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The detective was right. He came back with my lawyer and my lawyer is not looking very happy.

Det. Nxele: I did promise I would come back with your lawyer. Are you still ok? (this detective is playing games with me) No we can begin.

Me: Jonathan I need to get out of here soon. They have nothing on me.

Jonathan: that's where you are wrong. They have a lot on you and the charges they have against you, you might not even get bail.

Me: What are you talking about Jonathan?

Det. Nxele: tell me Mr Tom what was your involvement with Dunham Import and Exports before it was turned to Diamond Enterprises? (shit! This is not good, not good at all. That's the company I want from Khanyi, how did he manage ....... Damn.)

Me: Nothing, I had no involvement with them.

Det. Nxele: ok we'll come back to that. I have documents here linking you to a drug shipment from Nigeria, actually not just one shipment.

Me: those could have been forged.

Jonathan: he is right, those could have been forged. We can always get a handwriting expect for authentication.

Det. Nxele: I knew you would say that. We'll have the results tomorrow.

Jonathan: Detective, may I have a moment with my client?

Det. Nxele: you may have all the time you need, I'll continue with my questions tomorrow before he goes for his bail hearing. (and the detective walks out.)

Me: My bailing hearing is tomorrow? Jonathan I can't spend the night here

Jonathan: don't you think I know that. I couldn't get the usual judge, and the judge available will be attend the case tomorrow. You'll have to suck it up and I can't make this case disappear like the other ones. The case file is only handled by Det. Nxele. Right now it is safe to say you my friend, you are screwed. Trust me when I tell you this, you are going down and there's nothing I can do for you. I'll try my best but I can't promise you anything.

They have you on drug trafficking and prostitution. They are still investigating the Human trafficking but the evidence they have against you is overwhelming and it is safe to say you have a moul in your business.

Me: I know but I can't figure out who it is at first I thought it was Sizwe and I stopped telling him everything. The shipments from Nigeria he didn't know about them. Something is not adding up here Jonathan. I have a mystery caller that keeps calling threatening my family and me. He even told me to tell Sima to leave Khanyi alone. Find out for me what Sima is planning. This woman is going to ruin things for me. I'm losing everything and she is going to make things worse.

Jonathan: I'll do what I can.

Me: You better, I'm paying a lot of money for being my lawyer. (his phone rings, he answers and hands to me without saying anything) who is it?

Jonathan: I don't know he wants to talk to you.


Phone conversation

Me: hello

Him: how does it feel knowing your days are numbered?

Me: What do you want?

Him: Your lawyer is not going to be able help you this time I hope you know that. I also know you are going to get out on bail but you won't be outside for long. You see Mr Tom, I am going to find what I am looking for. The detective will add murder soon on your charge sheet. All those people you killed for their organs, you are going to pay. It is only just a matter of time before I find everything I am looking for.

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