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The Mtimkhulu kids are rising up on their own, they are slowly becoming their parents.  Lunga was arrested after his incident with Oyama.  His trial is still on going.  The state lawyer has managed to get four of the girls that were Lunga’s victims to testify against and they are still trying to get the other four.  They are really scared, they want to remain anonymous and they don’t want to be part of the case as they just want to forget to what happened to them.  But the state lawyer has a strong case especially with the video tapes that Lunga made.  He is probably looking at life in prison.  His father was charged with obstruction of justice, he is waiting to be sentenced.

Oyama and Lonwabo are growing closer as friends.  Oyama is now more comfortable with Lonwabo.  When she was realesed from the hospital she started having her therapy sessions at least twice a week.  She still has nightmares but she doesn’t get them as often as she used to.  She is taking it one day at a time and having Lonwabo on her side has been great.  Even though her parents are supportive but she prefers to be around Lonwabo.  Lonwabo has really grown and he is doing a great job balancing) being a big brother and a good to friend to Oyama.  Lisakhanya is jealous of Oyama but eventually she will get to used to the idea but the major thing is everyone wants to meet the girl that was saved by the Mtimkhulu boys boys but she is not ready to meet the family yet.  Lonwano is also not pressuring her and asked his family to do the same. 

Sibahle has been doing good at school.  The girls that bullied her, have not bullied her since that Saturday of Lonwabo’s game when they were confronted by the brothers.  She has gained her confidence back and smiles a lot lately.  She is being mysterious about the new man in her life, she only talks to Lina about it and has made her promise not to tell anyone.  Lina was shocked to find out who the gys and she was made to promise not to say anything.

Everyone is doing well. The babies are growing.  Oyintando is now seven months old and the Quintuplets are five month old. Everyone is enjoying having these babies around and now everyone is patiently waiting for Lwandle to pop.

Lina’s Lobola negotiations went well without any interruptions.  Lina is now traditionaly Mcebisi’s wife. The young couples are getting closer everyday, their love is becoming stronger everyday.  The wedding preperations have been going smoothely.  Oyama’s dresses were also done just in time. Lungi and Lina’s designer agreed to make the dresses and she absolutely looks amazing in them.  Lina and Khaya have invited  Nkosikhona’s other kids to the wedding.  their relationship still need ework and they are working on it.

Khanyi has been working from home ever since the Quintuplets were born and she prefers it that way until they are older.  Qhawe is going back to the office full time after the wedding.    he is so excited about the upcoming wedding, you would swear that  he is the one getting married.

Lwazi has been doing good. The nightmare are not as often, he sees his therapist at least once a week.  Thando is always there by his side and vise versa.  Bandile, Ncesh, Luyanda and Lwandle are aslo doing good.  Eddie is going to be a father again, his wife is pregnant.  Just as the sangoma (Nkoskhona’s aunt) predicted. 

The family is happy but not without a glitch here and there.  The challenges are always there but they get through them as long as they stand together.
This is the day the young couples have been looking forward to.  They are all ready to commit to each other for life.  Today it’s the white wedding and Lungi’s traditional wedding and tomorrow every will driving to Nanda for Lina’s tradional wedding. 
Khanyi:  you girls look so beautiful
Lina and Lungi:  thank you ma
Mrs Mkhize:  Come now, let’s get going, I’m sure that the guys are waiting and we can’t keep them waiting
Khanyi:  I can’t believe my babies are getting married.  You guys grew up too fast.  It was just yesterday that you were babies and now you are getting married.
Lina:  mom please don’t cry, you are going to ruin your make up.
The ladies make their way to the church where the guys were waiting.  These coulples decided to write their own vows and only two sets were written.  One piece of the vow was for the guys and the onther one was for ladies.  The ladies have made their way into the church and the couples are now standing in front of the Pator.
Paster:  We are gathered here today to join these two coulples in holy matrimony.  The couples have also written their own vows.  Before I hand over to them to say their vows. Is there anyone in this room who thinks  these people cannot get married today.  (Them room goes qquiet and no one says anthing).  Ok then, let’s continue.  We will start with the ladies.  Over to you ladies

Lina and Lungi:  From they day I said the words “I love you” to you, I knew I meant every word.  I knew that I wanted to spend my life with you.  I stand before you today bowing to you as the King that you are.  I kneel before you and submit to be yours in all aspects of my life. I give myself to you without any doubt that you will love me, you will worship the ground I walk on as I do with you.  My love for you has become endless, it has become eternity.  I love you my King today and always.  I am completely yours to love, to cherish, to catch my tears so that the sand doesn’t catch them.  You are the beat to my heart, the rhythm of my soul.  I am yours and you are mine for eternity.
Pastor:  and now over to you gentlemen

Khaya & Mcebisi
Time stopped when I first met you. At that moment it was just you and me, no one else existed.  From then life became more meaningful. My life had a purpose and soon I couldn’t see a life without you.  There is no life without you in it.  As your King I will treat you as the Queen that you are.  I will respect you and I’ll be loyal to you always.  I stand before you bowing to you as my Queen and promising you that, you will shed no uncessarry tears because me, I promise to protect you and our family at all times.  I promise to love you the way you only deserve to be loved.  I give myself to you be your husband,  to love , to cherish, to catch my tears so that the sand doesn’t catch them.  You are the beat to my heart, the rhythm of my soul.  I am yours and your are mine for eternity.

As the couples finished saying their  vows the Pastor blessed their rings  and continued with the ceremony at the end of which he pronounced them husband and wife. 
The reception was amazing.  They kept their wedding small and intimate.  They didn’t have many speakers also, so all the formalities were done quickly.  The people enjoyed themselves after which they had to go to Khaya’s home for the traditional part of the wedding.  Everything that needed to be done was done because tomorrow they are going to Nanda for Lina. Lungi was given the name Chulumanco by her new family.  Everything went well for Khaya and Lungi.

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