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I had a doctor’s appointment today.  The bullet wounds have completely healed, I don’t feel pain anymore.  My doctor gave me a clean bill of health.  As I walk into the house these guys are sitting in the lounge busy on their laptops.  Lwanele walks down the stairs, she greets and walks to the kitchen.
Me:  Where is our guest? (Before they could answer me Lwanele walks in holding a small bottle of juice.)
Lwanele:  Mom is dad still at work?
Me:  yes he is Princess, do you need anything?
Lwanele:  no mom.  I just have this uneasy feeling about him.  Oh the twins are here.
Me:  I’m sure he is ok and I know about the twins.  Do me a favour and call their mother for me. Thank you  (she runs off.) guys I need you your attention,  please put the laptops away.  (just then Sima walks in) Please sit Sima.  (My phone beeps again and it’s another picture and this makes my knees week.  If I was standing I probably would have fallen.  I try to collect myself and keep calm.)
Sima you and your husband are playing with fire and you are going to burn.  You guys are really messing with me in the wrong way.  When I had you brought here, I had no intentions of keeping you longer than I had to.  That plan has changed.  You are going to stay until further notice all because that stupid husband of yours did something stupid, something that is going to get him killed.
Sima:  Khanyi you can’t kill him please.  The kids still need him.
Me:  I’m sorry Sima but  Zwelibanzi did this to himself.  I am going to send someone to your house to get a few things that you will need.  Take this write down a list and I’ll call the help to pack the things for you.
Sima:  Khanyi please don’t do this.
Eddie:  Just do as she says.
Me:  Sima answer me this; looking at the current situation between you and me, who should be killing who?  (she looks at me with tears in her eyes and she doesn’t have an answer for me.) I thought so.
(I take out my phone and open the pictures that were sent to me.)  Look at these pictures, that’s my son and that is the man I love.  Yazi Sima wena nomyeni wakho, ninyatheke inyoka emsileni. {You know Sima, you and your husband just stepped on the snake’s tail.}  do  you know what happens when one does that, they get bitten and they die.
Eddie:  he has Qhawe too.  This is bad.
Me:  Take my phone and take that number down you can also download those pics.  Call Zack and Sandiso they need to be here.  I need them to trace the calls that he is going to be making to me. 
Andile:  I’ll call Lwazi and Bandile to come over.
Me:  You don’t have to.  They are probably on their way, they love the food in this house too much besides, they bought groceries so obviously they want to eat here. (I feel a bit light headed right now.  may I stood uup too fast.)
Eddei:  Khanyi you are not ok.  Why don’t you sit down and breathe a little.
Me:  Eddie he is messing with me, he is messing with my family Eddie. (I feel my tears falling on my face.  Eddie just holds.)
Eddie:  I know Princess and we are going to find them.
Me:  I’ll be upstairs, Sima go back to your kids I’ll deal with you later.  Andile take my phone and take pictures of her and thekids. (I walk away and go upstairs.)

Zwelibanzi is really playing with fire.  He still thinks that I’m that woman i was when I was married to him, the woman he broke. He is really shitting on me right now and he is going to regret this.  I strip naked and walk in to a shower,  I need the hot shower to clear my head.  The water feels so good.  I need my boys to hang in there.  Qhawe looked liked he was out.  I wonder what he used to drug him.  I get dressed in one of his shirts and leggings, I go and check on the kids and they are going to want to know where they are, why they are not home.  Sibahle has become so close to Khaya now.  The relationship that these kids built between themselves in such a short space of time is amazing, their bonds with each other are so tight and the relationship my kids have with Qhawe is that kind of relationship Zwelibanzi should have with his kids.
I hope my kids will for give me one day because the only way out of this for Zwelibanzi is death.  It’s time I put the things Eddie taught me into use.  When I get downstairs Zack and Sandiso are here and Bandile and Lwazi just walked in.
Bandile:  what’s going on?
Eddie:  Zwellibanzi took Khaya and Qhawe
Bandile:  how did that happen Eddie?
Eddie:  they both didn’t have their guards with them and Qhawe was really being stubborn about this morning. (Sizwe walks in)
Sizwe:  he is not going to any thing to them, not yet anyway.  We need to find them before he hurts them.
Me:  he is not going to do anything to them at all.  He is not even going to break a single hair on their body.
Sizwe:  Why are you so sure?
Me:  I have what he wants and what he loves.  He needs me and he knows if anything happens to them, he gets nothing.
Sizwe:  you don’t get it, he is trying to break you Khanyi, by using the most important men in your life. 
Me:  I am going to break him.  I need you all to listen to me.  We are going to do this my way, we are going to get them back and we are doing it my way.  I’m tired of Zwelibanzi thinking he can get away with everything he does to me, no this time.
Eddie:  but Khanyi ………………….. (I don’t let him finish what he wants to say.)
ME: No buts Eddie.  We are doing it my way.
Sizwe:  Let her be, remember she knows him better that we do. (my phone rings and Andile hands it to me, he looks at Sandiso who just nods and andile tells me to Answer.)
Phone converstion:
Me:  hello
Zweli:  Angel Face.  How are you?
Me:  I’m good and you
Zweli:  I’m good too.  Did you get my messages Angel Face?
ME:  Call me Angel Face one more time, I’ll end this call. I got your messages.  What do you want?
Zweli:  Angel Face is such a beautiful name and it suits you.   (this guy is really testing me right now.)  I think you know what I want.  Sign over everything my dad left to my kids and we go our separate ways.
Me:  you really must have a screw loose in that head of yours. I’m not signing anything.  What I am going to do though is to find you and when I do, you will die.
Zweli:  we both know you won’t kill me.  Your conscious won’t allow you because you won’t be able to answer the kids when they ask about me
Me:  I used to think that but I don’t care anymore. I swear if they have even a single scratch on them because of you.  Your life depends on whether they live or die and if I were, I’d try my best to keep them alive.
Zweli:  that’s funny because your son said the same thing.
Me:  He was taught well.
Zweli:  I have the documents drawn up, just sign them and this will be over soon.
Me:  like I said I’m not signing anything
Zweli:  not even to save the new man in your life.
ME:  Not even to save him.  (I tried so hard to say it with conviction and I think he picked on my slight hesitation.)  bye Zweli (and I hang up)
Lwazi:  you hesitated and he picked up on it.
Me:  I know. (my phone beeps again, when I check it he sent me a video this time his guys are beating up Qhawe, he is helpless, both his hands and feet are tied, he can’t even fight back.  It’s a very short video, at the end of the video Zwelibanzi says something to me.  “I know you love him probably more than you ever loved me and for him you will sign.”) Andile get Sima for me.  Sandiso, Zack anything on the trace?
Zack:  Nothing yet.  He has scrambler. It will take a while to get his actual location.
Me:  fine, just find him. (Andile walks in with Sima.) Sima come with me.
Eddie:  where are you taking her?
Me:  Basement
Eddie & Andile:  Khanyi NO!!! (the rest of the guys look at them and then me probably wondering what happens in the basement.
Me:  He is playing dirty and I’m not holding back.  Bring me the twins.
Andile:  the twins are sleeping.
Me:  perfect, hopefully they won’t wake up until I’m done.  BRINGTHEM. 
Andile:  Khanyi not the kids, please.
Me:  what makes you think I’m going to hurt them, just bring me those boys.
Sima:  why are we going to the basement:
Me:  Patience my dear Sima.  You’ll find out.
Lwazi:  I want to see this basement that everyfone is so afraid of. (he says that following me to the basement.  When we get there I switch on the lights and I see the shock in both their faces.)
Me:  Sit Sima.  Lwazi since you are here, make yourself and tie her up. (Andile walked in with the twins still out  like a light.  They must be really tired.) Put them on the mat next to their mother, take the cable ties and tie them up.  Hurry I need to do this while they are sleeping.  (Sima is busy crying which is good for me at this moment.)
Sima:  Khanyi please don’t hurt us.  (I keep quiet and give Andile my phone and instruct him to take a video.
ME:  I am going to make a video and send it to your husband and we’ll see how much he loves you.  We’ll see if he loves money more than he loves you guys. (I slap) that is for planning to kill me. (I slap her again) that is for your husband’s stupidity. (I tell Andile to stop the video.)  did you include the boys in this video.
Andile:  yes included them, he’ll be able to even see the cable ties.
Me:  Good.  You can take the boys upstairs do not forget to cut the cable ties.
Lwazi:  you are really good at this.
Me:  I’m pissed off Lwazi and these two are going to pay and I haven’t done anything yet. Sima you can stay here for a while.  Don’t think I’ve forgotten you tried to kill me.  Maybe you can choose a weapon you want me to use on you from the ones you see.
Lwazi:  I feel sorry you Sima.  (she is tears and scared for her life.)
Me: Lwazi stop tormenting the poor woman, come on let’s go.
Lwazi:  Me tormenting the woman.  Khanyi please.  You are the one tormenting her, she’s even scared of you, she really thought you were going to hurt the kids and I think what scares her the most is that she doesn’t know what you are going to do to her.  I am going to steal you from Qhawe and make you my wife.  (he says that laughing)
Me:  In your dreams clown boy.  (we walk into the lounge where everyone  laughing and talking. I sit down on the and send photos of Sima and kids having fun in the game room with our kids.  Caption:  BEFORE YOU LAID YOUR HANDS ON HIM.  After that I sent him the video and a few pictures from the basement. Caption:  AFTER YOU LAID YOUR HANDS ON HIM.
Let’s what’s more important to you, money or your little family.

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