’t had the energy to deal with her.  I am absolutely not ready to deal with her.  I just need to focus on myself and my relationship with Sipho which has been amazing.  Sipho has been great.  He has been very supportive.  When we started out our thing I didn’t think I would have a serious relationship with him.  I never thought I would have a man that loved me for me.  A man that I didn’t have to manipulate to be with me.  A man that I am with because I honestly and truly love him and he feels the same way.  I am not with him because of his money.  Yes he takes care of me and all.  He also gives me the freedom to be me, to grow myself, to  live my dreams and work on my career.  He is not rushing anything, he is giving me time to heal and I can truly say I am not holding on to what my mother did.  I have forgiven her but I am just not up to talking to her not yet.

My dad says that I will completely heal from what I did once I face her and talk to her about this whole thing.  I understand what he is saying but I am not ready. I am really not. 
On the other hand, my relationship with my dad, his wife and my siblings has been great.  We are slowly getting to know each other and getting comfortable to be around each other.  I know it will take time but we’ll get there. 

I love my new life, it’s simple, comfortable, it’s full of love and adventure.  Sipho is always making sure that I enjoy every moment and encourages me to create more good memories for myself.

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