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After Anelisa I never thought I would be this happy.  Happiness is a choice.  I had to choose between being dull and misearable all my life or take a risk and be happy.  I must say my risk paid off.  The bad experiences that we go through in life don’t happen to bring us down.  They happen so that we can learn from them.  They teach us how the choices we make can lead us to certain paths hence when making decision you have to be diligent but at times you can be diligent and things can still go wrong but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.  When life brings you down, you get up, dust yourself off, show life the finger and start over or move on.  As a person you can’t let bad experiences over power you, you’ve got to over power them.  Your current bad situation must not be permanent, there’s always an exit out of any situation you just have to find it.

The babies are behaving so far but Thandokuhle is a mama’s boy and he is the only one breast feeding.  Khanyi’s parents and my parents are here spoiling my babies.  They always want to have the babies in their hands and that needs to stop.  We don’t want the babies to get used to that otherwise they will give us problems.  With them here helping out with the babies helps a lot, at least Khanyi is getting some rest.  She has recovered well also.  I thought I was done having babies this is absolutely a miracle.

Dad:  You are here but your mind is definitely not here. (he states as he walks in)
Me:  Just thinking of how blessed we are that’s all.
Dad:  You are definitely blessed.  You know we never thought this family would grow to be so big with so many children.  When we had you and your twin didn’t make it we always told ourselves we are going to have more but it didn’t happen, we were never able to have more kids hence Bandile and Lwazi became more of our children than your friends.  You have grown this family son.  The Mtimkhulu clan is growing.
Me:  It definitely is dad.  Where’s mom?
Dad:  With Khanyi’s mom bathing the babies.  I can’t seem to separate them from those babies.
Khanyi’s dad:  You never will, I stopped trying you should too otherwise you’ll cause yourself unnecessary stress.  Morning gentlemen.  I need to talk to you both.
Me:  Is everything ok Mr Sondlo?
Khanyi’s Dad:  I told you to stop calling me that, next time you call that I’ll break your jaw.
ME:  It won’t happen again.
Khanyi’s dad:  Good.  The subject that you and Khanyi brought up when you told us about the pregnancy.  I spoke to the family elders and they don’t have a problem with that if we  as in me and her mom don’t have a problem with that and we don’t have a problem but because it is tradition we are going to do it but we are going to keep it small and private after that you can go ahead and do your thing.
Dad:  Thank you for that.  We really appreciate it.
Khanyi’s dad:  I want my daughter to be happy, she has been through a lot in her life and if this is how she wants things, then so be it.  She seems to be really happy with you Qhawe.  She was never like this with her ex husband.  I think she married him because they had kids together
Dad:  Even Qhawe is beyond the word happy and especially with the new members of the family.  I really don’t know how you are going to cope with 15 kids in your life.
Me:  We are going to be fine dad.  (my phone rings interrupting the conversation) Excuse me gentlemen I have to take this call.
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Me:  Luyanda, what’s up man
Luyanda:  Nothing much, are you at the office?  I need to see you.
Me:  I’m working from home for the next three months so I’m at home.  Come over.
Luyanda:  that’s fine then.  I’ll see you when I’m done with my cases for today, let’s say around 15:00
Me:  that’s fine man.  See you later.
Luyanda:  Sure
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Khanyi:  hey babe
Me:  come here give daddy a kiss.  (with a big smile she walks closely to me, stands infront of me looking up at me, waiting for me to bend to her level.)  You really are beautiful Baby Girl.
Khanyi:  Thank you my King.
Me:  We’ll talk later my love I have the dads in my office.  (I give her a smooch and spank her making her gasp a little.)
Khanyi:  this is how those five little ones happened.
Qhawe:  we can make five more.
Khanyi:  Yhooo hayi Qhawe (she walks away smiling at me.)
I spent years in a rehabilitation centre recovering from a drug and alcohol addiction.  I have been now sober for five years and I have been trying to find my son and eventually I did.  I don’t even know how I am going to approach him.  I need to make amends, I need to apologies for my wrongs.  I know that an apology won’t change anything but it’s a step up towards doing the right thing. It might be too late but deep in me I don’t believe that.  It is never too late for anything as long as he is still alive I still have a chance no matter how small it is, there is still a chance for me to do right by him.
All the things I have done to him, I really hope he can forgive me.  My son looks happy, even has a girlfriend. 
I was a monster to him and his mom.  I took my stress out on them back then.  Things were not going well in my life, business was not doing good, I couldn’t even hold down a job because I would always be drunk.  Now I’ve managed to get my shit together.  The past five years have not been easy but here I am today and still going strong.
Her:  Sir
Me:  Yes Anita
Her:  there’s someone here to see you
Me:  Send them in (she walks out.)

Him:  are you good?
Me:  I’m good.  Just trying to figure out how I am going to approach my son after all these years
Him:  Just go there and be straight with him.  Don’t plan it, don’t rehearse it just do it.
Me:  easier said than done my friend.  thinking of everything he had to go through because of me.
Him:  I understand and this is no time to be blaming yourself.  You are doing it for yourself and I must say he has done very well for himself, just do this and if you don’t want to do it, if you are going to keep doubting and blaming yourself, you might as well go back to CapeTown.
Me:  No man I will do it.  I’ll go see him.
Him:  that’s better.  how about lunch?
Me:  I could eat.
You know sometimes when you are young you do stupid things without thinking.  I made a stupid decision not thinking about how it will affect my daughter at the end of the day. I love my daughter very much and right now I don’t blame her for hating me.  I was really selfish.  I consciously took away her happiness.  Looking at her this happy, I realised that my daughter could have been this happy all her life, had normal problems that other kids have, she could have been a normal happy teenager but I took all that away from her , I stripped her of all that and I was able to live with myself.  What of kind of a mother does that make me.  I can tell she loves her father.  In the short space of time that they have known each other she loves him very much and they have a wonderful relationship.  I try to imagine the bond they could have had; had she had grown up around him.  A call comes through
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Me:  Hello
Her:  Sihle how are you
Me:  I’m fine auntie and how are you?
Her:  I’m fine.  We are coming to see you tomorrow Sihle.  WE’ll be in Durban in the afternoon tomorrow.  We need to talk about this situation.  We need to make things right with the Langa family.
Me:  How are we going to that Auntie?  I kept their child away from them and my family knew where I was and didn’t tell them.
Her:  Our loyalty was with you Sihle, even though you lied to us which I don’t understand why you would lie to us.  All that doesn’t matter now.  we need to make things right.  Lungi is getting married and we can’t not be part of her wedding because of your stupidity.
Me:  let me know when you’ve landed tomorrow so that I can pick you up from the airport.  We’ll talk then.  I need to think.  (I hang up)
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Dammit! I am screwed.  That’s it,  I’m done

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