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It is now the 1st of May, everything has been going well with everyone.  Khaya’s lobola negotioations went well.  At least he wasn’t charged too much.  After those negotions it was Bandile and his, after him it was Luyanda.  In two weeks time the couples will be getting married.  They opted to have a double wedding and Khaya and Lungi are getting married end of July.  Everyone is busy with wedding plans.  Khaya and Lina had to go to the Eastern Cape and Nkosikhona’s family did the IMBELEKO for them, they were asked to spend a few days there after the ceremony and in that two days Nokhaya did something that Nkosikhona should have done a long time ago.  She introduced them to her two kids who are younger than them, Amandla and Siyabonga.  It seems like they are going to have a good relationship but only time will tell.

After the revelation of Lwazi and Bandile’s past, the family has become even more united.  They also shared their stories with kids since they wanted to be part of their project and that was a very sad moment.  The girls couldn’t control their tears.  This was lesson for them, a lesson that not only females get raped, males get raped too.  the girls are starting their campaign soon.  “STAND UP FOR A GOOD MAN” that’s what they call it.  It is inspired by the men sourrounding them, the men in their lives.  Everyone is also pitching in on this one and they plan to make it a nation  wide project encouraging all the men who have been through abuse or are being abused to speak up and break their silence.

Lonwabo and Sibahle are first year students at varsity and they are doing well so far and exams are coming up soon as well as Lina.
The lobola has been paid.  Negotiations were two months back.  Mom tried to make things difficult demanding the money to go to her but dad put her in her place telling her that she’s not getting a cent out of that money.  Dad put the money in a trust for me so that I can continue with my studies.  Not a single cent is going to be spent on the wedding.  He said he can afford to pay for the wedding.  I am now traditionally Mrs Sondlo since he paid the lobola but we are not living together.  He said we would live together after the wedding.  I still live with my dad but now Khaya is allowed to come over and I go over to his place freely and it’s been good.  I’m out shopping with Lwandle.  We are now sitting at Wimpy having lunch and there she is, the last person I expected to see and she is coming to our table. This woman doesn’t even greet.
Her:  You know you’ll never be good enough for him.  you are not his type.
Me:  is that so?  Then why am I married to him and not you?
Lwandle:  Lungi who is this?
Me:  Zukiswa, Khaya’s ex.  We call her Barbie
Lwandle:  it suits her.  Look sisi we are busy here, so step off before I beat that make up off you.
Her:  Oh please, you won’t do anything to me.  As for you I still say you are not good for him.  (Lwandle was about to say something and I stopped her.  she must just let me handle this and besides she’s pregnant she can’t go around beating people.  Dad would kill me if I let her do that.  Just as I was about to say something Khaya walked in with Mcebisi.  I swear those two are tied to the hip.  They immediately walk over to us.)
Mcebisi:  Oh look what we have here.  Ladies how are you doing?  (he asks kissing my cheek and Lwandle.  Khaya does the same and looks at Zukiswa.  I swear if looks could kill she would be dead.) You look familiar, have we met?  Oh wait I remember you. You are the Barbie.  What are you doing here, congratulating the new Mrs, they look good together don’t they?
Her:  it won’t last.
Mcebisi:  hayibo how do you know, are you God now?  anyway just leave, the sight of you is exhausting.  (she looks at Khaya hoping he is going to say something)
Khaya:  Since you are looking at me like you want me to say something, I might as well say something.  Zukiswa this Lungiswa, my life, my heart the new Mrs Sondlo.  Stay away from her, if you see her turn the other way.  As from today, if you so much as say a single word to her, we are going to have a problem. That means leave her alone or else. (she looks at me and clicks her tongue)
Mcebisi:  I would do as he says if I were you, I don’t have the same patience as him when it comes to taking out trash.
Lwandle:  Leave sisi. (she looked at all of us and walked off.)
Khaya:  What did she want?
Lwandle:  She was telling Lungi that she is not good for you
Khaya:  I guess she thinks she is.  Babe look at me.  If you were not good for me, if I didn’t love as much as I do, if I didn’t see a future with you I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me.
Mcebisi:  we need to deal with  her once and for all
Khaya:  I know.  I’m tired of her talking trash to Lungi every chance she gets.  It is time I deal with her now.
Me:  What are you going to do to her?
Mcebisi:  don’t worry your pretty little head about that Mrs Sondlo.  You just relax and we’ll take the trash out for you.
Lwandle:  You truly belong in this family.  You just spokelike them. Your mother would be proud.
Mcebisi:  why is it that everyone gets surprised by actions.  I was meant to be part of this family.  Look at me and Khaya we get along like a house on fire.  You would swear I was the one married to him.
Khaya:  too bad I don’t do man otherwise you would make a good partner. 
Mcebisi:  I know darling, I know.  (he says imitating a girl’s voice and waiving his hand around.  We all just laugh.  Mcebisi is crazy.)
I walk into my parent’s room and they were both sitting on the couch cuddling.  I guess the babies are sleeping.  I feel bad interrupting this moment.
ME:  hey guys
Dad (Qhawe):  Wabo, what’s up?
Mom:  Hey you. You are back.
Me:  yes mom.  Dad can I talk you please.
Dad:  Sure thing.  Have a sit.
Me:  Mom can you please give us a moment if you don’t mind
Mom:  My own son kicking me out of my bedroom, nc nc nc.
ME:  drama mama (I give her a warm smile and thank her.  she kisses my forehead as she walks out.)
Dad I have a problem.
Dad:  What’s wrong?
Me:  My nightmare are back again, it’s been a month now.  it’s always the same thing.  It’s always like he is back into our lives and it’s nothing but hell.  Terrorising us especially mom.  Everything he did to her, I see it all over again in my dreams.
Dad:  When exactly did they start again?
ME:  after Unlce Bandile and uncle Lwazi told us about what happened to them.  After that I kept wondering what would have happened to us if mom didn’t take it all herself. I know she left him to protect us.  I know that if she didn’t do what she did it would have escalated.  I know he could never physically abuse us because mom made a deal with him.
Dad:  how do you know that Lonwabo?
Me:  I heard her telling uncle Sizwe one day.  He had called to check up on us and she was telling him what was happening.  I went up to her room to check on her as I usually did after Banzi left for his usual trips.  She doesn’t know I know.  I never told anyone.  You are the first person I told.
Dad:  You know Wabo, I know that what I am about to say is not what you want to hear but sometimes what we don’t want to hear is what we need to hear.  It’s not the easiest thing to do but you need to forgive him.  He doesn’t even need to know that you have forgiven him.  You will only find peace once you forgive.  Yes you won’t forget what happened but you will have peace.  You are having these nightmares because you are not at peace.  Forgive and you’ll have peace.  I will never know how you feel about what happened because I have never been in that situation but I can understand how you feel and I can understand that it was not easy for you to go through such but you don’t have to go through those things anymore.  You will never experience that again and the difference this time is that you guys are surrounded by love all around.  It is not just your mother that’s showing you love, it’s a whole bunch of people, me, my kids who became your siblings, your uncles and your grand parents.  You are safe now.  You are with people who will do anything to protect you from that kind of pain.  For your own peace, forgive him.
Me:  I know dad but it’s not easy, it’s really not easy.  I think of all the pain he put us through especially mom, think about how she still has scars on her body that remind her of what happened. It hurts all over again dad.  My therapist said the same thing you are saying and I told him I would try but it’s not easy.
Dad:  Please try, it is for your own good.  The reason your mom has been able to move on is because she forgave him and found peace. 
ME:  To be honest when you and mom started dating I was scared that you might be the same as him but as time went on you proved to be different.
Dad:  not all men are the same son and I don’t ever want you to allow yourself to fall under the umbrella of bad men,  Men who don’t know how to treat women and kids. No matter what how people treat you, never allow them to change who you are.
Me:  don’t worry dad.  I’m one of the good guys and besides I learn from the best.
Dad:  I’m happy to hear that.  Do you want me to go with you to your therapy session tomorrow ?
Me:  I would appreciate that.  Thank you for listening and for the advice.
Dad: Anytime.  Come here.  (he hugs me.)  I love you.
Me:  I love you too.

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