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Her:  That was a good game.  You were really good out there especially the last try you scored.
Me:  You actually understand the game, you not here to watch the hot guys play.
Her:  I love the game.  My dad was a player and my brothers are players. Besides I don’t mind the hot guys especially the ones that are good on the field.
Me:  you are the first I’ve met that actually comes to watch for the love of the game.  I’m Lonwabo by the way.
Her:  I know.  (she gives me a warm smile)  I’m Oyama, I’m first year student studying Graphic Design.
Me:  I’m studying Mechanical Engineering.  My little brother has the same name
Her:  it was nice meeting you Lonwabo. I would love to meet you little brother  (three guys walk up to us and I recognise one of them.)
Guy 1:  Oyama who is this, why are you going around talking to guys?
Oyama:  He’s friend and I was congratulating him for a good game.
Guy 1:  So now you are flirting with him?
Oyama:  Lunga come on, I wasn’t flirting we were just talking. (this guy grabs her arm roughly and you can tell she is feeling pain.)
Me:  Hey you are hurting her, let her go. She told you she wasn’t flirting. Let her go
Guys 2:  this doesn’t concern you rugby boy.
Guy 3:  You are the guy that let your sister hurt my girl.
Me:  Your girl as you put it and the rest of your gang were terrorising her.  Was I suppose to let you walk all over her.  Don’t forget what I said to you that day. I am a man who is always true to his word
Guy 1:  Look here, I don’t care who you are, stay away from my girl.
Me:  I doubt very much she is your girl if you are treating her like.  I told you to let her go can’t you see you are hurting her.  look at her. (Bandile and Banele walk up to us)
Banele:  and then, what’s this about? Let the girl go you are hurting her
Oyama:  Lunga please (he lets her go)
Bandile:  that’s better. Do we have a problem bro
Lonwabo:  These idiots interrupted a conversation I was having with the lady but it’s ok. (Khaya joins us with Ntando.  Just as they do, the girls that were terrorising Sibahle walk over to us)
Khaya:  is there a problem here?
Lonwabo:  these are the guys I told you about.
Khaya:  Let’s go somewhere quiet
Lunga:  we are not going anywhere with you
Khaya:  fine then, I’ll beat you up right here, right now and embarrass you infront of your friends just like you embarrassed this girl.
Guy 2:  Let’s go (we walk over to a far corner of the field)
Me:  I told you the other day that you should leave me and my sister alone otherwise bad shit is going to start happening to you one by one.
Lunga:  I need you to stay away from my girl.  ( I look at Oyama and smile at her)
Me:  I can’t she’s my friend so you’ll have to get use to it.  and if you man handle her again, I’ll be there to sort you out.
Banele:  we are not a fan of guys who man handle women,  it does something to us, we might just end up killing you.
Girl 1:  Your sister nearly broke my arm
Me:  but she didn’t, it’s still attached to you is it not.  Stay away from her.
Bandile:  Look here, this is a friendly warning.  KEEP AWAY otherwise we are going to have problems.  (he walks over to Oyama and gently checks her arm and she flinches slightly to show she was feeling pain.)  Put some ice on it, you might need a doctor as well and you really should dump this idiot.  My brother here would make a better boyfriend (he says that looking at me)
Me:  Bandile stop that
Khaya:  do you understand what we just said.  If you don’t listen, next time we have this kind of conversation it won’t be so friendly.  (I look at Oyama)
Me:  Are you going to be ok?
Oyama:  yes.  I’ll be fine.  Thank you
Lunga:  stay away from her
Oyama:  Lunga please let’s go ok.  (they walk away.)
Khaya:  You like her don’t you?
Me:  She seems like a nice girl
Bandile:  No Wabo, what he meant was you like her, like her as in you want to date her.  You want to be her night in shining amour
ME:  Oh please!  She has a boyfriend.
Khaya:  a jerk at that
Me:  It’s her choice.
Khaya:  she likes you
Me:  No she doesn’t
Ntando:  Yes she does and you like her.  you guys are going to end up dating.
Me:  enough with this conversation.  Let’s go the parents are waiting.  Bandile when are you planning to tell the parents about your situation?
Bandile:  Next weekend after the double wedding. 
Ntando:  You have another situation?
Khaya:  even Ntando knows about your first situation and you didn’t tell us.
Bandile:  they were there and you were not.  Let’s just leave it at that.
Khaya:  and I thought Banele would be reckless one.  I guess I was wrong.
Me:  Baba we’ll be back.  I just want to show Lina around.
Dad:  Ok son. 
Lina:  where are we going?
Me:  Yesterday I didn’t get a chance to take you to my favourite spot so I’m taking you there. ( as we drive out of the yard I notice the neighbour and her daughter looking at us.)  You are going to love this place plus you are going to want o come visit this side all the time.
Lina:  is it far?
Me:  No it’s not far.  Next we can walk there.
Lina:  Ok.  So tell me what’s the problem with your neighbour?
Me:  she wants me for her daughter.
Lina:  does the daughter want you?
Me:  Yes she does.
Lina:  have you ever slept with her?
Me:  No, I never slept with her.  I was never interested in her in that way.
Lina:  ok.  Are there any other girls that I’m going to have to deal with
ME:  Honestly my love I don’t know.  The thing is with me, when I break up with a girl, I break up with them, I never go back there.  I move on.  So I don’t know if there’s girl I’ve dated that’s still hung up on me or a girl that’s going to be jealous of you and want to start problems for us.  We are here.
Lina:  WOW! This is really beautiful, I am in love.  I love it babe.
Me:  I knew you would love it.  I come here a lot when I’m home.  This is where I sit and clear my head.  The sunset is the most beautiful here as you can see.
Lina:  it is amazing.  You know we missed Wabo’s game today, we are going to have to make it up to him.
Me:  and we will.  Linamandla I have another reason for bringing you here.
Lina:  what’s wrong?
ME:  that’s the thing Miss Sondlo, there is nothing wrong.  Everything is right.  With you everything is right.  I have loved before, I loved someone who didn’t love me, someone who ended up sleeping with my friend, hence I don’t really have friends.  I fooled around a lot with girls until I met you.  I didn’t want to fool around with you, I saw a future with you and I told myself that I am never letting you go.  Linamandla I love you, I love you so much that if you were to leave me, I would die.  I don’t want to live my life without you.  Please be wife, be the mother of my kids, my friend, my partner in crime and everything else.  I spoke to your dad and he said that if you say he will give us his blessing.
Lina: You spoke to my dad about marrying me and you walked out alive?
ME:  I walk out alive, proud with my head held high.  I really thought he was going to kill me.
Lina:  I’ll marry you.  Yes I’ll marry you. I love you Mcebisi Mkhize, I don’t see myself with anyone else but you.  (I gently grab her and make her sit on my lap and kiss her.) Come let’s go back.
(as soon as we get home I tell the parents and they are so happy especially my mom.)
Mom:  finally I have a daughter.
Me:  See, I told you that mom is going to spoil you rotten.
Dad:  she definitely will.  I understand that you are still in school my child.
Lina:  Yebo baba.  I’m studying medicine and I’m doing my third year.
Dad:  Mcebisi you must let her finish school don’t pull her out of school.
Me:  I never planned to baba.  I want to get married next year and yes you will still continue with school and we can have kids when you are finished with school.  We can discuss all this later
Lina: yes we can discuss all of it and I appreciate that you are ok with me finishing school.
Me:  I have to babe.  I can’t be the only one educated in our house.  (my dad justs laughs it off)
Dad:  We’ll have to talk about when you want to go and pay for lobola so that we can make all the necessary arrangement.  (a knock interrupts the conversation and it’s the girl from next door.)
Her:  Sanibonani (Hello)
Dad:  Yebo sawubona ngane yam.  Singakusiza ngani namhlanje (yes hello my child.  How can we help you?
Her:  I just came to see Mcebisi.  My mom told me he was around.
Dad: Oh ok.  I see, he is still busy.
Me:  it’s ok Baba, I need to talk to her anyway, I need to make a few things clear.  (I look at Lina and kiss her. ) I’ll be outside.  I love you.
LIna:  I love you too.
Me: Let’s talk outside Sne.
Sne:  She seems a bit young for you isn’t she?
Me:  I fail to see how that is any of your business.  If there’s nothing else that you came here for, please leave.
Sne:  Mcebisi come on, we’ve known each for a very a long time and you know that I’ve always been into you.  I want us to try this.
Me:  I have never been into you.  I have never seen any other way except as my neighbour.
Sne:  Why Mcebisi, why are you not interest in me? I am beautiful, I have a beautiful body, I can make you happy in many ways (she says that moving closer to me kissing my cheek. I take a step back)
Me:  there’s the reason why, everything that you just said.  Why do you think that being beautiful, having a nice body and being good in bed is enough?  It’s not enough dear.  You are not the type of woman I can build a home with.  You are not the type of woman that would stick around if things go bad with me.  You are not the type of woman who wants to have kids and you are not type of woman who wants to have a career.  You want a man that’s already established, a man that is going to take care of you,  a man with money that you are going to bleed dry.  You want all the finer things in life but you are not willing to work for them.  I’m with her because she is everything you are not and for six months she stood by me and supported me when that six months wasn’t very kind to me and you, in that six months you didn’t even look at my direction.  I am going to repeat myself; I AM WITH HER BECAUSE SHE IS EVERYTHING YOU ARE NOT AND I LOVE HER MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.  She knows me, she understands me and I can’t say the same for you.  (just then Lina walks out and comes to us holding a packet of my favourite chips.)
Lina:  I thought you might need this.  Aslo can I borrow your car, your mom wants me drive her to some woman that she wants to.
Me:  will you be ok driving here since you don’t know this place. I can always drive you guys I don’t mind.
Lina:  I’ll be ok my love.  Your mom will be my GPS, besides you still have business to deal with.  (she says that part looking at Sne.)
Mom:  and besides I  want some time alone with my daughter. Your dad is looking for you.
Me:  I was going to drop you off and fetch you when you are done.
Mom:  We’ll be fine baby don’t worry.  Just take the trash out before it starts smelling.  (she looks at Sne and kisses my cheek.)
Lina:  Your mom is right about the trash.  See you later babe.
Me:  don’t take too long. I love you.
LIna:  I love you too.
Mom:  Lina let’s go baby.  (and she drives  off.)
Me:  thanks for stepping by Sne.  I’ll see you around.

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