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I can hear my phone ringing, maybe I’m dreaming.  It stops ringing and when I try to sleep again, it rings again and this time i pull it out from under my pillow as it is actually ringing and I answer it.
Me:  Hello
Him:  Still sleeping I see, How are you?
Me:  You woke me up from a wonderful, so I’m not doing so good.
Him:  what was th dream about?
Me:  it was about us, but I won’t tell you the details now.
Him: mmhhhh I see. Then it must have a really good dream.  I wonder what was happening in the dream.
Me:  stop fishing, I’m not telling.  are you getting ready for work?
Him:  Yes I am beautiful.  I have to make money so that I can be able to take care of you as your man.
Me:  You do know that my parents are still taking care of most of my needs.
Him:  I know that and I will too.  what they don’t do for you, I’ll do it
Me:  You are crazy you know that right.
Him:  I know I am.  When are you coming back?
Me:  We are going to be back sometime next week because next weekend my parents are having a dinner party and we all have to be there.
Him: Oh ok.  but I’ll drive to Inanda this weekend to see you.
Me:  I would love that.  Lina knows about us, I told her, I hope you don’t mind.
Him:  I have no intentions of keeping our relationship a secret from anyone, I want the world to know how I feel about you.
Me:  I say this again, you are crazy.
Him:  I know baby.  I have to finish getting ready for work and I’ll call you later.
Me:  Ok.  Thanks for the call.  I can’t wait to see you.  I miss you so much.
Him:  I miss you too.  I’ll video call at lunch.
ME:  Ok.  Later Babe
Him:  Later Bahle.

I miss him so much, I can’t wait for this weekend.  I might as well wake up and bath.  I won’t be to go back to sleep anyway it sounds like people are awake.  I’m sure they are still busy cleaning up after the weekend.  My other sisters are still sleeping.  I’ll let them sleep.  I’m sure they are tired.
When I get to the kitchen Mcebisi’s mom was in the kitchen packing plates in plastic boxes.
Me:  Morning Ma
Her:  Morning baby. Why are you up already?
Me:  I received a call and I couldn’t go back to sleep so I decided to bath and come help with breakfast.  Is Lina awake?
Her:  No she’s not.  Don’t wake her.  I’m sure she needs the rest.
Me:  Ok ma.  I’ll get started on breakfast then.
Her:  that’s fine.  I’ll finish up here.  When Mcebisi wakes up, he has to move these to one of the rondavels.  So tell me dear, are you dating? (I didn’t expect that question but I answer her honestly.)
Me:  Yes Ma, there is someone special and I am hoping that he is the one.  I really don’t want to kiss a lot of frogs before I can kiss the one that will be my Prince Charming.
Her:  You’ll have to pray about it baby and what you want is not a bad thing and you will have it.  Just believe and pray about it.
Me:  thank you ma, I will.  (we talk a lot while I’m busy with breakfast and she is busy with packing the plates and her cutlery.  Just as i finish with the food, Lwanele, Zenande and Lisakhanya walk in all dressed already.)
Lwanele:  Morning everyone
Mrs Mkhize:  Morning babies, did you sleep well?
Zenande:  Yes we did ma, thank you. 
Lisakhanya:  I like it here it’s very nice and quiet.
Mrs Mkhize:  I’m glad  you like it.  today we’ll have to go grocery shopping later on. (just then, the neighbour’s daughter walks in.  what’s her name again, Sne I think.  What is she doing here?
Sne:  Morning Ma
Mrs Mkhize:  Morning Sne, what are you doing here so early?
Sne:  I came to see if you need help with anything.  (I don’t like this girl and I don’t trust her.  she is very dodgy and she has this negative energy around her
Me:  We are fine sisi today.  We are just packing things away today.  (Mrs Mkhize walks out with Lisakhanya, saying she’s coming back, they are getting more plates)
Lwanele:  what are you really doing here so early?  Are you done with your chores at your house?
Sne:  you can’t ask me that, I am older than you and you should watch how you talk to me.
Lwanele:  I just asked a simple question you know.  I might be thirteen years old but I’m not stupid and I’ve been around a whole of things to know that you can’t be trusted.
Zenande:  in simples terms what she is saying is basically that we don’t trust you.
Sne:  that’s not my problem, I’m just here to see if you guys needed help with anything after the weekend.
Me:  We are fine for now.  we’ll ask if we need any help.
Lwanele:  that means you can go home.
Sne:  Where’s Mcebisi?
Me:  Still sleeping with his wife.
Sne:  a new makoti still sleeping at this hour, she should be the one making breakfast for her in laws.
Mrs Mkhize:  that is your business how?
Sne:  I was just saying ma
Mrs Mkhize:  i want you to leave.  You were told we don’t need help.  As for what happens in this house and how MY DAUGHTER behaves is none of your business.  Do you here me.  And if you think of interfering in the marriage uzowukhomba umzi onotshwala, siyezwana na.
Sne:  yebo ma.
Me:  Considering that you are not family,  Please excuse us we also have family things that we need discuss (she just looked at me and walked out.)
I have not gone back to work yet.  I still have another week to go of my leave and today I decided to go see my dad and Lwandle
Me:  how are you guys
Dad:  we are good baby.  And you how are you? 
Me:  I’m good dad and I am happy.
Lwandle:  that is good.  I wish I could give birth now.  I’m tired of being pregnant.
Me:  You still have a few months to go.  Just hang in there.  (just then there was a knock and Lwandle went and opend the door and it was my mom.)  MoM!!!
Sihle:  Lungi. I didn’t think I would see you here.  I thought you would be gone for your honeymoon.
Me:  we have other plans ma.
Sihle:  Luyanda I just came see you, I wanted to ask how it went with the wedding, I guess I can ask Lungi that since she is here.
Dad:  that’s if she wants to talk to you.
Me:  it’s ok dad.  I have forgiven and I’ve moved on.
Dad:  If you say.  We’ll give you two some space to talk.
Me:  thanks dad (and he walks out with Lwandle)
Sihle:  Lungi I am glad that you are here.  Lungi I am sorry about everything that I have put you through,  I know I was selfish.  I really didn’t think of you when I did what I did.  seeing you now with your dad, how close you guys have become. I can see what I have taken from you all those years ago.  I know my apology will never give you back the time you guys lost because of me and I don’t expect to be forgiven by you but I don’t want you to know that  I am sorry and I am sorry for everything.  I love you Lungi, I love you very much and I hope that one day things can go back to normal between us one day.
Me:  Yes mom you did all that you did and it hurt to learn that my own mother could do that to me.  You knew how much I wanted him but you lied to me for years.  I have moved on ma.  I am focused on the relationship we are building and we are doing.  I love my dad, I love very much and I won’t let you or anyone else hurt him again and I know he won’t let anyone hurt me.  We lost a lot  time and we can’ t make up for it but we are looking forward to everyday, creating new memories everychance we get.  I have forgiven you mama, for my own sanity I have forgiven but that doesn’t mean I’m ready for you to be a part of my life.  It will take time.
Sihle:  Thank you Lungi, that’s all I need right now, just to know that you have forvigen me.
Me:  I can’t do this.  I hav to go ma.
Yhoooo last night was hectic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful.  Mcebisi was gentle, so loving.  He worshiped my body taking advantage of every reaction I gave him to how he touched me and played with my body.  I wish I could have been able to sleep some more but I am suppose to go shopping with my mother in law.
Me:  Baby let’s go.
Mcebisi:  which car are you using today?
Me:  I’m not sure of who’s going and not going Singela.  We’ll dound when we are in the kitchen.
Mcebisi:  take the my SUV babe, you call all go.
Me:  Ok babe.  (when we walk into the kitchen Sibahle was just dishing up.)  Morning family
Lwanele:  Morning sis, Morning bhuti
Sibahle:  Sit guys lets eats. 
Mcebisi:  Where’s dad?
Mrs MKhize:  He left early.  He took your aunt and cousins back to Ntuzuma.
Mcebisi:  I see.
Mrs Mkhize:  Lina you are glowing baby, did you sleep well?
Me:  I slept well ma (I say blushing with my husband brushing my thigh under the table.)
Mrs Mkhize:  I’m glad.  (just then there was a know on the door)  I’ll go see who it is.  (she leave us there and goes to check.  She come back and I can’t believe my eyes.  I thought she left with the others yesterday.)
Me:  Gogo Nomzamo, I though you lef t yesterday.
Nomzamo:  I couldn’t leave without giving you guys your wedding gift.  (she puts her hand in her small skin back and takes out two bacelets made from beautiful beads.)  Lina, Mcebisi; your marriage has unsettled a lot of people, it  has created a lot of enemies for you.  You need to stand by each other.  You must never doubt each other’s love and most importantly you must always trust each other.  You will be happy but you have a lot challenges along the way that you have to deal with.

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