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The detective was right.  He came back with my lawyer and my lawyer is not looking very happy.

Det. Nxele:  I did promise I would come back with your lawyer. Are you still ok?  (this detective is playing games with me)  No we can begin.
Me:  Jonathan I need to get out of here soon.  They have nothing on me.
Jonathan:  that’s where you are wrong.  They have a lot on you and the charges they have against you, you might not even get bail.
Me:  What are you talking about Jonathan?
Det. Nxele:  tell me Mr Tom what was your involvement with Dunham  Import and Exports before it was turned to Diamond Enterprises? (shit!  This is not good, not good at all. That’s the company I want from Khanyi, how did he manage ……. Damn.)
Me:  Nothing, I had no involvement with them.
Det. Nxele:  ok we’ll come back to that.  I have documents here linking you to a drug shipment from Nigeria, actually not just one shipment.
Me:  those could have been forged.
Jonathan:  he is right, those could have been forged.  We can always get a handwriting expect for authentication.
Det. Nxele:  I knew you would say that.  We’ll have the results tomorrow.
Jonathan:  Detective, may I have a moment with my client?
Det. Nxele:  you may have all the time you need, I’ll continue with my questions tomorrow before he goes for his bail hearing. (and the detective walks out.)
Me:  My bailing hearing is tomorrow?  Jonathan I can’t spend the night here
Jonathan:  don’t you think I know that.  I couldn’t get the usual judge, and the judge available will be attend the case tomorrow.  You’ll have to suck it up and I can’t make this case disappear like the other ones.  The case file is only handled by Det. Nxele.  Right now it is safe to say you my friend, you are screwed.  Trust me when I tell you this, you are going down and there’s nothing I can do for you.  I’ll try my best but I can’t promise you anything.
They have you on drug trafficking and prostitution.  They are still investigating the  Human trafficking but the evidence they have against you is overwhelming and it is safe to say you have a moul in your business.
Me:  I know but I can’t figure out who it is at first I thought it was Sizwe and I stopped telling him everything.  The shipments from Nigeria he didn’t know about them.  Something is not adding up here Jonathan.  I have a mystery caller that keeps calling threatening my family and me.  He even told me to tell Sima to leave Khanyi alone.  Find out for me what Sima is planning.  This woman is going to ruin things for me.  I’m losing everything and she is going to make things worse.
Jonathan:  I’ll do what I can.
Me:  You better, I’m paying a lot of money for being my lawyer. (his phone rings, he answers and hands to me without saying anything) who is it?
Jonathan:  I don’t know he wants to talk to you.

Phone conversation

Me: hello
Him:  how does it feel knowing your days are numbered?
Me:  What do you want?
Him:  Your lawyer is not going to be able help you this time I hope you know that.  I also know you are going to get out on bail but you won’t be outside for long.  You see Mr Tom, I am going to find what I am looking for.  The detective will add murder  soon on your charge sheet.  All those people you killed for their organs, you are going to pay.  It is only just a matter of time before I find everything I am looking for.
Me:  You know what I am getting tired of your little threats…. (he cuts me short)
Him:  I think I have proven that I’m not just threatening you Mr Tom since right now you are sitting with your lawyer inside a police station.  The reason I called you is that your wife is planning to kill Miss Sondlo and she is talking to the wrong people, she is digging her own grave and she is going to die if she is not careful.  I’m telling you again talk to her before I do something and that you won’t like.
Me:  I will talk to her but keep this in mind, I will get to Khanyi and I will have her or else no one will.  She is going to give me back everything that my dad gave to those brats and as for you, you better sleep with one eye open because I will find you and when I do, you will beg for me to kill you.
Him:  being taugh nhe.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you (he hangs up)
Jonathan:  is that your mystery caller?
Me:  yes it was.
Jonathan:  how did he get my number, how did he even know I was here?
Me:  I don’t know.  He knows a lot about me.  He knows everything, he knows things you don’t even know about me.
Jonathan:  and you just threatened a man like that, you must have a death wish.
Me:  I had to, I’m losing a lot of money because of this guy.  Let me make a call.  It’s time for them to know they can’t mess with me. (I make a call to one of my guys, I can’t lose everything I’ve worked for.)
Phone conversation:
Me:  where are you?
Him:  Watching the kid, he is alone today.
Me:  Take him and I’ll come by tomorrow.
Him:  Sure thing boss. (he hangs up)
Jonathan:  You are playing with fire and you are going to burn.
(with that he stood up and left and an officer came in and took me to a holding cell.  There were other guys but I just kept to myself.   If the social workers find about this I’m going to lose my visitation rights I still need these visits. Who is doing this to me, if this detective finds out what happened to the people I trafficked, I’m done for it. if I had listened and just left well enough alone, none of this would be happening, then if I can’t have her then no one will, I won’t be the only one losing here.)


I am dating the craziest man, I love the fact he loves my childiness. 

Me:  Qhawe hayi
Qhawe:  hayibo Khanyi, why not?
Me:  Your dad is here, behave.  (we are standing in the middle of the lounge on our way to the kitchen for breakfast)
Qhawe:  dad won’t mind, I’ll just be kissing the woman I love that’s all and it won’t be the first time kissing her in front of him.
Me:  it’s not like I had a choice the first time it happened at your parents house.  (right now I am walking backwards away from him and he is walking towards me from slowly.)  Qhawe stop being childish.
Qhawe:  Really Khanyi, I’m the one being childish.  If you allowed me to kiss me when we reached the bottom of the stairs none of this would be happening.
Me:  let’s say I allow you to kiss me, what if he walks in with your tongue down my throat and your hands grabbing on my ass and me moaning in your mouth?
“I would say my son chose well.  The way you are right now reminds me of how my wife and i can be sometimes.”  (that was Qhawe’s dad talking behind me and I almost bumped into him, I was so embarrassed and Qhawe took that as opportunity to take me into his arms.)
Qhawe:  Tata you are making my Queen shy.
Loyiso:  that’s not being shy, that’s blushing.
Me:  can we go to the kitchen now please.  (when we get to the kitchen Sizwe is already making breakfast, eish these guys and cooking in my kitchen these days, that’s not good and the other guys are sitting around the kitchen counter waiting but Lwazi is not here. Do they really have to sit around the counter, I have a dining table in the kitchen.)  two of you need to move to the table.
Bandile:  but why?
Me:  Because I want to sit on one of the high chairs and this is not open for negotiation Bandile and you guys need to stop cooking all the time in my kitchen.
Bandile:  why can’t we cook now?
Me:  I’m not saying you can’t cook but not everyday since it seems like you are here every day now and Qhawe can’t always eat food cooked by you guys. I need to cook for my man and my kids
Bandile:  but we can’t wait for you to cook when we are hungry?
Me:  Bandile who’s house is this?
Bandile:  Yours
Me:  Who’s rules do you follow when you are here?
Bandile:  Yours
Me:  good now we understand each other.  After breakfast you and Lwazi are going grocery shopping and you are using your own money.  I’ll make a list for you.
Loyiso:  Why are they doing the grocery shopping? (I forgot he was here.)
Me:  it’s their turn tata.  These men eat a lot when they are here and I make them buy groceries. Qhawe and I can’t always to buying groceries for them.
Loyiso:  am I also going to buy groceries because I am always going to be here for the whole month.
Me:  No you won’t tata.
Qhawe:  dad you are staying for the whole month? What does mom say about that?
Loyiso: she is also coming.  She’ll be here tomorrow. We have a beach house in Mhlanga.
Eddie:  Can we get down to business.
Me:  Bandile please move to the table I want to sit
Bandile:  hayibo Khanyi, out of all these guys you choose me
Me:  Yes because you talk too much. Now move please Sizwe is dishing up.  (he quietly moves and Andile follows him.  (Qhawe takes Andile’s seat which is next to me. Sizwe dishes up from everyone and we eat. Eddie looks at Qhawe’s dad giving him the go ahead to speak.)
Loyiso:  we are going to talk while eating in the kitchen
Eddie:  You’l l get used to it.  we did.
Loyiso:  I see. Qhawe I know you have a lot of questions, I am going to try and answer them.  I saw   how broken you were when she got shot, that’s why I decided to be involved in this I was very shocked to find out that it was Anelisa who did it.  I can see how much you love Khanyi even though she is holding back, she loves you too. Another reason I am doing this is that I was asked to by Mzimkhulu Tom.  We were not friends, we didn’t even know each other that well, I don’t know why he trusted me with this.  He has shares in one of my businesses that’s how we knew each other.  Back in the days a year after I started my business, it was struggling, I was losing money, didn’t have enough clients, he came to my rescue and bought 10% of the company.  I would say he saved my business.  We would only meet every qauter to discuss how the business doing.  No one knows about the 10%.  He also left that to you Khanyi.  (this old man is really digging a grave for me.) 
Me:  Meaning that my kids own 10% of your company.
Loyiso:  No Khanyi, it means you own 10% of my company.  He transferred the shares to your name not to the kids but to you and you are not allowed to sell them.  His profit share went into a savings account which he called the Rainy day fund.  You are supposed to continue saving the money for that rainy day.
Me:  I don’t have a choice in this now do I.  this old man has control of my life from beyond the grave.  Maybe I should just kill Zwelibanzi once and for all.
Loyiso: You can’t do that.  Who is going to be there for my kids if you go to jail for killing that idiot. 
Qhawe:  Does mom know about all this, is it the reason why she doesn’t like Khanyi?
Loyiso:  Yes she knows but it’s not the reason why she doesn’t like her.  Your mom is just being her usual self.  She wants you to date the girl she thinks is good for you like she has always done.
Me:  how did you know about Zwelibanzi’s dealings.
Loyiso:  His father told me that his son was involved in illegal business so I investigated and found out a lot and here we are today.   (his phone beeps, he takes it out of his pocket and looks at.)
Loyiso:  he has been arrested but he is not going to be there for long.
Eddie:  We need to move fast and this guy really knows how to hide his illegal business.  We need more information regarding the human trafficking and the people that owned Khanyi’s company before her, know nothing.
Bandile:  maybe we should investigate from a different prospective.
Andile:  which would be?
Qhawe:  investigate overseas. The people were being shipped overseas right.  Start investigating from the destinations of his shipments.  (Lwazi walks, where was he?)
Lwazi:  we have a problem
Eddie:  what kind of a problem, what happened with the call
Lwazi:  he is not backing down, he is going to fight back and Sima is trying kill you Khanyi.
Me:  honestly what is it with these women and trying to kill me?
Eddie:  this is not good.
Me:  can someone please bring me Sima, I need to deal with her.
Qhawe:  what do you mean deal with her, just let us handle this.
Andile:  Qhawe leave it alone, let her do it trust me you don’t want to go there.
Qhawe:  Actually I do.  She is not going to deal with her, we are going to handle this.
Me:  I want everyone out of this kitchen, I need to talk to my man alone.
Andile:  I told to leave it alone.  Let’s go guys (he looks at Qhawe and shakes his head as they walk out)
Me:  Qhawelomzi Mtimkhulu (and I here Lwazi cursing) understand this, I am going to deal with Simamkele whether you like it or not and I am going to deal with her my way.  Don’t tell me that you  guys are going to handle this.  These two idiots are messing with my life and you want to sit here and twiddle my thumbs. That’s not going to happen.  (he gets up from his seat, stands in front of me, he lifts me, puts on the kitchen counter, he stands between my legs and takes my arms puts them around his neck and holds me close to me.)
Qhawe:  You know I love you right and I need you to listen to me this time.
Me:  No Qhawe, I am going to deal with her because if I don’t she is going to think that she can walk all over me. And I am not trying to disrespect you, you need to let me do this Que. Let’s not discuss it.  (he tries to say something but I just kiss him to shut him up)  I love you too(he kisses me again)
“guys come on we eat in this kitchen, go to your bedroom.  This is the second time we are catching in the kitchen.”  That was Banele
Me:  Aren’t you supposed to be on campus.
Twins: we are on our way.
Bandile(twin):  don’t change the subject missy. Lonwabo was right, we need to set some house rules for you guys and grandpa is here, do you really want him to be seeing you like this.  The uncles are used to already even us as kids we are used to seeing you like this and you seem to forget that there are kids in this house who do not need to any of this and  you are going to traumatise the old man.
Loyiso:  Who are you calling old?  Leave my kids alone.  (everyone just laughs)

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