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I’m in my office pacing up and down, I can’t keep calm, Luyanda is on the one sitter couch watching me.  He knows not to say anything when I’m like this.  I’m angry, this man is really testing my limits, the mere fact that I don’t know what he wants from me at this moment is driving me crazy. It’s bad enough that I found out yesterday that he is a criminal.  How did I not see it, 17 years with him, how did I miss it, there must have been signs. I really want to kill this man, but how am I going to look at my kids knowing I killed their father.
Luyanda:  Khanyi please sit down, you’ve been pacing up and down for 30 minutes now and it’s giving me a headache. Calm down please.
Me:  I can’t believe you just told me to calm down.  I have just been served with papers suing me for full custody of my kids, and the judge you trust, Judge Smith won’t be presiding over the case.  Which judge are we getting, probably a judge he bought. The man is pushing me to play dirty and you busy telling me to calm down.
Luyanda:  I understand, but we can’t discuss this with you like this.  I’m not the enemy, I am here to help.  I’ve never seen you like this, in the 3 years that I’ve been your lawyer I have never seen you like this.
Me:  that’s because, nothing ever involved my kids.  He’s hitting me where it hurts the most Luyanda. (He picks up his phone and makes a call. “Get in here”, he says and hangs up.) We are going to work it out.  You won’t lose your kids I promise you that.
Me:  I know it won’t take him long to find out where we stay, I can’t hide forever .  Luyanda the guys can’t even find out what he used the company for.
Luyanda:  Why don’t you just sign the company over to him?
Me:  Luyanda uqhunyiwe (are you high)?  First of all when I bought that company it had illegal activities attached to it, over the years I’ve cleaned it  up, stopped the illegal activities and it‘s blossoming and now you telling to give it away.  I don’t know if you forgot that one the activities was human trafficking, people got arrested because of me and I knew that I was safe, I knew no one would find out I never thought the person to find out would my ex-husband.  If you have nothing useful to say, just shut up.  (He tries to say something but Andile walks in.)
Andile:  What’s going on?
Luyanda:  She’s spitting fire and I can’t keep her calm, I seem to be making her angry more. Deal with her please, calm her.
Andille:  Khanyi talk to me
Me:  What do you want me to say Andile, he’s hitting me where it hurts the most and I’m sure the judge that will be handling the case is a judge he bought.
Andile:  Luyanda what happened to Smith.
Luyanda:  He is out of the country.
Andile:  Great just great.
Me:  Andile I can’t take this anymore.  (He walks over to me and just hugs me tight)
Andile:  It’s time to go home, so why don’t I take you home, we hit the gym and let that anger out.
He lets go of me and I gather my things and we all leave.


I need to call Qhawe and make arrangements to see them before they start with their exams, I know he won’t let me see them when they start with exams. I really need to my relationship with my kids, maybe things can also work out with Qhawe.  Yes, I’m seeing someone but Qhawe, I miss having a family, I miss living under the same roof as my kids.  My boyfriend walks in:
Him:  Hey
Me: How are you?
Him:  I’m good but you look like you have a lot on your mind, what’s eating you?
Me:  I’m just missing my kids, that’s all.
Him:  Why don’t you call them?
Me:  I will tonight, I have to speak to their father about getting them this weekend.
Him:  Baby we have the business gala dinner this weekend, on Saturday.
Me:  I’m sorry, I forgot about that.  Oh my God, I don’t even have a dress.
Him:  We can go shopping now if you want but before we go I want to talk to you about something
Me:  ok I’m listening
Him:  When we started out, I didn’t want anything serious I just wanted to have fun, but now I’m falling you, I’m developing strong feelings, I don’t know if it’s love but I know I’m feeling something and I know you still have a thing for your ex-husband, but I want you to give me a chance to make you happy, help you get your life together.  You don’t have to say anything right now, just think about it.  (I smile and nod.)  Come let’s go get that dress.
I grab my phone and my bag and we leave.  As we drive to the mall’ I’m lost in my thoughts.  I didn’t realise he had feelings for me and he knows i still have feelings for Qhawe.  Maybe I should just forget about Qhawe and focus on my kids and this guy next to me.  Maybe Qhawe has moved on, maybe he hasn’t, I don’t know, arghhh.  Before I forget let me call Qhawe.  Babe do you mind if I make a call, he looks at me smile and nods.  This guy has a beautiful smile.
Qhawe:  Anelisa
Me:  hi, I would like to see the kids on Sunday, take them out for lunch or something.
Qhawe:  We have plans on Sunday Anelisa and they have their own plans for Saturday, why don’t you call them and see if you can do dinner Friday.
Me:  Oh I see.  Thanks, I’ll call them. Bye (I hang up)
Him:  and?
Me:  They have plans on Saturday and Sunday, he suggested I speak to them about dinner Friday night.
Him:  well there’s still an opportunity, so call them tonight and see.
We get to the mall and start looking for a perfect dress and find it.  A beautiful straight cut long baby blue dress with a slit with silver sandals.  We also go and fetch and suit and grab something to eat.


I received a message from Khanyi earlier telling me she received the custody papers from Zwelibanzi, I need to call her, I haven’t spoken to her, I’m sure she is not ok.  Today was just busy, in and out of meeting the whole day, most of them were new clients and I’m sure she hates me right now, at least I’m done for the day. I call her and it rings unanswered.  I’ll try her later again.  Let me go home, I don’t feel like cooking today, maybe we’ll order in.  I drive home and when I get there the girls are cooking with Mam’ Nkosi.  This woman does a lot of work in this house and still wants to cook.  I’ve told her so many times that we can manage the cooking but she never listens. 
Me:  hello everyone
The girls:  Daddy, Dad
Mam’ Nkosi:  Molo ndodana
Sibahle:  Dinner is almost ready
Bandile:  You’ve been saying that for the past 10 minutes, I’m hungry.
Sibahle:  You should’ve cooked then.
Me:  Let me go change first, I’ll bath after dinner. (My phone rings as I walk upstairs to my room and it’s my lady.)
Me:  Hello beautiful
Her:  Hello handsome, I see you tried calling me
Me:  yes I did.  I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier, my day was just hectic with meetings.  I got your message, are you ok?
Her:  Not really Que, he knows me Que, he knows I’ll do anything for my kids. I don’t want to say anything to the kids and they can see I’m not ok, it’s enough that they know he is back, anything else they don’t need to know.
Me:  I understand you. Where are the kids now?  Did Khaya speak to you about this projects he wants to start with his brothers and the twins.
Her:  They’ll be down in a minute for dinner, yes he did, I think we can listen to the pitch on Thursday, if you are available.
Me:  Thursday afternoon is fine. We are also about to have dinner, I’m in my room changing.
Her:  Can you sneak out after you done with the kids.  I would but I’m being watched like a hawk in this house.
Me:  I definitely can.  I’ll see you in two hours.
Her:  Two hours it is then.  See you later handsome.
Me:  Later beautiful.
I head to the kitchen and they are all here waiting for me. 
Bandile:  Dad what took you so long, we’ve been waiting
Me:  I had to take an important call.
Bandile:  Is she ok, Khaya told us what happened.
Me:  she’ll be fine, she is a strong woman.  How did you know I was talking to her?
Bandile:  I heard you talking, when I went to call you.
Me:  I see.  Let’s eat, we have homework to do, right ladies and exams are starting next week.  Are you guys ready?
Sibahle: Yes dad we are.  Dad there’s something we would like to talk to you about.
Me:  What’s that Princess?
Sibahle:  We were talking before you got home, well we would like to spend the holidays at Khanyi’s house, since we know about her already and we know she has kids, we would like to spend the holidays getting to know them.
Lisakhanya:  yes dad and I spoke to Lwanele about it and she said she would speak to her mom and it turns out we all go to the same school.
Me:  I didn’t know they went to Redwood.  Look I don’t know guys, I think it’s too soon, but I’ll speak to her and find out besides they probably have plans already for the holidays.
Lisakhanya:  Please dad, if they say no, we’ll understand.
Me:  and if I say no?
Zenande:  We’ll understand.
Me:  you do know that you are supposed to go to the Eastern Cape to your grandparents.
Sibahle:  We know dad, maybe we can divide the holiday. Half here and half in the Eastern Cape.
Me:  You guys really thought about this
The girls:  yes.
I guess the boys have no say in this since they are quiet. We eat, the boys clean up the kitchen while I help the girls with homework.  When all is done everyone is in their rooms, I leave.  I get to Khanyi’s place I call her to open the door, don’t want to wake people by ringing the doorbell.  She opens for me and just throws herself at me and I just hold her tight while we are standing at the door, she’s crying.  I whisper in her ear to jump and she does and I lift her, carry her inside closing the door behind me and I walk upstairs to her room, I sit down on the bed with her still crying in my arms.
Me:  It’s going to be ok my love.
Khanyi:  I hate him Que (she says wiping her tears, even when she cries she looks beautiful,
She needs a destruction.  She is sitted on my lap with her legs still wrapped around my waist and she is looking at me not saying anything like she is thinking sometheing.)
Khanyi:  Que
Me:  Yes my lady
Khanyi:  Can you sleep over, I just want you to hold me while I sleep.
Me:  I can do that, are you sure though?
Khanyi:  yes I’m sure (she kisses me, like it’s the last time and I’m enjoying it. We lay in her bad watching movies, talking about everything except Zwelibanzi.  She eventually falls asleep in my arms.)

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