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Home sweet Home.  It’s always good to be home.  We just got here and my daughter is so nervous.  I am just happy I am finaly bringing her home.  I know my parents will be happy, I’m also introducing Lwandle to my parents.
Me:  Are you guys ok?
Lungi:  I am very nervous
Lwandle:  I am too.  I don’t know why I let you talk me into this.  I should have stayed in Durban.  Can I just stay in the house and not go to your parent’s house?
Me:  don’t be ridiculous Lwandle.  You agreed because you love me darling.  You are going to be fine don’t worry and besides my parents are old now, they don’t bite.  Why don’t you guys go freshen up and when you done we’ll go to my parent’s house.  You have nothing to worry about I promise. Let me show you your rooms and I’ll let you do your thing.  I have a few calls to make.  I love you guys and don’t worry too much.   (Lungi walks into her room as we walk to our room.)  Lwandle we have to tell Lungi before we tell the parents about the baby.
Lwandle:  we can tell her before we leave.
Me:  Ok.  Do your thing, I’ll be in the kitchen, I’m going to make myself a sandwich, do you want one?
Lwandle:  No thanks babe. (I kiss her forehead and leave her to it.)

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ phone conversation++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Me:  Qhawe are you good man?
Qhawe:  I’m good.  What do you need?
ME:  there’s an email that I am going to send you, it’s about info on the person I suspect helped Sihle out when she ran away.  Can you talk to Sipho and ask him to look into it,  he can send his invoice to me
Qhawe:  no problem.  You think she had help.
Me:  she had to have had help.  She couldn’t have just moved with the baby to some place new, where she knows no one and not have someone help her.  Someone helped her.  she is hiding something I can feel it.
Qhawe:  I’ll speak to Sipho later.  I’m still at the hospital with baby mama.  They are getting discharged tomorrow.
Me:  Say hi to her for me.  I’ll see them when we are back and I have some news to share with you
Qhawe:  what news is that?
Me:  Lwandle is a month pregnant
Qhawe:  congratulations man.  This family is getting big, way too big.  Babies everywhere.  You guys need to buys bigger houses.
Me:  we definitely need to.  I have to go man.  We are going to meet the parents. Please don’t tell the others about the pregnancy.
Qhawe:  My lips are sealed man.  WE’ll talk later then.  (I hang up and Lungi and Lwandle walk in soon after.)
************************                *****************************************

Me:  Lungi please have a sit there’s something we want to tell you
Lungi:  Ok.  What’s going on?
Me:  You are going to be a big sister to someone.
Lungi:  what do you mean dad?
Me:  I mean exactly that Lungi
Lwandle:  for a nurse you are very slow on this one.
Lungi:  Oh my word!!! Are you pregnant?
Lwandle &Me:  yes we are (she laughs at us)
Lungi:  I’m happy for you guys.  Dad you should marry her before she starts showing.
Me:  that is the plan.  It makes me want to marry her even more now that I know you want the same thing
Lungi:  She is good for you and she loves you, so why wait for 10 years.
Lwandle:  You guys are busy making decisions for me nhe (she laughs)
Me:  don’t tell me you don’t want to marry me
Lwandle:  even today I would marry you.
Me:  It is settled then.  We are getting married soon.
Lwandle:  was that a proposal?
Me:  yes, why?
Lungi:  dad, no flowers , candle lit dinner or anything like that or close to that.
Me:  is that how Khaya proposed to you?
Lungi:  You don’t to want know how he proposed. (she smiles blushing and looks away.  I wonder what did Khaya do.)
(lets go guys before my parents start panicking.  We get into the car and drive off my parent’s house.  The ride there is very quiet.  My ladies are very nervous. When we get there, they were already waiingt for us. I’m glad they didn’t invite anyone else today and it’s just us.  I do wish my sister was here though.  At least she will be here tomorrow.  I haven’t seen her in a while.)
Me:  Mom, dad how are you?
Dad:  We are good son, how are you?
Me:  we are good.
Mom:  let’s  go inside. 
Me:  Mom, dad this is Lungi, your granddaughter.
Mom:  She looks like her mom but she has a bit of you in her.  You look so beautiful.  Come here child. (she walks over to her and hugs her.  my mom can’t even control her tears)  Last time I saw you, you were only a year old and now, look at you.  You are a fully grown woman.  We thought you were dead my child.
Dad:  come to your grandpa sweetie.  (Lungi walks over to him and they hug.)
Lungi:  I’m sorry you had to go through all that.
Dad:  it’s not your fault my baby.  You were only a baby, you didn’t even understand what was going on.  We are just happy you are here and finally get to hold you.  Sit here.  (dad shifts a little patting the space between him and mom for Lungi to sit. I wish Lwanele was here as my camera lady, I have to do that myself now.)
Mom: and who is this lady next to you?
Me:  This is Lwandle, future mother of my kids and the woman I want to marry.
Dad:  Finally.  You certainly took your time to take a wife.
Me:  I was waiting for the right one dad and she is the right one.
Mom:  she is beautiful.  You are beautiful my dear.  Do you get along with my granddaughter
Lwandle:  Thank you ma and yes we get along very well.  She is a wonderful woman.
Dad:  That’s good.  So Lungi tell me dear, what do you dear?
Lungi:  I’m a nurse tata.
Dad:  that’s wonderful and single I presume
Lungi:  Actually I’m engaged tata. (she is blushing.  I swear anything that has to do with Khaya makes her blush.)
Dad:  At your age your dad was running  away from commitment you certainly have not taken after him with that regards to that.  Who is this boy that wants to marry my granddaughter.  I wish you could spend more time here.  We would really love to get to know you.
Me:  We’ll come back dad when her leave is approved.  Maybe she can come back with Lwandle if Lwandle is ok with that but we’ll discuss it.
Lungi:  Yes tata, I will definitely come back and spend more time with you before I get married.  Besides I’ll also be back for the lobola negotiations.
Dad:  Are the negotiations happening here?
Me:  yes dad.  That’s how she wants it.  the traditional wedding will be here too.
Mom:  Wow that’s wonderful.  I have lot to prepare for.  Tomorrow night we are having a WELCOME HOME DINNER for Lungi.  We need to have lunch now so that I can go shopping with the girls.
My phone rings and it her, what could she possibly want

Me:  Hello
Her:  Sihle how are you?
Me:  I’m good, what do you want?  I thought we agreed you wouldn’t call.
Her:  are you sure that Luyanda doesn’t suspect anything?
Me:  no he doesn’t.  I told him one of my aunts helped me runaway and now she is dead but he doesn’t believe that my family didn’t know.
Her:  You told him that they didn’t know, that was stupid.
Me:  You have no idea who he is now.  He’s not the Luyanda you knew all those years ago.  He is a powerful lawyer now and has powerful friends.  If he ever finds out that I lied to him about my family not knowing, trust me that will be the end of me.
Her:  what do you mean powerful friends?
Me:  I mean exactly that.  if the truth of how and why I kept Lungi away from him ever comes out, we are both dead.  I lied to Lungi telling her that I loved her father and we both know I didn’t.  Yes I once loved him but that ended when he made it clear that he doesn’t love me and he wouldn’t marry him.  yes I was hurt but I got over that.
Her:  The truth can never come out, it can never come out Sihle.
Me:  Look I have to go.  Just don’t call again, ok (I hang up)
******************************                      *****************************************

This is one going to get us into trouble, she really needs to cool down.  We can’t afford to have Luyanda finding out the truth and my family on the other hand is just giving me a headache about Lungi’s wedding.  They want her to have a white wedding in Johannesburg and they don’t understand why she doesn’t want one.  I’m just grateful that I will be at the wedding.
Me:  did you find him?
Her:  Yes sir I found him
Me:  Where is he:
Her:  He is in Durban sir.  It looks like he has done really well for himself.
Me:  The last time I saw him was when we buried his mother and I don’t know how he is going to react when he sees me again.
Her:  Why is that sir?
Me:  Let’s just say I was neve a good father nor a good husband.  I’m the reason his mother killed herself.
Her:  But you are trying to make amends so he might give you a chance.  It looks like he has a girl too.
Me:  I’m happy he managed to move on with his life after everything I put him through.

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