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I walk into her hospital room, she is still asleep, this is not fair, it’s not right.
Me:  Khanyi you are the strongest woman I know, you have survived a whole lot of shit that other people wouldn’t survive, after everything you’ve been through with Zwelibanzi, others would have opted to kill themselves but you fought for a better life for you and the kids, you took us in as employees but turned us into a family.  You made us your family, you can’t stay here, we need you to wake up.  The kids are going to get suspicious if you go another day without calling them.  Ibanathi wants to come see you but I told him he can come when you wake up and Elza has been crying ever since she found out you were in here, you know Eddie can’t handle his wife when she’s crying, you are killing him Khanyi by being here.  A lot of people are dying inside by seeing you like this.  Qhawe is the worst, he doesn’t eat properly, he sleeps here with you, Khanyi the man is a giant to be sharing this tiny bed with you, he refuses to sleep at home, be fair to him.  Things between me and Ibanathi are really going good, he makes a good partner but he can be such a drama queen.  I remember the expression on your face when I told I was gay, you couldn’t believe it, you kept say that it’s such a waste for the female species. We miss you “His Queen”, that’s what Lwazi calls you lately. When you wake up you need to tell Qhawe how you feel about him.  You know you love him beyond measure, don’t be scared Khanyi, take this leap of faith and completely let him into your life, tell him about your life, what you went through with Zwelibanzi, he won’t leave you.  If he wanted to leave, he would have after Lonwabo spoke in court.  Wake up and tell him how you love him.  We can all see that you do, he can see it too but he needs to hear it from you. I’m bored Khanyi, I don’t have anyone to irritate and follow around, Eddie is even tired of me, he says I don’t talk ever since you’ve been here, that’s not true.  He pointed a gun at me today and told me to come talk to you, can you believe it, pointing a gun at me, the man has gone crazy….

Qhawe:  I can believe it.  Eddie is right, you’ve very quiet since Sunday.
Me:  How much of this one sided conversation did you hear?
Qhawe:  Everything, I’ve been here since you walked in, you’ve let you guard down man, you couldn’t sense that there’s someone else in the room.
Me:  I know and I think that’s why Eddie is frustrated with me, I can hardly focus.
Qhawe:  it’s going to be ok and I am not a giant.  If I am a giant what does that make you guys?
Me:  Yes are, you the tallest of the group. 
Qhawe:  oh come on, I’m not that much taller than you guys, just a few inches.
Me:  that’s true, but still (we both laugh) on a serious note though, we found the guy that shot her,  I’m sure the police are on their way to arrest him, we gave the lead to Detective Nxele.
Qhawe:  so we are keeping the police involved.
Me:  yes we are, remember we don’t want to be on the wrong side of the law, we still have Zwelibanzi to deal with.  I must say the detective is really good, he was already suspecting that it’s someone you know, he picked up something up from the security footage we gave him.  I think he can be of great help in putting Zwelibanzi away and plus I don’t think he’s the kind of cop that can be bribed.
Qhawe:  We can talk to the rest of the guys later about it.  Where was this guy hiding, he seems very stupid, how can you be hired to kill someone and still stick around.
Me:  We found him e Nanda.
Qhawe:  I see, I want to be there when he is being questioned. 
Me:  I’ll ask Eddie to speak to the detective.
Qhawe:  Since you are bored with no one to irritate, you can follow me around for today and irritate me.  We need to pick up the boys from the airport.
Me:  Ok, let’s go then Mr Giant.  Do you know that Khanyi once shot me? (I see the shock in his face and a smile, you can tell he wants to laugh but he is holding it in.)
Qhawe:  I can’t imagine that happening, what did you do to her? Khanyi wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Me:  she would if it got on her wrong side.  Anyway at that time she had stalker, luckily her home address is not listed, so this guy would stalk her at work, wait for her in the parking lot sometimes, send her flowers, chocolates and love notes.  This one time he sent her lingerie and I told her that everywhere she goes, I go with her.  Sometimes I don’t even understand why she wanted me to be her personal bodyguard because she would to go off on her own and leave me at the house.  That woman of yours is crazy.
Qhawe:  I know but You can’t talk about my woman like that.
Me: anyway , you know the leash that is use for toddlers, so  that the child doesn’t wonder off too far when you walk with them. I bought one and I told her that I’d make wear it, if she doesn’t do as I tell, at that moment she walked so fast towards me, she was breathing fire and I stood there wanting to see what this tiny woman was going to do to me.  I didn’t see it coming, even today I don’t know how she took my gun out of my holster and shot my left arm twice telling me that she is not a child, when she was about to fire a third bullet in my leg, Eddie showed up, just in the nick of time. (this man is laughing so much, he’s even holding his stomach. I’m actually glad to see him laughing for a change.)
Qhawe:  so it’s true, short people are short tempered.  It serves you right though, you were treating her like a child.
Me:  she was acting like one. (he shakes his head smiles)
Qhawe:  I miss her (he says that looking out the window, I see the pain on his face, it  is enough to tell you that he is dying inside.) 
Me:  You need to hide that face when we get to the airport, you can’t let the boys see that you are in pain.
Qhawe:  even if I try to hide it, they know we too well, even Khaya knows me too well. Can you believe he wanted to hook me with his mom, that was before he knew, we knew each other already.
Me:  You see, you two were meant to be, and it will happen. (when we arrive at the airport the boys were already waiting for us.  They walk over to us, they greet and hug us.  Khaya is standing in front of Qhawe after the hug looking at him, I guess Qhawe was right, he knows him too well.)
Khaya:  what’s wrong? (he asks looking at Qhawe)
Banele:  what do you mean, he looks fine to me.
Khaya:  No Banele look at him, even the hug is not his usual hug (hayi these kids are too smart for their own good, and I can’t blame them.  Khanyi’s kids are too observant) Dad what’s wrong? (I look at Qhawe, his eyes wide open, his mouth open to say something but nothing comes out, I’m shocked too, did he just call him “dad”)
Qhawe:  Did you just call me “Dad”?
Bandile:  yes he did, now tell us what’s wrong? (Qhawe pulls Khaya in for a tight hug and I believe he is crying, he is very emotional these days.  Khanyi and these kids are making him a softie. He pulls him away and hold him at arm’s length and looks at him.)
Qhawe:  you called me “Dad”.
Khaya:  Yes I did, you’ve earned it, you deserve it and I like calling you “Dad”.  Now tell us what’s wrong.
Qhawe:  let’s go to the car, I’ll tell you on the way.  (we all walk to the car and I drive off, I already know that I’m driving us to the hospital.) Your mom was shot Sunday afternoon at my house.
Them:  What??? How??? (they sound like a choir)
Bandile:  What happened? (Qhawe decides to tell them everything up until the arrest of the guy that shot her. We arrive at the hospital and when we get to Khanyi’s room, the nurse was there. It’s a good thing she’s here, she needs to know that the boys will be added on the visitors list)
Me:  Good day Lungi
Lungi:  Hi (when she is done the boys walk over to the bed, standing on each side hold Khanyi’s hands)
Khaya:  How long has she been unconscious?
Lungi:  today is the third day (Khaya just nods)
Me:  These are her sons, they need to be added on the visitors list ok. They are going to introduce themselves.  Can you give us a moment.  (she nods and walks away)
Qhawe:  Ok guys we are going to leave you here, we need to get to the police station.
Banele:  that’s fine.  Please bring food when you come back. I’m hungry.
Khaya:  You and food (he laughs)
Bandile:  You are no better than him. (they all just laugh and we leave.)


Me:  has he said anything?
Det. nxele:  No he hasn’t.  We have his phone and his laptop, we’ll see if we can’t get any information from them.
Me:  I have someone who can help with that quickly.
Det. Nxele:  I don’t normally do this, but we need all the help we can get, with the government resources we have things take a while so whatever help I can get I’ll take it, besides I owe your friend.
Me:  What do you mean, you owe my friend?
Det. Nxele:  Mr Mtimkhulu is your friend right (I just nod), well my wife was struggling to get a job that she was qualified for or any job for that matter, she would get odd jobs every now and again. Three years ago she applied for a job that was advertised by your friend’s company.  During the interview she was asked why she should be hired, she told them they didn’t have to hire her since she didn’t  have experience even though she is qualified, she told them the pain of having a degree and not be able to make it worthwhile and I guess they were impressed and she was hired right there and then. She is now a CFO in that company. Our lives improved a lot when she started working there.  She’s been there for three years now and she’s happy.  So I want to return the favour, he doesn’t know me but I know him.
Qhawe:  I know you, your wife talks a lot about you and your two daughters and you don’t owe me anything.  She still has her job because she is quite good at it.
Me:  How long have you been here?
Andile:  Long enough to hear part of the conversation. Is our guy talking?
Det. Nxele:  No he’s not.  (he turns to look at Eddie) how soon can I get the help you offered.
Me:  30 minutes. (he smiles at me)
Det. Nxele:  Let me try and talk to this guy again.
Qhawe:  can I talk to him?
Det. Nxele:  I can’t let you in there, it’s against the law but you can watch through the one way mirror and you’ll be able here everything. (he walks  into the interrogation room and I pick up my phone and call Zack asking him to come to the police station.)
Qhawe:  I can’t believe this guy did this.  Was he really that desperate for money to even kill someone. (we hear the detective questioning him)
Det. Nxele:  Your former employer is here, he wants to know why you shot his wife.
Suspect:  that was his wife, I didn’t know.  Oh my God, I’m dead, he is going to kill me.
Det. Nxele:  why are you so scared of him, he seems like a reasonable man.
Suspect:  he is a reasonable until you screw him over. Look I’ll tell you everything. (zack walks in)
Me:  Qhawe why is he scared of you, what did you do to him?
Qhawe:  Long story, you’ll need a bottle of whiskey for this one.
Zack:  Where am I needed?
Me: let’s wait for the detective.  (the guy tells the detective everything and the fact that he was hired by a woman, but he doesn’t know her name. the detective walks up to us smiling, looking at Qhawe.)
  Det. Nxele:  I should have mentioned your name to him long ago if I had known it would make him talk, I don’t even want to know what you did to him.
Me:  this is the help I promised you, I say pointing at Zack. (he walks out and comes back with a cellphone and a laptop.)
Det. Nxele:  I need to know the person he’s been talking to.  Here’s a number that has been calling him (he hands Zack a piece of paper and Zack gets to work.  It’s amazing what this guy can do with just a laptop.)
Zack:  You’ve just made my job easy.
Andile:  how long is it going to take?
Zack:  about an hour, I’ll even track the number for you if it’s switched on.
Qhawe:  that would be great.  I need to go back to the hospital, my boys need food.
Me:  they eat like there’s no tomorrow.
Qhawe:  keep me updated.  See you later.  (he walks out)


Seeing mom like this is killing me.  Linamandla called me telling me she can’t get a hold of mom and I had to lie to her and I think she knows I’m hiding something. They can’t deal with this.  This one sided conversation we are having with her is not working for me, she needs to wake up now, the twins are distraught, they are also frustrated that their mom is not answering her phone.  Bhut’ Bandile and Bhut’ Lwazi walk in, greeting us and they brought food.
Bhut’ Lwazi:  where is your dad?
Banele:  he went to the police station with Bhut’ Andile.
Khaya:  there’s going to be too much food here, he is also bringing food.
Bhut’ Lwazi:  knowing him and how pre occupied he is and the fact that he is not eating much these days and expects everyone to be like him, he is going to walk in here saying he forgot the food.
Bandile(twin):  the food is for his kids, he won’t forget.
Banele:  besides if that happens, mom will sort him out when she wakes up, she doesn’t play like that with her kids and the doctor says she can hear everything, so she’s hearing this conversation.
Bhut’ Lwazi:  guys I’m telling you, he is going to forget. (just then he walks in carrying bags from Steers.)
Qhawe:  forget what?
Lwazi:  Nothing, bring the food, let’s eat.
Qhawe:  you are eating already, you’ll die from over eating (everyone just laughs)
Khaya:  how did it go at the police station?
Qhawe:  it went well, we are almost there.
Me:  that’s good. (Just then Aunt Ncesh and Aunt Thando walk in greeting and hugging every one.  We all sit and eat and enjoy the conversation.)
Qhawe:  Baby you need to wake up, we are all here waiting for you, they are making a lot of noise I hope you can hear them.  The twins are here, Khaya is here.  (just then Bhut’ Andile and Uncle Eddie walk in. Dad looks shocked, his mouth hanging, he’s looking at mom, he looks like something is wrong)  Call the doctor
Lwazi:  What’s wrong?

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