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The week went by really quick.  I spoke to Zwelibanzi’s parents and they agreed to us visiting this weekend and now we are on our way there. His mother was so excited to here from me, and apparently Zweilibanzi is going to be here too, this is going to be a drag. On the other hand I am meeting Qhawe’s parents this weekend  as well and that is making me nervous.  Qhawe is so excited, he keeps telling me his parents are going to like me and the twins told me that the grandparents are crazy in love with each other, he says they are just like me and Qhawe. I couldn’t stop laughing and couldn’t believe that these kids are comparing my relationship to the grandparents’ relationship.  Life is good with my new family.  The kids didn’t go to school today since we are all travelling together.  I wanted us to take the first flight out of Durban to East London; I wanted to us be here early and get this over and done with today.  Qhawe just dropped us off at Mr Tom’s house and he’s going to fetch us when we are done here.  He’s taking his kids to his parents. We haven’t been here in a long time, if feels strange.  As we knock, Mrs Tom’s opens the door
Mrs Tom:  Oh! My children look at you please come in. (she is excited we walk in, she hugs us crying and all smiles, she is so emotional, understandably so.)  How I have missed you.  Look at my grandchildren they’ve grown so much.  Lonwabo and Ntando you are grown man now.
Lonwabo:  Makhulu how are you?
Ntando:  yes makhulu we are grown man now, how are you Makhulu
Mrs Tom:  I’m fine my babies and how have you been?
Lonwabo:  We are fine, happy to see you again. 
Ntando:  We’ve missed you guys.  (Lwanele is so quiet, waiting for her moment)
Mrs Tom:  I’ve missed you too.  Lwanele baby, come to grandma you are so big, how old are you now?
Lwanele:  I’m a big girl now grandma, I’m 12. (at the corner of my eye I notice Zwelibanzi walking in but he doesn’t come to us, he stands by the door and leans against the wall.)
Mrs Tom:  Sisipho baby, how are you? (she really doesn’t have to call me Sisipho anymore)
Me:  I’m fine mama, I’m doing good.
Mrs Tom:  I can see, you look beautiful.
Me:  Thank you mama.
Lwanele:  Grandma where is grandpa, can we see him, mom told us he is very sick.
Mrs Tom:  yes baby grandpa is very sick.  Before we go see him, how about we have something to eat first, I’m sure you are hungry, come lets go. (in this house we have to use the dining table in the dining room and my kids are so used to sitting and eating in kitchen, they were walking towards the kitchen, when I stopped them.)
Me:  we have to go to the dining area guys.
Lonwabo:  but ma, you know we are more comfortable in the kitchen
Me:  What do I always say when we are not home?
Them:  we follow the rules of other people’s home. (Mrs Tom looks at me and smiles)
Mrs Tom:  It’s ok sisi, we can sit in the kitchen, I know they love it and I still have their high chairs. (they just run to the kitchen)
Lwanele:  Mom that’s not fair, you and dad run around the house all the time. (I want to say something to her, but I’m rendered speechless.  Zwelibanzi looks at me like I owe him something as we walk into the kitchen, Mrs Tom just smiled at me and she wants to know who Lwanele is talking about and she is going to ask when we sit down.)
Zwelibanzi:  Molweni
The Kids:  Banzi! (hayibo these kids, since when do they call him Banzi)
Me:  Hello to you too
We sit on the high chairs in the kitchen and helper dishes up for us and we eat with the kids talking non-stop with their grandmother.  They are telling her about school and what they have been up to.  Their grandmother is happy she can’t contain it, Zwelibanzi keeps steeling glances at me.  When we are done eating mama takes us to see her husband in his room.  They moved from up downstairs to the room downstairs, it’s much easier for him.  When we get inside the room he is on his feet walking towards the door using a walker.
Mr Tom:  Molweni, I was just coming to you (he quickly walks to the one sitter couch in his room, and you can that has taken a lot out of him. His breathing is slightly heavy.)
Lwanele:  grandpa (she walks to him and hugs him and I think she is crying.  She has always grandpa’s little princess.)
Mr Tom:  Don’t cry Princess, grandpa is going to be ok. (the boys go to them and hug them, it’s a group hug.  This is so emotional.  I decide to walk out, just to give him time with his grandkids.
Mrs Tom:  What’s wrong (she asks as she follows me?)
Me:  Nothing mama, I’m just giving them space. (she just says ok and follows me as I walk upstairs to his study.  I’ve always loved being in his study, it has the most amazing view, I walk in stand by the window looking at the view, she is following me.) I broke my kids relationship with you guys, seeing them like that with their grandfather, made me realise how much I have taken from them.  I deprived them the love of their grandparents for four years and for what, for a man who was stupid enough not to care about us.  No matter what Zwelibanzi did to me, I shouldn’t have kept them away from you, at least uTata would have had more time with them, they would have had more time with him. After seeing the way they are with him right now, I don’t think they’ll ever forgive me for keeping them away.
Mrs Tom:  Khanyi your kids know that there’s nothing to forgive. You did what you did because you were protecting them and you, they understand that.  Please don’t blame yourself for anything.
Me:  Mama can you please give me a moment alone. I just need to breathe a little.
Mrs Tom:  Ok baby. (she hugs me and leaves.  Just then my rings)

Me:  My King (I’m sure he smiling like kid with candy)
Qhawe:  How are you my Queen?
Me:  I’m ok; I just wish you were, it’s turning out to be a very emotional visit.
Qhawe:  are you ok, where are the kids?
Me:  I’m ok my King.  The kids are fine; they are bonding with their grandfather.
Qhawe:  Ok my love, I just wanted to check on you.  Call me when that idiot starts with his nonsense, I’ll come fetch you.  (I hear someone clearing their throat and it’s Zwelibanzi)
Me:  I have to go love.
Qhawe:  Ok my Queen.  I love you.
Me:  and I love you My King

Zwelibanzi:  You never called me your King.
Me:  Because you never presented yourself as one. What do you want Zwelibanzi?
Zwelibanzi:  and he presents himself as your King?
Me:  Yes he does Zwelibanzi, not just my King, but a King in our home, a King in our hearts.  I am his Queen; they are his Princes and Princesses.  We are royalty by our own making.


I heard that she finally arrived with her kids.  I’ve seen them in photos and she is beautiful.  I just don’t understand this obsession Zweli has with her, maybe when I see her I’ll understand.  As I walk towards the stairs and I hear a conversation in the study.  I hear Zweli’s voice and an unfamiliar female voice, it must be her, she has a very soft voice but you can tell she is very irritated or angry whichever the case maybe.  I decide to stand and listen to this conversation.

Her:  We are royalty in our own making.
Zweli:  Khanyi, you don’t have to rub it in my face you know.
Her:  You asked and I gave you an answer.  Honestly Zwelibanzi what do you want? (no one calls him by his full name)
Zweli:  I want you and the kids, I want you back in my life.  I know I screwed up big up time and I am hoping that one day you’ll forgive me and I could use your help with my visits with the kids, they hate me.
Her: and whose fault is that?  Definitely not mine or theirs.  They saw it all Zwelibanzi, they heard it all, the silent cries, the silent screams, the bruises, the emotional pain you put them through, the horrible things you said to us and you stand here and have the balls to ask for my help, to ask for forgiveness.  You actually think that I’ll come back to you and be your wife again, really Zwelibanzi, are you for real right now?  Whatever you are smoking please pass it on so that I can try it. (what is she talking about, Zweli would never hurt a woman like that.  I decide to walk in)

Me:  Hi
Zweli:  Sima what are you doing here.
Me:  I was looking for you and I heard your voice from here.  Hi, I’m Simamkele (I greet her holding my hand out for a handshake but she doesn’t take it.)
Zweli:  She doesn’t really do handshakes
Me:  oh I see.
Her:  I’m Khanyi
Me:  I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you sister wife (I see the shock in her face, Oh No, don’t tell me she doesn’t know, she was supposed to have been told a long time ago)
Khanyi:  I’m sorry did you just say sister wife (Zweli is just standing the looking like he is ready to kill me.  I can’t stop talking now.)
Me:  yes I did.  I’m Zweli’s wife, we’ve married for ten years now and we have twins, they are two years old. (she looks like she can’t breathe, she really didn’t know)
Khanyi:  Zwelibanzi what the fuck is she talking about, 10 years?
Zweli:  you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut Sima
Me:  I thought she knew
Khanyi:  ZWELIBANZI! I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? (her voice is firm, she’s not shouting at him, shit! me and my big mouth.)
Zweli:  Khanyi, YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AND IN THAT TONE OF VOICE (his voice is also firm but louder than hers,)
Mrs Tom:  What’s going on here, Khanyi what’s wrong?
Me:  Mama it’s my fault (she’s shocked, she didn’t notice me in the room, I think she just figured out what happened.) I thought she knew mama, I thought she knew.
Khanyi:  IS SOMEONE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT IS GOIN ON HERE (This woman is really calm but her voice is telling a different strory.)
Mrs Tom:  Zweli talk (he looks at his mom like “why me?”)  Zweli I said talk, you were supposed to tell her, TELL HER.
Zweli:  Khanyi, it’s true, we are married, 10 years now.  you were my second wife.  I met her a year after I met you, Linamandla was a year old then and you were doing your third year at varsity.  A year after I met her, she had to go overseas to continue her studies after her studies she was going to work there for a few years.  All the times that I was gone long periods of time I was with her, I lied and said it was business trips. When Ntando was five, she came back and we got married. I loved her, I had fallen in love with her and I still love her and am still in love with her.
Khanyi:  Why did you marry me?
Zweli:  She couldn’t have children, she was told she could never have kids and I had already had kids with you.  I married you because I love you and I wanted to have my kids close to me.  If you remember we didn’t  live together and I didn’t like that and I married you because it was the only way I could get my dad to support me financially. I needed money to expand my business and I had to marry you.  My parents love you more than they love her, she doesn’t get along with my mom, they didn’t want me to marry, the chose you for me but I went ahead and married her against their will.  They didn’t force me to marry, I wanted to because I love you and for the other benefits that came with marrying you.  They wanted to tell you from the beginning but I didn’t want them to because I was afraid you would leave me.
Khanyi:  I left you anyway.  Excuse me, I can’t deal with this right now.  Mama where are my babies?
Mrs Tom:  they are in the game room. Their grandfather is sleeping. (Khanyi takes out her phone and makes a phone call.)

Khanyi:  Please come fetch me, this idiot has started with his nonsense. (that’s what she says on the phone.)  Please excuse me, I have to go.
Mrs Tom:  I’m sorry Sisipho, we should have told you.  (she just looks at her and walks out.)

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