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It’s early hours of the morning and I can’t sleep.  I’m just sitting on this small couch watching my Queen sleep.  The doctor said that she is going to be fine and the babies are fine too all of them.  She almost miscarried, if Mcebisi didn’t get here when he did we would have lost the babies. She needs to avoid stress and I don’t know how we are going to do that when there’s people like Nkosikhona who just pop up.  I know for sure that he is the reason she is here, whatever he said to her led to her being here.  I must remember to thank Mcebisi.  His first day at work didn’t go so well.  I also need to talk to the guys about the sms I got and find out who sent that message.  I love this beautiful soul in front of me right now and I can’t let anything happen to her happen.  I watch her as she slowly opens her eyes, when she sees me she smiles and sits up and places her hands on her stomach and the smile changes to fear. I take her hand making get off the bed and make her sit on my lap.
Me:  they are fine, all five of them they are fine and you are also fine.  (she places her arms around my neck and places her head on my shoulder.)
Khanyi:  I was so scared that I was going to lose them.  The pain was too much.  I hate him Qhawe, I hate him. I almost lost our little Boovs because him.
Me:  don’t worry about him.  He’ll be delt with.  But really Khanyi, you are calling my babies Boovs, what if they come out purple? (she lifts her head to look at me and she just laughs at me.)
Khanyi:  Purple, really babe.  They won’t come out purple just because I call them Boovs.  They’ll come out looking like their mom because they are all Princesses and they are going to love the movie just like the rest of the kids.  (she smiles and kisses my cheek)
Me:  They can’t all be girls Baby Girl, at least one Prince.
Khanyi:  there’s enough man in this family, more than women.  So we need more girls.
Me:  yhooo, there goes my money on shopping sprees.
Khanyi:  don’t be stingy, they are your babies.
Me:  Not when they are going to be spending too much money.
Khanyi:  you should be worried about sleepless nights when they are born.
Me:  yhoooo there’s that.  No I’m going to relocate and come back when they are a year old (she looks at me and pouts and she is close to tears.)  I’m joking Baby Girl, I’ll be here with you every step of the way.  I’ve also been thinking about buying a farm (she takes my face in her hands and kisses me all over my face, I’m guessing she is loving the idea)  Also I have a suggestion.  I haven’t been to my house for a very long time now, how about we just move in permanently in your house and make it official and if you are ok with that, I want to sell the house.
Khanyi:  I love the farm idea we should absolutely get it.  I’ve always wanted one and I want horses too.  As for moving in, I thought you were never going to ask considering that my house is bigger and has a bigger yard, I’m not sure  about selling your house though.  How about we keep it and we can use it as a getaway houese when we want to be alone.
Me:  in that case how about a beach house in Mhlanga or maybe Shelly Beach
Khanyi:  I like Shelly beach.
Me:  It is settled then, beach house in Shelly Beach coming up.
Khanyi:  Thank you my King (she kisses me)
Me:  For what my Queen
Khanyi:  For being who you are, for being here for me everytime I need you, for loving me, for loving us, for taking care of us.  I am truly grateful to have you in my life. (I take her, place her on the bed and stand between her legs looking down on her beautiful face, she doesn’t realise how easy she is making it for me to love her.  I bend to her face and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow. She lets go of me lies on her back and I continue kissing her. I stop when she moans softly in my mouth)
Qhawe:  You make it so easy for me to do all these things and I am happy  you are allowing me to take care of you. (she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss)
“And you wonder why you pregnant with so many babies.”  (that was Khaya and the twins.  What are they doing here so early.  It’s not visiting hour yet. I swear the timing of these kids sucks)
Banele:  How did you even get pregnant because we always walk in on you all over each other, one would actually think we are doing it on purpose. (I move so that Khanyi can sit up and I sit back on the small couch.)
Me:  What are you doing here so early.
Khaya:  I’m on my way to work.  I’m not working in the office today.  I have meetings out of office and my first meeting is close to their campus so I’ll be dropping them off.
Me:  they normally drive themselves to campus.
Bandile:  Dad what’s the point of having a big brother if we can’t use the privileges that come with having a big brother. Since big brother is dating a nurse, it was easy to get in here,  that’s another big brother privilege. (he smiles looking at me)
Banele:  See what he means about Big Brother Privileges. (he says it with a mischevious smile on his face.)
Khaya:  They are using me because they know I love them and I can’t say No to them.  Actually they are abusing me
Me:  Do not abuse my son you two.
Banele:  Eish Khaya, you just had to be daddy’s boy right now.
Khaya:  See what I mean, they even lack respect these days (he pouts and goes to sit next to his mom and places his head on her shoulder and pretends to cry.  The twins just break out in laughter.)
Bandile:  And how is our Queen and our little Boovs (they walk up to her and hug her)
Qhawe:  You got them to call my babies Boovs too.  This is not right.  My babies are not Boovs.
Khanyi:  Nevermind your father here but we are fine.  We are very fine. I’m sure we’ll go home today.
Banele: They are whatever we call them dad.  Mom it’s  good that you are ok.  We always miss you when you are not home.  The uncles are too much when you are not there.  No one can keep them under control like you.  Aunt Ncesh and Aunt Thando failed to do that dismally last night.
Khanyi:  Did everyone sleep at our house last night.
Khaya:  yep they did.
Bandile:  Uncle Eddie said we can’t stay alone.  He’s exact words were “I know your father is going to sleep at the hospital.  The man can’t stay away from that woman.  You guys can’t sleep here alone.)
Banele:  Uncle Lwazi agreed with him and that was it.
Khaya:  You are going to be in trouble for getting your uncles in trouble by telling on them.  We have to go, otherwise I’ll be late for my meeting. (they their mother goodbye and the hug me.  I swear we are a crazy bunch of people..)
I hope the decision that I’ve made doesn’t back fire on me.  I’ve decided to tell Qhawe everything about why I was going after him and right now I am hoping he will agree to see me.  At least my mother is out.  I pick up the phone and call him:
********************Phone conversation**************************
Qhawe:  Hello
ME:  Hi Qhawe, it’s Sindiswa
Qhawe:  What do you want Sindiswa,  I really don’t have time for your games.
Me:  there’s no game, I really need to see you, I need to tell you something (right now I’m praying that he agrees.)
Qhawe:  Sindiswa I told you I don’t have time for your games, I am very busy so if you don’t have anything else to say, bye
ME:  Qhawe wait, I swear, this is not a game, not even a trick.  Please Qhawe this is important.  It’s not about us.  Please I’m begging you.
Qhawe:  fine.  Where are you?
Me:  we can meet at the La Lucia mall, at Wimpy.
Qhawe:  fine be there in two hours.
ME:  Thank you (he hangs up)
I really can’t do this with my mom.  Pretending to agree with everything she says is going to be harder everyday.  I can’t do it and I can’t wait for Sipho to come up with a plan.  How am I ever going to forgive my mother for this, how am I going to move on with my life, how am I going to heal from this.  My mom walks in, that was quick, I thought she was going to be out for a while.
Me:  that was quick.  Where did you go?
Wineka:  I just went for a walk, I need to clear my head and think things through.
Me:  and did it work.
Wineka: yes it did.
ME:  ok but I have to go.  I have a date with Qhawe in less than two hours.
Wineka:  Oh really, that’s great.
Me:  it looks like he is having a change of heart.  He called earlier asking to see me.  (she is actually believing my lies)
Wineka:  looks like he’s making things easy for my plan.
Me:  I have to go mama.  I’ll see you later.
He walks in at Wimpy and I stand and wave so that he can see me.  Khanyi is very lucky.
Qhawe:  Sindiswa
Me:  Hi, let’s sit.  Would you like something to eat
Qhawe:  well I won’t say no to free food.  (he calls for a waitress)
Me:  How are you?
Qhawe:  I’m good and you?  (ok he is being civil)
Me:  I’m good.
Waitress:  Morning, My name is Anele and I’ll be your waitress.  May I take your order
ME:  I’ll have the Sunrise breakfast, with a well done egg and a cuppacino
Qhawe:  I’ll have the Streaky, with a soft egg and after that I would like you to bring me a peanut butter and jam sandwich, apricot jam please with decaf cuppacino
Waitress:  We don’t have that on the menu sir, I’ll have to ask my manager.
Qhawe:  Please bring your manager, I’ll talk to him. (the waitress nods and walks away.) I’m sure I’m not here for the food, so please tell me why I am here.
Me:  it’s about us (he attempts to stand and leave) Please sit, it’s not like that.  Just hear me out. (he sits and waits for me to speak. The waitress comes with the manager before I could say anything)
Qhawe:  Sabelo, how are you doing?
Sabelo:  I’m good man.  I heard you wanted to see me, what’s up
Qhawe:  Can you guys make a peanut butter and jam sandwich, you can charge it up as one of the sandwiches you have on the menu.
Sabelo:  that’s not a problem, for you I can do that.  you are actually the only person I would do that for.  Anyway I never new you as a man who eats peanut butter sandwiches, what happened.
Qhawe:  Got my Queen pregnant.  (Sabelo guy laughs and looks at me)
Sabelo:  and this?
Qhawe:  don’t worry this is business.  You know I would never do her like that.
Sabelo:  Yeah I know.  Just had to ask.  Catch you later man.  I’ll have them make your sandwich. (he walks away and the waitress brings our food.)
Me:  My mom has been drugging me with anti-depressants probably ever since after varsity when I moved back home. During my final year I went  home for the December holidays with plans of coming back to Durban and find myself a job related to what I studied, but I never left home, I found myself doing everything my mother told me to do, I found myself being very obedient to her and not questioning anything she tells me to do. right now I’m detoxing, hence I am able to think for myself and make decisions for myself.  It’s not me who wants you Qhawe, it’s my mother.  She wants me to be Mrs Mtimkhlulu only because you have money.  This is what she has been making me do all my life, selling me off to rich man. Two years ago I ended up in a psych ward, because the guy she wanted me to be with didn’t want me. The guy almost had me arrested because I couldn’t let him go becasue my mother kept pushing me to him.
Qhawe:  so what you are saying is that your mother has been giving you these pills to manipulate and make you submissive to whatever she says
ME:  Yes, that’s what I’m saying(I continue  telling him everything including the plan my mon has.
Qhawe:  is she really your mother, how could she do all this to her own child.  Where is your father Sindiswa:  I don’t know Qhawe but I know I’ll meet him soom.
Qhawe: I’ll speak to Khanyi  and the guys and see what we can do to help you.
Me:  thank you. (he takes out his phone and shows me a message and the number is my mother’s number.)
Qhawe:  is this your mother’s number?
Me:  Yes it is.  When did you get the message?
Qhawe:  the day before yesterday.  What does she mean by me being promised to you.
Sindiswa:  I really don’t Qhawe. She said the same thing to me and when I asked her she didn’t anser me.
Qhawe:  Ok.  I’ll let you know  what we come up with.  I have to go, we’ll talk later.

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